Friday 23 September 2011

BO... ring!

I'm waiting for my external hard disk to finish scanning by the anti-virus thingy. So, I'm so boring now. Since my laptop had been reformatted, my laptop have no song inside!!! T-T

I'm waiting for the scan so that I can put song in my laptop again.

So now, my broadband is burning as well as my external hard disk. I'm so grateful that my forehead is NOT burning anymore! XD

Lucky me! I don't want to fall sick in the middle of no where!
I'm liking this place though, it's green, everything is so convenient, it's like a small village with many many medical students, working hard to graduate.

It's done! 57688 objects scanned, no threats detected. =)

Hey hey~!

Class ended early today. XD

Because our senior will perform during our orientation, so... I'm free!

I'm sick yesterday night though... 0.0
But I'm alright now, after a good night sleep from 7.30pm to 6.45am that is. @.@

I haven't told you guys about the worst day of my life. So, I wanted to share that day with all of you.
One day (last week), during the monsoon season in India, I think it was last Friday. Anyways, I woke up in the morning and get ready to class. Half way getting dressed, I scratch my leg at the side of the bed. It was painful. But I still have to continue living right? Lol

So I went down to meet my friends and we went to class together.

After class (around 10.30pm), I went back to my room and found out that my laptop cannot connect to Internet. You all knew that Internet is my life right? T_T
So yea, my laptop can't be on. This is the 2nd unfortunate incident happened to me on that day.

Since my laptop can't connect to the Internet, so what for turning on the laptop? So, I went to sleep. Class starts at 2pm that day. So, I woke up, get ready and etc. When I'm about to leave my room. I stepped on a puddle of water. Why is there a puddle of water in MY room?

The water flow into my room from the corridor. It's raining heavily outside. @.@

So, I went down early to complaint about the puddle of water. And showed them my hostel payment receipt which I've SHOWED them the other day. They put a mini notice paper on my door asking me to show them the payment. It's not unfortunate but why should I show them which I had showed them before?!

Yup, I think that's basically what happened. And I'm tired and stress of the classes.

But I'm fine now. I'd adapt to this environment and they're fixed schedule. >,<
So bye guys! Just don't want to miss this important piece of information from my life!

Wednesday 21 September 2011


Sorry for the M.I.A. guys. I had a hard time adapting to the speed of their teaching here. They were so fast and there was too many topic to cover and there was so little time! No wonder they say time flies!

Time really do fly here! 8-10am lecture, break till 10.30am, continue lecture until 12.30pm. Lunch break is from 12.30-2.00pm. Now, you think the gap was enough for us. But actually, it was just nice! Walk to the food court, there will be loads of people there. And we'll have to search for a sit. Order food, when the food reaches, it's around 1.30pm already! Sometimes, we still have to buy something like books, and settle other things. So, the lunch break is just okay for us. No extra "having fun" time.

Of course, you can always make your busy schedule fun. I'm trying hard to do so.

Okay, I'm gonna go, I need to fill in my water bottle and tie my hair... @.@

Bye guys! Will post if I have 3 mins free time! <3

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Day 23

I drank the soy milk as my breakfast today.
Then, went to C's room to kill time.
We ate mess food for lunch!
It's nice. I had my first chicken in Manipal! (Second actually)

We went back to our room.
I waited for the cleaners to come for YEARS.
Then went to L's room to watch She's a man.

Called delivery. I want to eat Chicken spaghetti but they don't have it.
So I ordered Chicken sweet and sour. @.@
It's nice. But the way they pack it is "unique". >,<"

Then I skyped with Blur S. And I'm all tired and sleepy now.
Tomorrow will be our orientation.
I don't want to wear formal!!!
I haven't decide what to wear yet...
Maybe the blue one? @.@

Will make up my mind tomorrow.
There's plenty of clothes to choose from. ^^
So I'm going to end this post so that I can sleep.
Pictures, I'll upload them tomorrow after my orientation.

Conclusion, today is a lazy/do nothing day!

Checking out on Taylor Swift

I'm bored of facebook-ing and do nothing. =(
Super bored and I spend my whole day waiting for the cleaners to come.
Fyi, I waited since yesterday 10pm.

