Sunday 23 September 2012

The witch of Portobello

I’m back in this not-so-familiar room with more not-so-familiar novels. I’m neither happy nor thrilled when I reach Manipal. I’m just tired. Tired of leaving my friends and family again. Tired of being alone in India again. The thing is, I hate to see myself alone. I don’t like to see myself alone in the mirror feeling helpless. I dislike the feeling that I need to be confident and strong in front of people even in front of my family members. It’s time to grow up but I don’t want that. I still believe in prince and princess, I still love Disney’s storyline and I still want a happy ending in every story.
I’m back with wonderful memories. I’m richer in heart. Deep down I believe that heart controls our mind and mind is so much greater than brain.
What’s new? Well, I have a new laptop. I love it. It’s white. I love it a lot. Plantzy became a jungle from a small about to wilt aloe vera. There’re more skin products in my closet. I brought back lots of cute stationaries. Most importantly, I’m a different person that I was before.
Now that I know that spending time with love ones means the world to me, I’ll be counting down the day that I can see them again. It feels amazing knowing that people treasure you as much as you do. Lots of love to Leader S and Blur S. You all made my life meaningful.
I still write letter to my friend (singular). I like receiving letters. I feel that writing letter are so romantic and much more warmer than emails and online chatting. Because it is more time consuming and it requires much more thinking and thoughts to write or reply a letter.
My family members are fine. They’re still alive. That’s some good news.
I’m drinking lots of water because I’m still sick. I hate falling sick. But falling sick when love ones are around is a total different story. ;)
Long story short, I love my family, I love Leader S and Blur S, I love my friends back in Malaysia, I love those that love me.
Thanks for the views.

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