Thursday 22 December 2011

Be careful what you wish for

When you are wishing for something, think twice, or even thrice. Don't ever wish for the wrong thing. Or at least, be specific on what are you wishing for. Well, I always wanted to be pretty, having people chasing after me and then get into relationship and I will be so happy by that time. Reality is, it can really kill you when someone likes you and he made it so damn freaking obvious and you don't know how to say no. I don't want to be rude.

So thankful that my friends are always there for me. =)
There's always a "guy" drama in certain point of my life. What did I do to deserve that? I need to pray more... (not gonna help).

Rant, having a headache. Bad things happens when I didn't obey my mom. >,<
I totally deserve it.

Back to the purpose of this post.
I wished to study more and not feeling sleepy. Not insomnia.

Alright, I'm going to rest. It's 12.15am in India.

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