Aka The Hippocratic Crush.
They won't show the organ they will just show the equipment.
The only thing they will show closest to flesh is how to sew the wound. =/
But I like the house those intern stays.
I cried, I laugh, it's so Hong Kong.
Being in India for 6 months, I miss watching Hong Kong drama during dinner time. =)
The examination that they perform and the diagram that they show was OK.
I like the percussion and examination part.
It's basically a drama to let people know more about general knowledge about what department a hospital has, how everything works, and about health, the attitude a doctor should possess, the positive thinking that should be registered in everyone's mind.
I like! I'm glad that I'm so over this drama. I can't watch drama. I can, but I can't wait for the next episode. So every time when I want to watch a drama, I will look for the least episode one. So that I can finish it quick. The most important episode for me is of course the last episode.
I am so frustrated this afternoon because I can't connect to internet. I need to watch the last episode online. So I can't wait for the internet to get connected. After turning on and off my laptop for 3 times, finally I can connect to the internet. The feeling when you finally get something that you really want. It's very touching. =')
Well, for me is not that romantic because I found internet connection only.
Alright, I'm suppose to be studying now. Toodles!
Just wanna share my opinion after watching this drama.
So that I can truly get over it. =P
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