Saturday 19 November 2011

Good news, Bad news.

Good news = we placed 3rd in the singing competition yesterday.
Bad news = I kinda "screwed up" my spotter's exam.

But I did my best to study all the insertion and origin of the muscles and none of them came out. So, ... *speechless*
Disappointed of course! But that's okay. =')

Just gained experience and I just need to pay more attention in Dissection class and snap more photos!!! xD
Okay, I'm actually in my friend's room now. (C's room)
So, I can't blog "that" much and my battery is about to die soon? (25mins)
I'm going down to take my food now. So bye~
Love you! <3

Friday 18 November 2011


Going to have sing later! Singing competition! Best part is, Spotters is tomorrow. @_@
Don't worry, singing won't distract me. I'm releasing stress and contributing a little "ability" to boost up our inter-batch score.

I'm wondering what to wear to the competition. I think I'll wear the black top if they approve. o.0
Haha! I'm not a good singer. I'm just being somewhat a backup singer in the group. But at least I had fun around with people that like music.

Don't know what's wrong with me, but I always take part in "something" at the beginning of my 1st year. Maybe I wanted to enjoy the first year, semester, block??? I'm not sure myself.

Being a medical student must really sacrifice their sleeping hour. Although we have enough slept on a special, magical, occasional day, but it just seems like that "good night sleep" is nothing! I didn't sacrifice my sleeping hour. I just stayed up late. And, just by doing that, I looked like my eyeliner is still on my eye and they went all over my eyes. *sigh*

I'm going to make library "my second home". This is my new timetable. Read carefully.
If class ended early, library.
5.15pm, jogging.
6.15pm, online, Skype.
6.50pm, bathe.
7.30pm, dinner.
8.30pm, library.
11.00pm, sleep.
Is this okay?
5.30am, wake up.
7.30am breakfast.
8.00am class.

Just got the news from a senior that after our block exam, the 2nd block will start the next day itself!
So, I can't shop in Mangalore and celebrate Leader S's birthday? T_T
That's pathetic. My plan is ruined by this "punctual" university.
Oh well, I'm need to get moving so that I can make it to the singing rehearsal in time.

Bye, and I can't wait for your birthday Leader S! Love you~ Love you too Blur S  Don't be jealous. It's not your birthday YET! ^^ 

Saturday 12 November 2011


I found out my weak point, once I left library, I can't do anything in my room. I can't study in my room, I feel sleepy in my room which leads to less concentration.

But, I certainly did a good job in library. So, I'll be going there often without being labelled as a nerd. @_@

I'm going to library today. Again. Doing Embryology and Biochemistry. =)
Hope everything went well!

People just commented on my profile picture. And in that picture, my face can't be seen clearly. And yet they say that I'm pretty. LOL! Fake. And if they just look close enough, my eye is accompanied by eye bags and I look like a zombie with an exceptionable good mood. =O
So yea, fake people!!!

Going to pack my notes now. Getting prepare to immerse in the gaining knowledge atmosphere! =D

Physiology practical

Out of so many reports, (Histology, Biochemistry journal and Physiology practical), Physiology practical is the most hectic and time consuming one. Even till now, I haven't finish my practical record book because I left out some pages. So, I need to complete them soon. =(

Writing and doing all the questions in the record book is not a problem. The only problem is, my dearest "light eraser" is going to be bald soon.
Favorite eraser. Effortless. 
Pity my eraser. And I still can't find this eraser in India. I won't use other eraser. I don't like!!! =(
Here's how much my eraser suffered when I'm trying to complete my Physiology practical.   

Look at those! And my hair too! Alopecia...
Eraser dust scattered all over.

Love the smell of the pencil. It reminds me of my childhood.

** And good news people. I scored a high mark today (physiology class test) compared to my other class testes. 79% XP

The lights that make us neglected the moon

I'm here, alone, in my room, at 1.30am, sitting on the bed, blogging.

