Tuesday 30 August 2011

Day 8

Can't  believe I did this for one week! >.<

I'm going to Singapore tonight! =)
Can't wait!
I'm going to shop till I "broke"! (Not gonna happen)

I'm going to Singapore with my grandma. I hope everything went well and hope she's not going to gamble in the casino. @.@

I suppose to go to Singapore with my mom which she will buy many many things for me and I'll be really really happy about it. But turns out that she's having chicken pox and I'm going with my grandma. Is this some kind of sign? Asking me not to be so... greedy? o.0

I don't know put as today's picture. The adventure haven't start. Show you guys my luggage bag? No!!! *sigh* This "project" is killing my precious brain cell. And I don't like it!

According to the tour info, I will be going to:
Esplanade park
Merlion Park
Singapore Flyer
Unfortunately I'll be one of them, trying to fit into the shot. =(
Chinatown o.0?

Oh well... And that's my itinerary. Hopefully I WILL have fun there! =D

Monday 29 August 2011

Day 7

Well, I guess having this project on make my day go slower. Or my life is being more and more expect-able?  @.@

Guess what, I'm not going to Singapore with my mom anymore! Am I going alone? I hope so!!! But hell NO! I'm going with my grandma. The worst scenario. T_T

After I know this news this morning, I had to eat my favorite breakfast using the maximum speed and rush to my grandma's house so that we can fetch her to the immigration office to renew her passport. =(

Then... we go here and there and here and there and my whole day is gone! Not to forget we need to go back there and collect her passport. Urgh!

We went to the travel agency to give them the copy of my grandma's new passport and go to my grandma's house straightaway! T_T

You guys should be wondering what's the picture of the day. Walaa!
I found me!



2nd yawn
And that's the end of the day! You know why? Cause my grandma is here in MY HOUSE, wanted to fetch me to HER HOUSE so that I can go help her do her chores in HER HOUSE! 
Pity me not! 


I'm addicted to the Sims social. But, you all knew that I'm going to leave soon. So... erm, better stop. ><
So, I'm not so addicted now. Heh heh!
Anyways, I missed post two days I suppose, again. I know alright?! There's really nothing much to describe. But when you feel like it's nothing, there's always something. @.@ Hope you guys understand. So, I'll post this random post to rant. And I'll get to the project later okay?

I envy those that studies abroad as they can go vacation and have fun with their friends because they have MONEY! And the fact that I did not! =(
So... I'm looking at my friends' pictures in facebook, and they had such a beautiful time. And when their friend tag their name on it and the "person" IN the photo does not like the photo that much, their reaction is real cute and REAL. This is reality and I can feel the friendship in between those pictures. *sob*

I can't wait to have enough money to go on a vacation with my friends!!! I really do! OMG...T_T

And I like my friend's style too! Although she's not that tall, but her style is so Blair. @.@
It look nice on her. Me likey~!

I just found out that my senior is going to the same U as I was. IN the future. WTF??!! I seriously did not want that. OMG. Really. Shit...

I wanted a new life!!! Without any snake and leader game. I guess that's alright. Life is not always the way we aspect it will be. He's smart. Just not as smart. Well, whatever!

Okay, I'm going to proceed to my next post. =) Bye guys!!!

Sunday 28 August 2011

Day 6!

Finally I'm back on schedule! Phew!!!
Chicken pox! Image, not from my camera!
You guys knew that my mom have chicken pox. She went to the clinic with my dad this morning and left me with my sis and a pot of soup. I'm suppose to make sure everything went well. =)

My mom's chicken pox looks something like that. It's huge and there's water inside. My mom is currently sleeping. So were my dad and sister. That explains why I have the time to upload photos AND post three posts without any other DRAMA. 

Pity my mom. She's been sleeping since 1.30pm until now. It's 4.24pm now. =(
She even have chicken pox on her face! And in her mouth too! So kesian!!! 

She just got up. So excuse me if you don't know what I'm talking about cause half of my mind is occupied by my mom's situation. 

That's all for now, I don't have the mood to continue typing and you all knew that I don't want to let my family know I have a blog. XP

So, bye now! Stay tuned for the Singapore trip. It might be cancelled. Depends on my mom's situation!!! OMG! 