Finally, they came. And I'm sick of facebook by that time. Just searching Taylor Swift picture. I've seen all Demi Lovato's last time. I'm dead bored and so I blogged. *sigh*

There's dust every where. Aka (kakak in Indian) is sweeping the floor and so all of the dust is flying here and there. Okay, they're done. @.@

I waited and they're done. Within 5 mins. I'm not happy about this. But I'm tired. So bye.
Up sad. Btw, Taylor Swift's pictures to brightened my day hopefully yours too! ^^

Tuesday 13 September 2011

New song for you! Me, myself and time from Demi.

Woke up at 8am today. Culprit alarm did it's job. Job well done. =D

Read the hostel rule book today. Haven't finish reading it yet. 4 more pages left. Trying hard to finish it. XP

Just took my bathe and washed my PJs. There's hair all over my room. @.@
Should I go down to ask for cleaning?

I'm making myself a soy drink right now. A simple breakfast.

Dont' feel like going to C's room today. I've been there EVERYDAY! And she haven't finish unpacking! =(
Procrastinator! If she sees this, I'll die.
I'll go after my drink la.

I'll be fine in India. Everything is very "student" friendly. There's no thief here. I mean, they won't rompak you or grab your things. Just be careful and pay attention to your surrounding and you'll be alright. ;)

Love the cork board! I haven't do anything about it YET. I don't even have a piece of foolscap paper with me.

Do you know? They will make us leave this room after one year. Because junior will be coming in. And by that time, they will arrange another room for us. =(

Come, I tell you their phone plan. For a new day, they will charge 0.50 ps for the first two message. Then for the third message until the 300th, it will be free!!! But the plan can only last for 6 months. You can renew the plan if you want after that. $_$

It's boring you know? Without S&S around. And this is such a big room. You can EASILY feel the loneliness. ='(
Luckily, the Internet connection yesterday was alright and we can Skype! ^^
Looking at you all packing is real nice. Make me feel that I'm still there. We share the same music (and I can know what's the latest music too) @.@

Miss you all so much. It's better not to see you all. It make things worst. =(
Getting emotional... Tears rushing out...
But OF COURSE I'll still Skype with you all.
I want to know what happens over there.

And you know? The RM 700 deposit, I got them. But I need money by that time. So they became rupees...
So I didn't "donate" some with you all. Sorry!
I remember my promise though! =(

Hey, did you all want those Punjabi shirt? I will be so nice to wear them right? Maybe I can buy them for you all! Just tell me if you all want ok? For the pants, it will be like leggings, but a little crumple in the ankle part. =)
I can't wait to try them on! But I need to go to Udupi (a bigger town 5km away) to get them. I went there yesterday, the police station thing.

I think... C is still sleeping... o.0?
So, I'll continue typing until she replies my message. =D

I'm wondering what to eat when my class started. @.@
You know... the food court is far and my class start at 8am.
And it took me 12mins to get to my class.

OMG... I spoke Malay to an Indian cleaner just now. So out of situation. Hahaha!

SO! What to eat. You know, I can't function without food. So... ='(

Solution 1: Get down at 7.15am, go to food court, eat, then go class.
Solution 2: Get down at 7.30am, call Shop 2 to order sandwich, go collect, eat while walking, go class.
Solution 3: Buy bread, make breakfast my own in the room, then drink soy drink, get down at 7.30am.

Hmm... So far that's what I'm considering. But right now, Solution 1 seems to be the choice. =)

The rubber chicken IS here to share my problems at all time. =D

I'm going out to take water. I finished drinking my soy bean.
I think I lost weight! Erm... or it's maybe I haven't ate my breakfast.
Anyway, I'll lose weight due to all the walking.
No such thing as going to gym, jogging and swimming.
Although there's a gym, but it's so far away!
To and fro from Hostel to Jaya One I guess? Maybe not that far. But it's far.
We can take Auto (their taxi) there perhaps.
If we want lar...
But all the walking is so tiring already and you want me to go gym?! Ridiculous.

Okay lar, I go take water first. Continue when I'm back. ^^

Back!!! I'm not switching on any fan or air-cond and I can still survive. The weather is cold. Like Cameron Highland. Morning and at night from 7.30pm? Cold cold.

