Monday 7 November 2011

love love love

I'm currently in a "love" state. I love someone. Which might be loving me too. but he never express it out. I certainly hope that he like me back. But why didn't he do anything to express he's love?! T-T

Kinda disappointed. But well, I'm fine. But still liking him. =)

Everyone is searching for their "another half" recently. Some of them got it. Some of them have it. Some of them like me, still searching for it. Bla bla bla...

I know non of you want to listen my sad love story. So, here's my motivated study story!

Since I'm kinda the in the lost world in whenever I'm talking about love. So, I rather stick on to what I know best. Studying! So, I'm being down because of him not talking to me for 5 days. i start converting the 'negative electrons" to my books.

I studied. And I understand. The only way to make me feel better is being smart. ;)
Being smart and know something makes me feel good about myself.
No harm entertaining myself right? xD

Tonnes of class test is coming up and I'm gonna be so tired of them. My solutions is, do what I can and do my best. Since all of them only contributes 7% to my Final Exam. So, don't be stress and gain experience from the pass. Of course I will still try my best. The only difference is, STRESS-FREE!

I totally dig the marking system. =)
So student friendly.

OMG! I'm so in love!!! Help... *drowning*
I don't want to spend my entire life fantasizing him coming over and talk to me. Ish...
Gonna stop this love infection!

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