Day 5

It says "Royal Classic Fine Porcelain"
Okay, this is the way I look at the world. *eww*

P/s: I went to the kitchen because I am too hungry and now, I'm back with soup and rice. XD

It's just an ordinary day.  It's NOT an ordinary day! (I just remembered)
I woke up at 9am this morning. I found out that my sis is still sleeping (what a relief). And I went down, I find out that my dad is chopping the tree. Not the whole tree! Just part of them. My neighbor asked him to. I guess they wanted to ask my dad to do so for a very long time. Haha! So I saw my dad chopping the tree and my mom sweeping all the leaves. I went to help of course. Have fun doing that. Haha! 

There's a branch shaped like a spear. I have fun playing with it. ^^ Lol!

Then, we went out to have breakfast with my family and I took the picture just to keep my promise. Sad case. Mom is not feeling well and she slept from 2pm to 4.30pm and from 8pm to 10pm. And it's a Saturday. She used to force my whole family to clean the house... keep this and that... I guess she's just different today. @.@

So, I spend my whole day playing the Sims. Muahaha!!!
Around 6pm, I wanted to sleep cause all of them get to sleep and I'm playing the computer. Lol...
But I felt bad. So I went to the kitchen and help mom. I washed the vege and no more. 
Dad's friend came half-way when I'm almost finish with those vege.
And they wanted to bathe in our house. I'm thinking:" OMG! Don't you know that my house is a trash hole?! How dare you come here and bathe!!! What wrong with you? Pity you auntie... " 
They ended up bathing downstairs and yea, the uncle came in and bathe too. It's nice for them to NOT say anything about the bathroom and keep thanking us. 0.o I felt bad. How can you bathe and enjoy in a bathroom like that?! But they did. Haiz... So shy. 

They asked whether we want to have dinner together. And I'm like, " Hello?! Don't you know I have two veges, one soup and a huge pot of rice in the kitchen?! " End up my dad and my sis followed them. :)

I have my chance to stay home and watch... Tadaa! PHINEAS AND FERB: ACROSS THE 2ND DIMENSION!!! You all know I'm a great fan of Phineas and Ferb. And it's a movie premier! OMG! I'm so happy!!!! And I watched it without my sister interrupting! Haha! So SO happy. XD

Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension

I had a great time watching it and I laugh so loud, my mom thought that I'm crazy. I can't explain, you need to follow the whole story line to know what's happening right? Right guys? I hope you'll understand...

And around 9pm, my dad and sis came back, and I need to force myself to finish all the leftover. And I'm fat. And I went to bed. The end! 

Okay... My dad and sis came back, and my mom is so sick that she hurt her palm when she move those branches this morning. Then end up on that night, she found out that those were CHICKEN POX!!! Ok, I laugh again. Just like the same reaction when I knew my sister got them. True, my mom got them from my sis. Thanks to my sis AGAIN! 

My mom's chicken pox were huge! And there's really water in it! No wonder they called it 水痘. Compare my mom's chicken pox and my sister's, it's really 小巫见大巫. My mom was having fever and she was exhausted. That explains why she's that weird the whole day. T_T 

So, she decided to see doctor the next morning. Stay tuned!

Day 4

So... I abandoned my blog for 3 days if I am not mistaken. T_T
I really don't have that time to upload the photos you know?
Well, I planned to post those that I missed on today okay? ^^

Okay! So this is what I did with my sis. When did I become a good sister? Well, let me tell you the story.
I was happily playing the computer since Mom and Dad were out on a fine Friday night. Suddenly, the EVIL sister came and interrupt while I'm playing the Sims (new favorite game). So, I ordered her to watch her CARTOON and let me play my computer. To make her feel better, I asked her to call me at 10.00pm (the time my parent suppose to be on their way back) and I will play Lego with her. 

I happily played my game. Of course she interrupted sometimes but just ignore it. XD

When the clock strike twelve ten, there was a cute little girl happily hoping and announced the time. Let's not forget about her bling bling eyes. It was full of hope and other craps. I must stick to my promise! I have one and a half hours of peace and now, I should company her. So I did! Look at all these! 

This is 100% MY creation. It's a cuckoo clock...
My sis force me to follow the book and do the exact same thing like  above. =(
We did various color of "ducks" 
I really had a great time with her that night. We made videos, took pictures... Yea... :)
That's all for THAT Friday night. Bye!

Thursday 25 August 2011

Day 3

Okay, so it's time for day 3. I didn't prepare much for today. Just ordinary waiting for dad so I can get my vaccination. So it's basically a BORING day. But I just started playing the Sims social. I like it!
Actually, I'm addicted to it. XP

It's so cute and you can fool around and no one care. Haha! Lovin' it! <3

That's all! Cause I will be playing the game. Again!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

I'm so fat but I don't care~!

