Thursday 30 June 2011

Daddy sleeping, Mummy working, Sister studying, All mine blogging!

I've always wanted to be someone that is fashionable... Still trying to be though   =(
But something inside of me always wanted a change. I knew it was impossible because of my family... But it's not wrong to have a dream!  =) 

I wanted to have a cool life. Like, learning guitar, using branded things, drive cool car, having my OWN locker, design my own room using expensive house deco sticker and so much more. Having a bedroom with balcony and bathroom attached, fully equip with fluffy comfy queen sized bed (I don't like King size, it's too big for me), furry carpet, all white wooden furniture. Oh my, just imagine that. An apple macbook, a white one of course! Lying on my fluffy bed full of pillows.  ><! I love it!

Open the closet and you will see clothes hanging according to color using wooden hanger  =) 
You can't find any folded clothes because I hate to folded clothes. It will just make all the clothes gets wrinkled up. Urgh! 

The curtain will be soft, semi-transparent and white. I like my room to be furnished in white because white looks classy, romantic, bright and clean   ^-^  When the wind blows, the smell of summer, sunlight and nature will fill up my room. The curtain will move, I can picture myself sitting by my study table, holding a cup of hot chocolate and looking out the window trying to see who is passing by my balcony. It's like I'm in a drama! *fascinating*

I will still hold on to this dream (of course) and I will try to fulfill my dream little by little *smiling* 
And this post will always remind me of what I want and what is my hearts desire. 

Love by,
All mine

Wednesday 29 June 2011

My post just disappeared! T_T

I just typed a very very long bio-data of myself and when I posted it, only 4 words appeared. WTH =.='''

What a filial piety ME!

I'm now at my grandmother's house. Taking care of her. Reality says: "Boo! Stop bullshitting! You were there just because you wanted to go online so that you can post, facebook, tweet and do whatever you want without being nagged by your mom! Shame of you!"

Yup, I admit. Haha! The only thing I do here is online. But my dearest grandma needed my company. And that's what she want. No matter what am I doing, she just wanted me here. Aww... I love grandma. <3

Grandma is being so nice to me! I wonder what she wants *wondering* She is not that nice to me last time. I guess I'm more and more important to her after grandpa passed away. What a pity. I never see grandma cried before and I saw her cry right after grandpa died up to five times!

What will happen if one of your family member or your dearest, closest person passed away? Will you be sad, lonely, happy, ecstatic or grey?

Thanks to my lovely roommates whom we discuss everything including death, we even discussed whether we want to be buried or cremate, how our funeral should be and what to do during each others funerals. I miss them so much.

So, I'm here with my grandma. Hoping that she enjoys everyday and be happy and stay healthy. I don't want anyone to leave me when I am not in Malaysia. Not when I'm not around! That's a big NO. Definitely.

Thanks for reading this post and being patient with me   =)
I will post my next post right about 2 minutes later. I'm going to feed my dog! Crotchet!

So much of unluckiness ='(

My dearest laptop just dead. I can't on my laptop! I'd been trying for like seven times. But it's still under coma! I don't want my first "lappy" to have any accident... Please don't die!

Things that reminds me of you

To: My course mate, friends, college mate and my dearest roommates =)

Fully accessorized Indian girls reminds me of those crazy, loud, talking non-stop, funny, sociable course mates.
Weird yet nicely dressed noob looking student reminds me of my college mate.
Quiet, smart, discipline and obedient student reminds me of my KL friends.
Tap tap revenge, Ipod touch, Nike shoes, Lady Gaga, Shane Dawson, Katy Perry, herbal tea, Udon mee, TCM, 1U, taxi, techno music, speakers, music box, Jaya One, Monster Bites, cosmetics, fashion magazine from Taiwan or Japan, dust, cents, laughter, and many many many more things reminds me of my dearest roommates.

I can't wait to see you all again! I miss you all so so so much.   ='(
It's so unfair! Can't I decide my own destiny?
The most pathetic thing is that I can't feel any excitement where ever I go without you guys.
Shopping, even window shopping is not fun at all! I rather stay home that saw shops that will remind me of you all. Seeing the things that you all like/want. It's killing me!
Love you guys always. Will never forget about you all because I can't! 

People~! See? This is what best friends were. They can never forget each other. They can't survive properly when they're parted. And it's a cruel thing to do. 

All about me!

As you all know, I'm new to blogger. So, I'm gonna post and post because I am so excited about it.
To let you all know more about me, here you go!

I am the eldest in my family. I had a 3 years old sister that will drive me crazy YET she is also very adorable.
I am mostly nothing yet I know something. @.@ weirdo!
I said that because I know how to sing, ballet, play piano, violin, cook, draw, paint, color, walk, eat, drink, use the toilet, breathe and many more... LOL!
My hobby is sleeping because I like to dream. I never had terrible nightmare before (lucky me) Ya... well, I'm proud of it. *smile*
My favorite singer is Demi Lovato. That's why I put her picture (ignore the fact that I'm ugly) o.0    
I like Demi because she is very natural and I like her personality - strong and confident.
What I hate for being myself is that I am very lazy, all my friends said that   x[
And, finding excuses to everything that I don't like or lazy to do.
I hate the point that I love myself too much. Huh?! Means that I will not push myself and that's why I can't improve! (that's pathetic)   ='(
I'm a professional in running away from problems. I knew that something was happening but everyone thought that I don't. Kinda like a spy, but a lazy one. Hah! Whatever.
I think I'm bipolar, tripolar or even more! I looked like a sweet, kind, honest, bla bla bla teen. But I'm not!
I'm wild, sometimes I lie, erm, can't think of anything else. So I guess I'm still a good girl huh?
Ok, trying to improve! Improving...

My weird fact:

  • I can't drink more than 8 cups of water a day (no matter how hard I try)
  • My brain will pound vigorously without any reason
  • I can score good grades without even working hard (I felt guilty)
  • I can eat a lot but sometimes I can't. It fluctuates!
  • Sometimes I don't know what I'm doing   @.@

That's all for now. My dad is walking around and I will NOT want him to see my blog! My mom read my diary and that's why I don't want to let my dad see my blog as well! Huh!

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Yes, It's mine

This is my official first blog. 

To me, having a blog is passing up an essay to the world. The only thing that is different is that I can write everything I want to by ignoring what someone might think. By reading someone else's blog, I got envy. Because their grammar, vocabulary is GOOD! And that's also what I am afraid about. My grammar and vocabulary. So lazy to know what is right or wrong, I can't help by having my own blog. To connect with the world and in the same time, have my own world. =) 

Ah... I'm going to write a lot! (according to my standard) 

I just visited some one's blog yesterday. It's a she. She decorated her blog perfectly! I'm so jealous that I wanted my own blog too! Thanks to her.

I'm going to post up more of my crazy ideas, feelings or any story that happen to me because there is no hiding with someone out there! XD