Monday 1 August 2011

Stop handing over the bills!

I know I'm a filial piety grandchild, but please don't take me for granted! Urgh!
Dear grandma was late for exercise today while I'm still sleeping.
She's worried and nervous about it.
So, I awaken to calm her down.
Just as I calm her down when "he" passed away.

She started nagging about her forgetting to bring her phone upstairs yesterday night.
Then, she wanted force me to follow her to the market so that she can buy some pork (such a meat lover, so NOT eco-friendly!)

She brought me to the so-called famous 大排档 for some typical breakfast a.k.a. 干捞面. It's was nice, but we waited for quite a long time. I'm quite mad because of the morning "incident" (I hate to wake up THAT suddenly, I will destroy my day). And the place was all sticky and dirty. And I was very unhappy. And everyone could clearly see that. XP

Reached home finally and I start bringing down all the vegesss + PORK + newspaper (not to mention how long she took to buy those)
After that, I straight away on my favorite and all-time dearest lappy. Just started playing pet society and she asked me to bring some bowls to the kitchen.
Since I'm learning 弟子规, I went immediately! It's been stated, 父母呼 应勿缓 父母命 行勿懒.
So, I did. I washed those dishes fyi. *proud*

Then, grandma came to the kitchen and start nagging AGAIN. So, she's talking and I'm just humming "I don't care a-a-a-a-are!"
S&S help me! And now, I sitting beside her. Her nagging. I'm okay, I'm okay... *hypnotizing myself*

It's like once she knows I knew how to do something, she will ask me to do it. Using me 24/7.
I know I'm a filial piety grandchild but don't take me for granted! I repeat.

She started handing over the water bills, electric bills, and ask me to see whether she had paid or not. If not, she will ask my dad to pay. @.@
This bills, that bills.
I'm officially a maid + driver + kitchen helper + CD burner + clerk + consultant.
I'm just a teenager!

Well, well, other chores awaiting. They never ever end right?
See you guys! Someday, when I'm still breathing under all of this crapsss.

All - feeling sick but never stress

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