Saturday 29 September 2012

1st week in India after 1 month.

Well, I stop reading novel, started watching dramas and movies. 
Laptop is my best friend. 
I don't leave my room after class, because I'll be sticking onto my laptop. 
I'll try to save money on weekdays but I'll spend more than I save on the weekends (typical). 
I'm still having homesick. 
I'm still sad about leaving my love ones. 
I have a plushie deer with me to remind me of my sister. 
I drink more water compared to last time. 
I have more free time and I have more time to enjoy my breakfast.
My friends are scattered all around the world. I'm not considered single anymore. 
I still love Demi Lovato's music. 
I love Demi Lovato's voice. 
I have junior friends. (unexpectedly). =O
I can stand bathing with cold water. 
I'm learning to be a girl. More like a girl I mean. I AM a girl. -.-


Before starting this post, I just want to say that I'm starting to like my Pharmacology textbook because I can put it under my laptop and start blogging. The height is perfect. ^^

Can't you see the ring on my finger? That's me preparing for my ring which is on it's way from Australia. It's kinda hard to wear the same ring everyday. I can't get use to it at first. I'm trying to. Just to start adapting so I won't take of my official ring. o_o I have Skype dates too. I prefer Facebook chat but crazy Facebook is not really working now. So yes, Skype. :)

I am waiting for the letter for like forever. Not really, but yes, I'm waiting. :(

I'm not single

What? I'm not single? Well, not really. But I'm not that single. =/
It's not easy to be in a relationship with someone but I think I'm ready to proceed further. :)

Lucky him.

I'm worn out today. With numerous functions and things going on today. People to meet, project to discuss, I have breakfast, lunch and dinner dates today. Not to mention Skype dates. Wow. I can't think straight right now. Drowsy, drowsy, drowsy.

First Saturday in 2nd year of MBBS huh? Awesome. =)

I have more movies and songs with me. Which is more fun and less homesick. <3

2nd year will be awesome right? It must be fine. Will all this new things going on. I'll be alright. We'll be alright. All of us will be alright. ;)

Thursday 27 September 2012


Yes, I'm not so single.

I don't like to impress people

I don't impress. I don't like to fake doing things I don't like just to impress some other people. We don't try to impress other animals don't we? It's just human. Human like to impress each other. I'm too lazy to impress other people. I do what I like. I will read novel if I want to. I will eat like a barbarian even though the cafeteria is pack. I will not study and watch movie the whole night. I will not wear makeup to class because I'm too lazy to. 

I don't impress people. I just be myself. Isn't it good enough for me just to be myself? Well, it's good enough for me. :) I don't really care what other people think. But I do care what my family thinks. I hate to admit this but they are in my heart. They are living in one small part in my heart. 

I'm too into myself than to impress other people in this world. I'm too lazy and too tired to try to impress people. I don't care much. So yes, I'm lazy. I'm a lazy girl. I'm just an unhygienic lazy girl. 

Sunday 23 September 2012

There’s a man in my room

Don’t get me wrong, he’s just an I-on guy. Too bad he can’t fix my internet problem. Sigh.
Speaking of my room, I managed to further cute-ify it by adding ladybugs all over my closet, table, bed, washroom, basically everywhere with wood where I can stick it on.
I just love my room. It looked so new, as if no one ever live here for the pass one year.
I’m enjoying my study-less life. I’m still on vacation mood. I’m still eating the snacks that my roomies packed for me.
P/s: I ate the crab noodle the first day itself. It’s so delicious! I love you guys.
See? I have friends that love me so much and I felt so loved. As if nothing ever matters if I’m with them. It’s actually true. Carefree!
Life is not great without internet. I-on guy, come quick!  

Why still single?

I’m not certain whether anyone has ever asked me this question but the answer is, I haven’t found the right one to commit YET.
I’m not anti the idea of being in a relationship but this thing takes time alright? I’m not those that will bump into a guy and set him as my target and try every single way to seduce him until he fell for me and drain his money then break up with him. Woops.
I would rather prefer everything goes slowly following the “flow”. I don’t know. I always think that there’s a Mr. Right for me out there (although I don’t have a single hint where he is). But when the time is right, I’ll meet him then I’ll open my heart to him and hopefully he will too. By that time, I hope that I’ll be happy.
But till now, I’m single. Good news is I’m not desperate. I’m happy in my own state now. Being single is not a sin or a crime. I just love myself so much and I’m not willing to use my money buying gifts for another guy when I can use that amount of money to buy me something!
I am loved by so many other people in my life. I’m not desperate for “the one”. I’m so busy doing my own stuffs! Reading novels, writing, studying, cooking, shopping, you know, all of those stuffs that happens in life.
Of course if someone did appear, I will share my time with him and blah. Commitment much. Urgh.
But now, don’t worry about my love life people (my mom and other up tied relatives). I like guys. Living alone in India is not that hard for me. In fact, I love Manipal! The greatest place on earth I’ve ever been to in my entire life. Settling down like a turtle in its shell in Manipal is what I’m doing now. I love my life. I LOVE my life.
P/s: This post is written one day before the classes start.

We haven’t seen each other in a month

Or… in a year.
It’s a beautiful (Reem) morning and I’m up early. I always like the fact that I woke up early in the morning. So that I don’t feel that I’ve wasted half of my day sleeping.
After a month…
I treat my hostel room nothing more than a hotel room.
I communicate less.
I love the softness of my bed (although it’s not at all soft)
I like the fact that I’m a senior now.
After a year…
I learned to enjoy life.
I say yes to things that my roomies suggested because I can’t bare the feeling of saying no to them. But saying yes always brings good outcome if the yeses is to my roomies. I believe that they’re always right.
I’m a doer now.
I started taking care of my face (in another word, I’m learning how to be a girl)
Well, despite all of this, people change. I change particularly. And I like my change because I know that the new me that I’m becoming is better than the old me. Teehee!

The witch of Portobello

I’m back in this not-so-familiar room with more not-so-familiar novels. I’m neither happy nor thrilled when I reach Manipal. I’m just tired. Tired of leaving my friends and family again. Tired of being alone in India again. The thing is, I hate to see myself alone. I don’t like to see myself alone in the mirror feeling helpless. I dislike the feeling that I need to be confident and strong in front of people even in front of my family members. It’s time to grow up but I don’t want that. I still believe in prince and princess, I still love Disney’s storyline and I still want a happy ending in every story.
I’m back with wonderful memories. I’m richer in heart. Deep down I believe that heart controls our mind and mind is so much greater than brain.
What’s new? Well, I have a new laptop. I love it. It’s white. I love it a lot. Plantzy became a jungle from a small about to wilt aloe vera. There’re more skin products in my closet. I brought back lots of cute stationaries. Most importantly, I’m a different person that I was before.
Now that I know that spending time with love ones means the world to me, I’ll be counting down the day that I can see them again. It feels amazing knowing that people treasure you as much as you do. Lots of love to Leader S and Blur S. You all made my life meaningful.
I still write letter to my friend (singular). I like receiving letters. I feel that writing letter are so romantic and much more warmer than emails and online chatting. Because it is more time consuming and it requires much more thinking and thoughts to write or reply a letter.
My family members are fine. They’re still alive. That’s some good news.
I’m drinking lots of water because I’m still sick. I hate falling sick. But falling sick when love ones are around is a total different story. ;)
Long story short, I love my family, I love Leader S and Blur S, I love my friends back in Malaysia, I love those that love me.
Thanks for the views.