Monday 22 August 2011

My dream XP

I dream of a place where the night is even a better day time than the day time. @.@
I meant, in that place, their night sky is sky blue instead of black. And in the morning, the color of the sky was not that nice compared to the night.

I'm sitting with some people on a bench in front of a field. Waiting for I - don't - know - what.
And there's some messing up slippers drama. 
My mom start wearing one side of my flip flops and I let her wear it. That clearly won't happen in a normal situation. 
There's also some heroin going here and there, trying to escape from some bad guys in a shopping complex. @.@

That's all that I can remember. They said that you can only remember your dream when you have a bad sleeping quality. So... I guess this post show how not well I slept last night! ><

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