Evidence to prove that I'm fat:

  1. I can't fit into most of my pants.
  2. Mom's shirt looks perfectly fine on me! 
Yup! It's obvious that I'm fat. =(
But I don't care! I'm going to India soon. I don't want to starve there! T_T
So I'll eat whatever I want. Muahaha!!!

I ate flour everyday as my breakfast, ate two boxes of rice (my sis and my portion), drank a lot of water throughout the day, and eat a lot during dinner. I still eat a lot! Hmm... *ponder*


OMGosh! I can't stop sneezing! What's wrong?!
Dad went out and sis watching Pororo the little penguin. *sneeze*

I'm going to get my vaccination for Hepatitis A today. I need it before I go to India.
I think all the sneezing just stopped. Good.

Dad is the one responsible to fetch us to the clinic. So, my job is wait. ^^
I didn't do anything today. No laundry, no dish washing, no clothes folding, no nothing!
I wake up, make milk for my sister, go online, wait for food, and eat food, then online. XD
Lol! So rare~

I'm going to Singapore soon. Mom said that the formal shirt there is very cheap. 0.o
We'll go there shopping. Not going in the Universal Studio. Cause it's public holiday and there will be loads of people in there. I don't want to end up waiting in line under a HOT sun. ;)

All - can't wait! 

Day 2 XP

Okay, that should be rotated. But I don't have time, sister is staring right now. So I'm gonna be quick!!!

As you all can see, there's food on the table. I received a call this afternoon, and it's from mom. She asked me to buy some food so that we can cook it as dinner. And well, I drove grandma's car. Grandma, sister and I were going round town, searching for the food she wanted. *sweat*

Then, grandma wanted to go to her house so that she can check on her chores. So, I'm in  her house, preparing all the food by myself. *proud* It's nothing really. I'm used to it. And because of this project, I'm so so happy because I can show off my work! Lol! (plain lifeless)

And here you go, I have 7 potatoes, 3 tomatoes, 2 carrots, 2 big onion, some garlic and a basket full of choi sam (my favorite vege)

And that's all, my sister is literally posing as a dead person on the sofa right now. OMG...
That's all for today! Bye~! <3

Monday 22 August 2011

My dream XP

I dream of a place where the night is even a better day time than the day time. @.@
I meant, in that place, their night sky is sky blue instead of black. And in the morning, the color of the sky was not that nice compared to the night.

I'm sitting with some people on a bench in front of a field. Waiting for I - don't - know - what.
And there's some messing up slippers drama. 
My mom start wearing one side of my flip flops and I let her wear it. That clearly won't happen in a normal situation. 
There's also some heroin going here and there, trying to escape from some bad guys in a shopping complex. @.@

That's all that I can remember. They said that you can only remember your dream when you have a bad sleeping quality. So... I guess this post show how not well I slept last night! ><

Day 1 =)

Yup, fox and the hound cartoon. Remember how my sister is making my life more and more miserable? Well, she's watching this cartoon now on Disney Channel. How can't I be thankful of this cartoon? XD

Today is a towel day. I washed all of the dirty towel I can find in my entire house and wash'em. ^ ^
I even washed my two blanky! (I've always wanted to wash'em)

That's all for today! (So far)
I will continue posting IF I have a chance to use the computer plus no one is around me. =)

I'm going to start Project 365!

Thanks to Choulyew's blog, I found this superb activity. PROJECT 365!!!

It's really amazing how you can make your day special by posting something special about it. =D
Since I'm kinda living a very lifeless life now, why not give it a try?
So, I'll start my Project 365 today (22 August 2011). XD

I think I'll be...

someone that is very satisfy of her life. I don't need to live a luxury life. I don't really like branded things. I'm very grateful of what I have now. Even if I don't have what I have now,. I won't be sad either.

I don't like too much friends. I hate socialize. I hate people that is not punctual.

I am very lazy. I'm even lazy to chew.

But, my life right now doesn't allow me to sleep or eat mashed potato every meal. I'm stuck with my sister. She's a demanding princess. She's so smart that she's the one that make me wash more dishes than usual. Although I'm getting use to it, but I just can't accept the fact that she make my life more miserable. T_T

I kept on eating nowadays. I eat and eat and eat. AND EAT! Can't stop cause I spot too much food in my house. Oh well... I love myself too much. I can't let myself starve right? You know me. ^ ^

At least I have time to online now. Will be going out to have dinner with my relative tonight. Such a good man. So, my whole family will spend time with him. I'm so lazy today. I send those clothes to dry and I just sit here, online. I don't want to think today. My sister will surely be destroying every single piece of the living room now. I'll deal with that later. It's easy. Scold her, and she'll do the magic! Seriously. ;)

Okay, I'll stop right here. I don't wanna keep complaining about the life my sister made me. Oh well! I wanna watch TV now while making her clean. So tooddles!

