Monday 5 December 2011

Grow up

Eventually, no matter how or when, something will happen in our life and leave a permanent scar there. I grew up, and I’m proud of that. Being able to study more and have more self-discipline than never before, that’s always what I wanted myself to be. And let’s not forget, having fun! I’m trying hard to preserve the “fun” element in my life as I know if I don’t treasure this element; it will disappear from my life.

Someone told me that we had to keep on reading and writing as they will keep our mind clear and make us think. So, I think she triggers my writing nerve and I decided to write although I’m not that good in it.
I am so glad about the “me” now. I’m happy, I’m studying, I’m having fun, I’m still breathing, what else should I ask for?

After being in India for 3 months time, I finally accept the fact that I’m going to make my room more “homey”. I’m going to decorate it and make myself comfortable about it. Time flies, it doesn’t matter how free you are, how busy you are or how bored you are, it still flies. Although I “suffered” the first few weeks I’m in India, time still flies! Now I am, having time to write this, having enough sleep every day, able to go shopping occasionally, that’s awesome! Time will never wait for us. It depends on us on how to use them wisely.

For me, I’ll wake up early, study, pray, breakfast. Class, lunch, after class, bathe. Dinner, study, diary, pray, sleep. Surf the net, read magazine. How cool is that? Sooner or later, I’ll continue my jogging routine - going to end point like never before, every evening.

If someone asks me whether I’m afraid that my daily routine will interfere with my academics, I’ll answer, no. I rather fail my exam than failing my life. See, when you manage your time well, keep a healthy body and mind. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.

It’s all about having faith and being confident. Girl who has confidence is the prettiest. And to be pretty, I’m more than glad to stay positive and be confident. Plus, I’m wearing braces now. What’s ugly? What’s pretty? What’s nerdy? That’s what people think. The most important thing is what you think about yourself.

Being happy is the best thing that can happen to a human being. And the direct opposite of being happy is being stress. Stress can ruin your life. Stay away from it! I use to stress up once. But not anymore! Just be happy and grateful of what you have. For me, I have a very healthy body, family that willing to support my education fees to do MBBS, I’m doing one of the toughest courses in the world and I’m still surviving without developing any psychological disease. So, why stress? I don’t get people that are having stress.

To release stress, go exercise, watch a movie, go shopping if you can afford it. Why sorrow? All those negative thoughts, Shoo!

The greatest thing about us is no matter how hard is our daily life; we had the courage to life on. Keep it up people! We can do it and we WILL survive and a greater day is ahead.

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