Wednesday 13 June 2012

Back to Primary school

t's monsoon, it's all wet, cold and humid.
This is when school holiday is around the corner. So less study is going on, more fun is happening during monsoon season. <3

Remember those days that we are still a Primary student and we are all excited about the rain? =D

Primary school during monsoon equals to:

  1. bad time management (always late due to the rain)
  2. 100% dependent on my mom
  3. no worries
  4. tonnes of fun
  5. we rule!
  6. umbrellas
  7. waiting for parent's car
  8. eating in the car <3 
  9. snacks
  10. 100% rights to be lazy
  11. time to be a mama's girl ;)
  12. hoping all around avoiding water puddle 
  13. teachers will be late thanks to rain
  14. can make maximum noise (the rain will cover those noise)
  15. time to interact!
  16. naughtiest period in the year
  17. out of control
  18. cuddle 
  19. act like monkeys! 
  20. feel grateful for warm food
  21. sleep
  22. stay on the bed all day (best feeling ever!)
  23. hug mummy
  24. traffics
  25. fallen leaves
That's all that I can come out of. I miss those days. Definitely. Haha! 

When we are young, 
we are much crazier compared to now. 

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