All - continue breathing, continue living, as usual

Sunday 21 August 2011

Who am I?

Even me, myself are not sure about the answer. I am very outspoken sometimes. Mostly I'm not. I act differently in different environment. Will I still be me in India?

I hate interviews. I am not good in speaking. If I get to choose, I will remain silent. ><'''

Went to Malacca to attend the briefing. Looks good. I think I won't have cultural shock in India. But I think I will be there for two and a half year without coming back to Malaysia? T_T
I can adapt well. But... I don't know whether I can do well. Because I'm not sure whether I still "me".

I'm afraid that I changed to be someone else. I am not sure that what I will become. It's true that Chinese (major racist = ME!) can usually do well in their studies. But don't forget. Not all of them can speak! @.@

So, there's still many question marks in my head now. But I won't be too worry about it. Because I'm still me right now. And for S&S, thanks for the body mist. I love that smell. It calm me down. The only thing that I will bring to India from you all are the body mist and the rubber chicken! =D

Love you guys!

All - confused and unhappy about her vocab! =(

Wednesday 17 August 2011

It's been time

I'm busy. ><

Went to KL last week. Spend the whole week time with best best roommate! Can't describe much now. Will talk more next time. =D

Taking care of my sister (she's having chicken pox). I laughed like crazy when I first heard she had them. Haha! What an evil sister. That's me!!!
She skipped nursery and I'm stuck with her. @.@  
And I can't go to grandma's house to use my lappy. T_T

Went out with friends yesterday. Just because it was a Wednesday. I met sooo many "friends". Some which I'm glad to see them and some not so glad... But I don't care how I look and how they think of me. Lol! I don't think they have that time to think that much anyways... They're having the most important exam in their life coming ahead! 

And I love watching glee! It's so awesome! ^^

Going to temple today. Going to Malacca tomorrow. So so heavy schedule. Haha. That's nothing. Just pity my dad for being our driver. And my demanding sister... She always wanted to go somewhere. Like water park, zoo, butterfly farm, crocodile farm, playground... Anything related to fun. 

She knew how to use laptop now. And her favorite is Youtube. @.@
She kept on watching those Barbie, Play-doh commercial. Thank God she don't know how to request! If not, my family will be broke! T_T

And btw, my grandma, she reached the roof! Her Plants vs Zombies game remember? Such an achievement. I'm surprised. Amazed at the same time. ->.<-

Okay, I want to rest now. I'm starting my vegetarian meal again. Without reason. Sometimes I can just taste those dead meat smell when I'm eating meat. @.@ It's disgusting. *bluek*

All - conserving energy

Saturday 6 August 2011

What day is today?

I'm not asking what day as in Sunday or Monday. I'm asking, what special day is today?
I went jogging and I cleaned the garage today! WTF?
What's wrong with me.
Guess I'm leaving soon, that's why I have responsibility to clean my house...

I'm going to KL soon. Yay! There's Hari Raya sales... Hahaha!
I have no idea what to shop for...
Food perhaps?! ><

I bought 2 coats, 4 formal shirts and I'm not going to buy phone. I inherited my grandpa's is was cute though... @.@

What I need is a new, huge luggage bag so that I can fit everything in it. Just by imagining me packing makes me scared.

Mummy is sleeping. Sister is finally sleeping too. I'm blogging. Mom knew that I have a blog. That's why I need to blog as she was not around. So pity. Blogging is not a crime you know?

I don't know what is daddy doing upstairs, he switched on the radio, tuned it to an English FM and let it play so loud until I can definitely listen to it clearly. Mom will be awake you know? Dad? You know? T_T

Mom cooked some Herbal egg and that will be our lunch... Pity me not. I'm coughing so badly right now... Lol!

I'm so afraid that mom will wake up when I'm still blogging. Tata!

All - back to doing nothing... =(

Tuesday 2 August 2011

My house is HORRIBLE!

It's been three days that I've been back to my house. And... when I woke up this morning, which is already 11.00am, I wanted to go downstairs to have my breakfast.

And then, I saw the dining table is full of... tupperware, used cups, assorted kind of milk powder, some pots, calculators, pills, blender and so on. The table is so full that Ican't stand it, I went to use another table so that I can pour out my breakfast.

