Monday 31 October 2011

The night which lanterns replaced the stars.

Had a great time in the field tonight. Lanterns were let up into the dark sky. Just like those in "Tangled" the movie. Took tonnes of pictures. And the best part. I went to Udupi and get a very very VERY pretty dress! Can't wait to wear it tomorrow. =)

There's a Deepavali night tomorrow. It's free for non-Indians. Free dinner, why not? :D

Truth or dare after the lantern night. Snacks eating when I don't really like to eat snacks as you all know. I think I'm gonna get dehydration when I'm eating them.. @.@

I revealed all the names of guys that I like in class. You know, my level of "like" right. The feeling is going to end soon. Puppy love perhaps? IDK.

It's late. I need to go sleep or else I'm going to get eye bag and screw up my look for tomorrow. Btw, I'm going to wake up at 6am "today" morning. I'm going to the netball court to see L practice, then go to end point after that. =D Can't wait. Miss end point so much. Haven't been there since last... Thursday? o.0

End Point is the BEST! Where can I ever get a place like that in Malaysia? Dream on. Huh!

So, that's my "story" of the day. Good night! <3

Monday 24 October 2011

Audrey Hepburn

I like her quotes! <3

She don't know music, she make noise instead.

Those who know me know I don't like to perform. Especially piano. Don't even mention violin!

I have many many things related to music. But I don't play music. I don't like. I'm not enjoying when I'm performing. I like music, but I hate myself playing it. I REALLY HATE IT. 


I can blog as much as I want!

Exam just ended. I passed. Border line pass. Quite disappointed. But, it's what I suppose to get went I didn't really studied the day before cause I'm always hungry, and I watched Breakfast at Tiffany's and I slept after that... Eat dinner, then chit chat, then sleep. AND, the next morning, sleep AGAIN!

I woke up at 5.30am, slept again at 6.00am. Wake up at 6.20am. Then sleep at 6.30am until 6.55am.
Then, I decided not to get sandwich this morning so that I can continue sleeping. =)
And I did! I slept until 7.20am, and start preparing for class. >,<'''

Breakfast at Tiffany's
At first I thought that it was a very nice movie. End up it's not as nice as My fair lady. =(
Kinda disappointed... But at least I watched a movie~~ =D

Audrey Hepburn is so pretty and elegant! I like! =)
I went jogging today. I sweat a LOT! @.@
I think I died every time whenever I wanted to exercise. Anemia... 
Breathing heavily and bla bla bla. Thanks to iPod that keeping me alive. But still. All most DIED.
I'm going to continue blogging. So stay tuned. =)

Saturday 22 October 2011

"Me" state

Currently, I'm doing well. No stress. Got study, but compared to last time, I slagged off. The evidence are, I watch My Fair Lady, I downloaded Glee songs, the next day I downloaded Demi's songs. SO, I'm getting lazy.

But I think the current progress is A-okay. =D
Glad being like that. Not much stress, but more fun element.

Skyped with family yesterday night. They said that I got pretty~~! Lol! Where got.
But I kinda very perasan-ly feel that I AM getting pretty. Maybe all the jogging, contacts, and keeping long hair thing contributes. It's been my dream to jog with an iPod with a pony tail on a proper jogging track. =)
It almost came true. I still need a white t-shirt and a jogging pants. Way to go. Just wait till I'm rich. $_$

Loads of holiday is coming up due to the Diwali celebration. Next Tuesday is the Diwali "eve". I'll be going to their temple! Just wanna see how they pray and all. Because I'm going to be so damn free on that day. Kinda excited about it.

And I THINK I'll get one of those. Mehndi =)

Yea... Cause I'm in India. So, i think they'll have it. It's kinda nice what... SO I think I'll have Mehndi too.

Friday 21 October 2011

Glee tastic! xD

Woke up early today at 4.30am. Studied for half an hour, sleep for 30 mins, then snooze for 5 minutes. Wake up again at 5.35am. Then continue studying until 6.15am. I've finish covering Physiology. Just glance through. It only bring you 0.3% in the block exam. So... It's cool! Motivates you to study without putting the pressure on. I like! <3

As you all know, I downloaded around 20 songs from Glee yesterday. Just feel like doing it. So, I did download them. Haha! SO crazy.

