Wednesday 17 August 2011

It's been time

I'm busy. ><

Went to KL last week. Spend the whole week time with best best roommate! Can't describe much now. Will talk more next time. =D

Taking care of my sister (she's having chicken pox). I laughed like crazy when I first heard she had them. Haha! What an evil sister. That's me!!!
She skipped nursery and I'm stuck with her. @.@  
And I can't go to grandma's house to use my lappy. T_T

Went out with friends yesterday. Just because it was a Wednesday. I met sooo many "friends". Some which I'm glad to see them and some not so glad... But I don't care how I look and how they think of me. Lol! I don't think they have that time to think that much anyways... They're having the most important exam in their life coming ahead! 

And I love watching glee! It's so awesome! ^^

Going to temple today. Going to Malacca tomorrow. So so heavy schedule. Haha. That's nothing. Just pity my dad for being our driver. And my demanding sister... She always wanted to go somewhere. Like water park, zoo, butterfly farm, crocodile farm, playground... Anything related to fun. 

She knew how to use laptop now. And her favorite is Youtube. @.@
She kept on watching those Barbie, Play-doh commercial. Thank God she don't know how to request! If not, my family will be broke! T_T

And btw, my grandma, she reached the roof! Her Plants vs Zombies game remember? Such an achievement. I'm surprised. Amazed at the same time. ->.<-

Okay, I want to rest now. I'm starting my vegetarian meal again. Without reason. Sometimes I can just taste those dead meat smell when I'm eating meat. @.@ It's disgusting. *bluek*

All - conserving energy

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