Sunday 3 June 2012

All about me 2012

It's been so long since I talked about myself. I know, I know, I talk about myself almost everyday. But hey, in this post, I can officially talk about myself! Haha!

I'm living in India now. Studying MBBS in MMMC, Manipal. It's a tough course. Not much time for me to enjoy life and stay lazy. I'm still surviving here. I'm still breathing, and I'm gonna make it through University Exam, and I'm going back home. That simple.

Just realized that I'm in India for 8 months already. I'm going back to Malaysia. The real test is how much have I grow mentally. How matured I am. In another word, how old is my soul.

We need to view things in other perspective you know? Not being ego, be more understanding, be more caring, and most importantly, don't be judgmental.

I'm the one that likes to be invisible and try to avoid talking to people just because I sucked in socializing. But most of the time, it's the best to face your fear. And there's SDL and PBL presentation specially designed for human like me. Introvert.

Right now, I just want to live healthy and stay alive. I miss my family a lot. After being away from them, I kinda miss them. Had the worst homesick experience on 2nd June, 3am. Now, I know, missing home is one of the characteristic of becoming old. No youngsters will want to stay with their family. xD

Everyone have expectations, and expectations will only be there according to your level. Not too high, not too low. Expectation is at the level that you can cope. So expectation is positive. Human have the power to do things. No matter how impossible it seems, we human can just do it. Because we have the power. It's just that we have another power called laziness. If we know how to deal with the laziness, we can do almost anything. ;)

My mom thought she brought me up well. She's confident in me. She have faith in me that I can make my own decision and live my own life. The thing that she don't know is, I hate her during one period of my life. I'm still a baby. I need her support. But since my mom is believing in me, I'll try my best to make her proud.

Trying my best is never gonna happen. Because I'm a lazy pig. But just think of the human around us. They are there around us for some reason. So we'll either love them or hate them. I choose to love them. Turn them into positive energy and learn from them.

Enjoy learning, love learning, gaining knowledge feels good. =')

I just wanted to say that I grew up.
I'm unshockable and I love life. 

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