I'm suppose to read Biochem's enzyme inhibition now. But after looking the contents in Lippincott, I not able to search for the example our lecturer gave. 0.0 Search online instead? This is EXACTLY happens. =D

It's a Saturday and my life is so different compared to my use to be life in Malaysia. At some point, I DO miss my friends and family. ='(
But I can't do anything about it right? Life goes on. Time won't stop, exam won't be cancelled. So, better study before the infosss taught in Dissection hall drown you and ate up all your time. :)

I'm serious. I've piled up the upper limb portion of Anat. And now, they are teaching Lower limb. @.@
I still have Arm, forearm, and hand. Insertion, Origin, Nerve supply, Actions. Course of arteries and nerves, their branches. OMG. Don't even want to look "into" that part. *scary*

Well, I'm going to try searching about the inhibitor's enzyme now. ^^

Saturday 15 October 2011

Stress or not stress

I'm not stress when I can understand the book. I'm stress when I have a lot to read and I haven't finish revising the lecture of the day. @.@

Well, I'm alright now. I'm not feeling stress. But maybe I'll feel stress tomorrow.

Anyways, I'm going out tomorrow. It's J's bday on Monday. So since we are having class on Monday, it's better for us to celebrate tomorrow.

If you all follow me on Twitter, you will know that I am doing my Physiology now. Class test is next Saturday! And Anatomy class test is next next Monday!!! =D

Why am I so happy, because... just laugh and be happy when you can still afford to do it! =D

I'm glad that my internet connection is okay. SO I'm happy lo...

Okay, just to record down what I did today. Went to class from 8am until 10am. Ate Non-veg combo for lunch. Went to Big Bazaar. End up I bought an air freshener... ONLY! Reach hostel, took mess food. Slepp for 45 mins, wash clothes. Start reading Embryology. Felt hungry half way reading Embryology. So I ate. Went online to tweet my achievement (finish reading Embryology and I made notes too! Awesome~!). Watch some MVs. Search for a new Demi Lovato's wallpaper to set as my new desktop background. Skype with mom and dad. Went down to take dinner. Eat at C's room. Back to my room, very full, start reading Physio. Done with NMJ, EPP, MEPP... Feeling full and sleepy, went online. Tweet. Blog. =) <3

So far the day went well. The only thing I know is I need to pray tonight. I didn't manage to pray last night. Cause C is in my room studying... =.=''' Pity her sometimes. WELL! I'm gonna continue surfing the net.

Good night! May all your dreams come true. <3

Stress or not stress

I'm not stress when I can understand the book. I'm stress when I have a lot to read and I haven't finish revising the lecture of the day. @.@

Well, I'm alright now. I'm not feeling stress. But maybe I'll feel stress tomorrow.

Anyways, I'm going out tomorrow. It's J's bday on Monday. So since we are having class on Monday, it's better for us to celebrate tomorrow.

If you all follow me on Twitter, you will know that I am doing my Physiology now. Class test is next Saturday! And Anatomy class test is next next Monday!!! =D

Why am I so happy, because... just laugh and be happy when you can still afford to do it! =D

I'm glad that my internet connection is okay. SO I'm happy lo...

Okay, just to record down what I did today. Went to class from 8am until 10am. Ate Non-veg combo for lunch. Went to Big Bazaar. End up I bought an air freshener... ONLY! Reach hostel, took mess food. Slepp for 45 mins, wash clothes. Start reading Embryology. Felt hungry half way reading Embryology. So I ate. Went online to tweet my achievement (finish reading Embryology and I made notes too! Awesome~!). Watch some MVs. Search for a new Demi Lovato's wallpaper to set as my new desktop background. Skype with mom and dad. Went down to take dinner. Eat at C's room. Back to my room, very full, start reading Physio. Done with NMJ, EPP, MEPP... Feeling full and sleepy, went online. Tweet. Blog. =) <3

So far the day went well. The only thing I know is I need to pray tonight. I didn't manage to pray last night. Cause C is in my room studying... =.=''' Pity her sometimes. WELL! I'm gonna continue surfing the net.

Good night! May all your dreams come true. <3

Saturday 8 October 2011

You know what?

I start applying lotion every night after I bathe.
I used a sponge to make lots of bubble and make my bathe time fun and relaxing.
My hair was long but haven't reach the bra behind.
My fringe were long until they reach half of my eyes.
I start wearing contact lens everyday to class.
Sometimes, I wear leggings to class because they make my leg look slim. =)

Conclusion, I start noticing how I look and I put some effort into it. =D
Hopefully I don't look nerdy anymore as you all know me. =P

State of mind

I'm living happily right now. But I knew that my PILED UP work will not let me run away from them THAT easily. So... I'm going to do a to-do list for today. =D

I'm not excited at all.
I only need to achieve 2 things today. Just 2.
1. Finish all the Anatomy question of the daysss.
2. Read Biochem - lipid and read further or revise if I forgot the previous class.

