Monday 3 October 2011

What I felt

The class test just ended today. It's our first Anatomy class test though. Of course will be a little nervous. But overall, I think it is way more better than what I did in college. I remember the first semester test in my college. XD

I can't finish my breakfast and I feel like puking if I ate too much. From eating one and a half Mc Donald Pancake, I ate half during the first semester test. Crazy right? Lol.

Luckily the same thing didn't happen again. I did alright, I left 20 blank out of 80 questions. So, if I didn't do any mistake, I'll get 60 marks. 50 marks to pass. If I DID get something wrong, careless mistakes maybe, I still won't fail. I won't make 20 mistakes right?! They will deduct half mark per mistake. SO, I'm fine! I'm confident that I will pass! I know it's a border line pass. But I didn't really study like crazy for this class test. I answered the paper based on my understanding! *so proud*

I feel like I'm the happiest person in the world after the class test. Although it is JUST  a class test. But it's our first class test! And I'm definitely NOT preparing that much on the next test. >,<

Going to have problem based learning presentation tomorrow. AND... there will be a sport shoe hunt on Wednesday!!! (public holiday) I want to buy Nike! Erm, maybe not Nike. I just need to find a nice one that I like. And of course I'm going to End Point with my NEW sport shoes!!! XD

So excited! I've been missing End Point like crazy!!!!!! Since my sneaker can't be used anymore. =(
So, after I get my sport shoe, I'm going to End Point at every 5pm if my class ended early. Can't wait!!!

Love it!
That's all guys. Kinda hope you all understand my feeling right now. @.@

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