I went to sit in front of the TV without turning it on. Because I just don't wanna waste my time watching TV programmes and forgot to do all the house chores. *sigh*

After eating, I went to the kitchen and saw a pasket of water chesnuts (I love water chesnuts). They were just abandoned at the side of the basin. And no one did anything about it. Great, just great. I started washing all the dishes and some bowls and knife that seems clean that I'm not very sure about it. XP So, I washed it all.

After washing, I began to wash those clothes. Usually, I will wash the laundries first. But today, I am too fedup to walk upstairs, searching for dirty clothes as I know that there were enough dirty clothes for me to settle downstairs. Yup, I'm correct. I found some clothes in the basket, some on the sofa with the newspapers, a few pair of socks on the floor, sisters pants and shirts ON THE FLOOR again, and shirts and pants on the chair. @.@ AND... the washing machine was now full.

The washing machine is doing it's work now. Me? I can't stand this situation and I just NEED to post this crazy stuff that's been happening. I've been sick and miracly recovered for the first day. And the second day, I have coughing until now. But the "cough" will only happen at morning before breakfast and after dinner. o.0
Weird much. =)

Gtg, wanted to continue cleaning my room! ><

All - feeling helpless

Oh my time...

Wanted to play computer games once I return home. But mom asked me to burn DVD, search about Air Asia online, search for Hotels, grandma asked me to type a name list for her Tai Chi Class AND... there goes my time.

Only this is left. =(

It's too little for gaming.
Too little for napping.
So here I am, once again. Familiar? =P

I bathe at 11.45am today. =O
I'm not crazy, it's just that my hair is too oily and I can't stand it.

Btw, there's already a pot of radish soup, a really BIG pot with lots of radish in it and some PORK thanks to my grandma (being sarcastic)
Just need to cook one more dish and we're all done and I handle it myself. Without grandma's help. ;P

I just enjoy closing the window without letting strangers looking straight into the house and see me sitting in front of the laptop, typing.

I think grandma get it that when I typed, means that I'm upset about something. XD
And I'm proud of her. We're all okay now. We don't hate each other okay? I love her. She did all those job that I refused to do. She's a typical... erm, kuli. Haha!!!
Stop thinking that I'm a maid. She's my personal maid! And I love it.
She just can't stand whatever I do and she's always worried.
And I LOVED to pretend that I'm dumb. It's kinda one of my hobby. So that you can see the true color of people right? Yes to me. 0_0

Okay, done ranting. ^-^
Satisfy. =D

All - going offline because my phone battery died AGAIN.

Monday 1 August 2011

Stop handing over the bills!

I know I'm a filial piety grandchild, but please don't take me for granted! Urgh!
Dear grandma was late for exercise today while I'm still sleeping.
She's worried and nervous about it.
So, I awaken to calm her down.
Just as I calm her down when "he" passed away.

She started nagging about her forgetting to bring her phone upstairs yesterday night.
Then, she wanted force me to follow her to the market so that she can buy some pork (such a meat lover, so NOT eco-friendly!)

She brought me to the so-called famous 大排档 for some typical breakfast a.k.a. 干捞面. It's was nice, but we waited for quite a long time. I'm quite mad because of the morning "incident" (I hate to wake up THAT suddenly, I will destroy my day). And the place was all sticky and dirty. And I was very unhappy. And everyone could clearly see that. XP

Reached home finally and I start bringing down all the vegesss + PORK + newspaper (not to mention how long she took to buy those)
After that, I straight away on my favorite and all-time dearest lappy. Just started playing pet society and she asked me to bring some bowls to the kitchen.
Since I'm learning 弟子规, I went immediately! It's been stated, 父母呼 应勿缓 父母命 行勿懒.
So, I did. I washed those dishes fyi. *proud*

Then, grandma came to the kitchen and start nagging AGAIN. So, she's talking and I'm just humming "I don't care a-a-a-a-are!"
S&S help me! And now, I sitting beside her. Her nagging. I'm okay, I'm okay... *hypnotizing myself*

It's like once she knows I knew how to do something, she will ask me to do it. Using me 24/7.
I know I'm a filial piety grandchild but don't take me for granted! I repeat.

She started handing over the water bills, electric bills, and ask me to see whether she had paid or not. If not, she will ask my dad to pay. @.@
This bills, that bills.
I'm officially a maid + driver + kitchen helper + CD burner + clerk + consultant.
I'm just a teenager!

Well, well, other chores awaiting. They never ever end right?
See you guys! Someday, when I'm still breathing under all of this crapsss.

All - feeling sick but never stress