I'm going to do the Anatomy tonight.
And the Biochem later.

I hope I can do it... ?? o.0
Hope that I'm strong enough to stay away from the distractions. =D


It's amazing how someone I don't like finally get their hate mails from their friend. And since the first time I met he/she, I knew they don't have a good personality and I stayed away from them. Isn't that obvious? Is that so hard to differentiate who is good or bad? People that like spotlights, all the fame and greedy? Is it THAT difficult to sort them out?

And it's a sad fact that someone is blur enough to stay with them all the time, and till now, the most important and most tension point of life, they break. Their friendship broke apart and make the tension situation worst. SO yea, why are they acting so slow? Everything will be better if they leave he/she slooowly since the beginning.

I've always see that coming. So, I've been avoiding the "person" since I'm in Form 2 and now, her one and only gang left her. It's so sad but it's a fact. When a gang left only you. Singular, it's either all of them are too bad or you are too bad for them. But in this case for this "girl", it's clearly the 2nd possibility. =/

Friday 7 October 2011

I passed my test!!!

Yay! You all read the title. I'm happy!!!

I'm not used to be that happy once I received my result. Well, I didn't fail. And it's not a border line pass either! Happy!!! I expected minimum mark of 53 and I get 51. >,<''' Upon 80 that is!

But that's okay. At least I passed! =)

Satisfy. Plus, I didn't really studied for the test like crazy. I went out and I shopped and I slept and I passed! Damn worth it lo! SO I accept this marks. =D

Well, I read Biochem enzyme this afternoon. And now, I'm going to read Biochem again. Need to finish them soon! Before another chapter begin.

I'm going to bathe dear, I'm sticky and my face is so oily. Can't believe I went to class like that! @.@
I didn't notice that until I went to toilet and saw my reflection after class.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Gleye bag

There's a holiday on last Wednesday. Which is yesterday...

I went to buy sport shoes. Got them from Reebok after "visiting" Adidas and Nike which don't have much choices. >.<

And finally, I went to end point today!

I felt nothing. I knew that I need to study. But when I look at the book. I feel like sleeping. =.=''' Who doesn't? I tried! So, after ranting, I'm gonna "try" again.

We went to Attil to have our lunch yesterday. =)
We ate Mutton Briyani, Butter Chicken and Fruit salad ice-cream. ^^
The best meal we've tried in India. So, definitely a next time.

We took pictures! But why did they took such long time to upload the photos? o.0
I can't wait to see them! T-T

Right, I'm going to stop here. I'm feeling sleepy!!!
So goodnight! I'm going to bury myself in Physiology (NMJ)

Monday 3 October 2011

What I felt

The class test just ended today. It's our first Anatomy class test though. Of course will be a little nervous. But overall, I think it is way more better than what I did in college. I remember the first semester test in my college. XD

I can't finish my breakfast and I feel like puking if I ate too much. From eating one and a half Mc Donald Pancake, I ate half during the first semester test. Crazy right? Lol.

Luckily the same thing didn't happen again. I did alright, I left 20 blank out of 80 questions. So, if I didn't do any mistake, I'll get 60 marks. 50 marks to pass. If I DID get something wrong, careless mistakes maybe, I still won't fail. I won't make 20 mistakes right?! They will deduct half mark per mistake. SO, I'm fine! I'm confident that I will pass! I know it's a border line pass. But I didn't really study like crazy for this class test. I answered the paper based on my understanding! *so proud*

I feel like I'm the happiest person in the world after the class test. Although it is JUST  a class test. But it's our first class test! And I'm definitely NOT preparing that much on the next test. >,<

Going to have problem based learning presentation tomorrow. AND... there will be a sport shoe hunt on Wednesday!!! (public holiday) I want to buy Nike! Erm, maybe not Nike. I just need to find a nice one that I like. And of course I'm going to End Point with my NEW sport shoes!!! XD

So excited! I've been missing End Point like crazy!!!!!! Since my sneaker can't be used anymore. =(
So, after I get my sport shoe, I'm going to End Point at every 5pm if my class ended early. Can't wait!!!

Love it!
That's all guys. Kinda hope you all understand my feeling right now. @.@