Today, there's a convocation held. The whole Manipal was decorated with lights just for this event. The students deserved it. I mean, come on, they survived! The whole KMC green were full of graduates and parents. You much look at the way they toss their hat. <3 And how well they dressed up, the look on the parent's face. How proud were they, they way they're staring at their children's certificate. *aww*

I'm so touched by all this. Stood in the middle of the field. Surrounded by people. Happy people. My mood was lightened up by them. =) I can really get use of "that" atmosphere. People tossing hats, snapping pictures, trying to get their best shot. It's not about best dress, prom queen, homecoming queen, etc. In fact, it's about celebrating that their study life is over and they're going to work. To earn their own money and start supporting their family. The "student" role is finally over. This time, it is for real. Student role, over. =D

Here, look at the way they decorated the University compound. <3

Favorite building =)

No one will notice the moon

Such a cute family. The parents are so proud of their son.
I wanna graduate too! (who doesn't) 
I'm very happy right now. I'm doing the right thing and I treasure every minutes of my life. And the best part was, I did my job well. I went to library and get use to the study feeling... Surrounded by nerds. Here, people that go to library is not nerd at all. They're smart people that know how to use the facilities. I'm serious. Life here is different. For me, there's only six days per week. And Sunday only have 12 hours instead of 24 hours. Why did I said so? I'm not sure too. but I definitely felt this way. 

Alright, gonna end this post. I hope that everyone will be happy everyday. So do I. 

Tuesday 8 November 2011


Remember that day that I blogged about the "Gold Facial"

Here's some picture =)
Can you see the "blink-ness"? My face shone after that! 

Wow... don't know what product are they using. But hopefully is face-friendly

I need more time!

Exam is getting near. Different "style" of exams ARE near. We're having OSPE, spotters, Physio class test, Anat class test 3 and last but not least, BLOCK exam. =)

Yea... And we are very very lucky to have a wonderful Dissection table teacher that is willing to do revision for us. <3
So, as a student, we are also suppose to put in effort here. But but you know, there's so many subjects and we really had not enough time to do revision, prepare for next day's classes and do extra reading. So... I'll try my best to  do what I can.

I don't want to sacrifice my sleeping hour and develop panda eye. Hmm... How how? Tell me!!! Hehe!

I'm going to sing. To release stress. =)
So, I'm going to sing now. Lol!

Monday 7 November 2011

love love love

I'm currently in a "love" state. I love someone. Which might be loving me too. but he never express it out. I certainly hope that he like me back. But why didn't he do anything to express he's love?! T-T

Kinda disappointed. But well, I'm fine. But still liking him. =)

Everyone is searching for their "another half" recently. Some of them got it. Some of them have it. Some of them like me, still searching for it. Bla bla bla...

I know non of you want to listen my sad love story. So, here's my motivated study story!

Since I'm kinda the in the lost world in whenever I'm talking about love. So, I rather stick on to what I know best. Studying! So, I'm being down because of him not talking to me for 5 days. i start converting the 'negative electrons" to my books.

I studied. And I understand. The only way to make me feel better is being smart. ;)
Being smart and know something makes me feel good about myself.
No harm entertaining myself right? xD

Tonnes of class test is coming up and I'm gonna be so tired of them. My solutions is, do what I can and do my best. Since all of them only contributes 7% to my Final Exam. So, don't be stress and gain experience from the pass. Of course I will still try my best. The only difference is, STRESS-FREE!

I totally dig the marking system. =)
So student friendly.

OMG! I'm so in love!!! Help... *drowning*
I don't want to spend my entire life fantasizing him coming over and talk to me. Ish...
Gonna stop this love infection!

Happy Hari Raya Haji!!!

Thank God we are Malaysians. So that we have HOLIDAYSSS!!!
I need this holiday so much!!! And yet there's people saying that they want class today. Ish...
End up, majority wins! =) Good side ALWAYS wins. <3

I went to Naturals and did a "Gold Facial" this afternoon and my face is literally glowing right now! *so happy*
After the book reading, revision-ing, glee watching and answering the questions in the practical journal, it's time to reward myself. PLUS, I drew a chart about arteries in Lower Limb!!! Such a achievement okay? *proud*
I totally deserve it right? xP

So, I'm so thankful that we have holiday so that we can take a break from class tests, OSPE, spotters and BLOCK EXAM. *relief*

; Let me give your heart a break, your heart a break, let me give your heart a break, your heart a break, oh yeah yeah. =D

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Blush blush blushing!!!

Had a really great time tonight. =)

Seriously, I'm blushing. =P

I don't know. I took pictures and one of them is like OMG wey, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber?! Whatever.
I had a feeling that mummy is SO gonna ask about this. 0_0

But I'm happy lar... *can't stop smilling*

It's a night of photos. Kept on taking lots and lots of photo with many different people. Group photos, 2 -7ppl... A lot! XD

Still excited!!!

Love it!