Saturday 31 December 2011

New year! New me?

Hehe, changed my room's feng shui this morning. Hopefully it can make me more into the studies. Superstitious.

It's been a year, and many thing changed. I left Malaysia, left Leader S and Blur S behind. I worked. I finished my Foundation course and continue my studies in India. I met new friends. My grandfather passed away. I survived in India. I watch a lot of Youtube videos like never before.  Taught my grandmother how to play Plants VS Zombies. Gain new freedom. Having full control of my life. Be vegetarian for almost 2 months. And many more. =)

After being in India, lots of my dreams come true. Be able to stay away from family, life a healthy lifestyle, stay away from processed food, blog, jogging, lose weight, and have long hair. =)

Surprisingly, I'm happy here. Things in India are affordable. And so, I'm a shopaholic now. And I'm proud. Because I learn to love myself. I love the accessories in India. The traditional style. Love it! I bought earrings, rings, kurti, soon, I'm going to buy Saree, bangles, and more rings and earrings. Haha! Can't wait.

Although I'm broke on Christmas and have 0 rupees on New Year Day, I have my friends to be my ATM. So that I won't starve and suffer from Kwashiorkor.

Of course, all the studies make my knowledge grow. And I'm glad I'm smarter than before. The ability to handle stress improves. Time management... well, need more improvement. Being Miss Green and eco-friendly, not that much. Having the laptop on for 10 hours per day is NOT green.

New Year resolutions: Have fun, stay healthy, love myself, not to stress, bring joy to people around me, not to CURSE that much, work my plan, and enjoy life. =)

And I do hope people around me can be more PUNCTUAL because punctuality is very important. Well, the truth is I started blogging when I'm waiting fro someone. So, I typed quite a lot and I'm still HERE! Followers, justify that!

I'm very glad that I'm here, reflecting! (Reflecting is never the THING in my life) Ya, perhaps I should reflect more. (add that on the list)

For this very New Year, I wished to study more (can't help it), stay beautiful, have a healthy skin the radiates out all the pink-ish-ness   xD And be happy as always and I hope everyone will be healthy, happy, beautiful and world peace!

Increase the awareness of being GREEN!

Love you all for those who is reading this. And good luck having a wonderful new year!

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