I start drinking water! Because I have sore throat. 

Hee hee! I know... I know... I'm still the same. But I'm afraid that India's water will make my stomach ache. So I didn't drink that much water on the first day. But before I depart, I have sore throat already so... I take care. But no medicine pleeeaaase.

Mom force me to bring plenty of Vitamins. I haven't ate a single one. They will end up like the protein that is still in the room. Haha! @.@
I can't bring those all around right? The food court itself is so far away, and I need to eat those after meal. Then how? You expect me to go eat then walk back to hostel and eat those vitamins and go class?
Nah... I don't have a container to keep those. And they'll be making noise like a Maraca.

So colourful like an Easter egg.
Well... I'll find a way. But Okay anything. Whatever. >,<"

So, going to stop the rant. =) 
Finally peace to you all? Fine.

Day 22

It's a Tuesday. I woke up at 8am and started blogging.  =)

Then, I received a message from C saying that her room was leaking. So I went to her room to check her out. I mentioned it earlier.

We're waiting for the plumber to come. He came and then he left. And we're suppose to BE there went he is fixing the problem. Then, J called. Asking whether we wanted to have breakfast together. I'm starving as I woke up at 8am and haven't had anything since that time. =(

So, I waited for her to come to C's room so that we can go get food together. Unfortunately the plumber is not here yet. So, I followed J to the "Shop 2" and grab some food. I get Tuna veg and Egg mayo veg sandwich. That cost me 44 rupees I guess.

We happily walk back with the food and received a terrible news. We need to go to the police station at Udupi this afternoon at 2pm! And we haven't our document ready yet. We felt so clueless that instant. @.@

Anyway, we ate first of course. Food help me think. So, we plan to leave hostel at 12.30pm so that we can get our documents ready soon enough. We met, and we walked to the photo shop to get L and C's passport size photo done. =)

Then, we went to Xerox (photocopy shop) to have our documents ready. The whole trip, we're worrying and partly waiting for J. She didn't meet us in the lobby because there's insect in her room and she called the room cleaning to settle it. And as usual, she must be there. So we said we'll meet in the Airtel showroom together. But she's not there... So we are worrying whether we are going to the police station by today or tomorrow. @.@
So confusing...

Finally I called J to ask whether she's coming. Who know's she do not need to go to the police station because she's an India citizen. =.='''
We just forgot the fact okay? Too concern maybe?

So we rush to the bus so that we can go to the police station and settle everything by today. And... C and I didn't bring our passport. So, we got down from the bus, went to the room to grab the passport using our full speed and be on the bus. By then, we haven't ate our lunch yet. You must always remember this fact. ;)

It's 3pm and the bus haven't leave yet. We're all waiting for the officer to pass us our Bank letter. Some document that we need. I think the Xerox take time. I guess. I'm not sure. But that gave us time to rearrange the forms, stapler them up and keep them neatly in the file.

After we get our Bank letter, we head straight to Udupi. The whole journey is like a free roller coaster ride. We're sitting behind and the road is bumpy. I hold the handle all the time, afraid that the bus will break suddenly. >,<

We arrived the police station. Went down, and start to queue. It's drizzling. =) It's the raining season now. So we need to stick with the umbrella all the time. Even it's not raining season, we need to stick with the umbrella too. We need it to hide us from the sun. =)

After we got in the police station, cause we queue outside just now. After we're in. We started rearranging our documents, people who had already did their's guided us. =) We're got so tensed up trying to get everything done. @.@

The thing need a very long time to be done. We've wasted our time just to be there. =(
The Indian lady even shoo us away back to the room. Luckily, we didn't listen to her and stayed there like a magnet. =P

Finally we got our things done! It's a really long process because there's only 2 people working in the traditional way. Copying the documents. Not typing it in a computer. Sad case.

I took picture all around like a tourist. It's such a rare opportunity that we can be in the police station you know? Treasure the chance!

Such an old cupboard. Blur S, you like it? =)
The pad lock says Royal perfect SIX LV 5 

I'm NOT lying about their mural

We're here for quite some time.

India's power socket

Udupi's newspaper

It's like an art gallery

This is the room that we got panicked and arranging our forms like crazy.

Police officer =)

Love this picture da most

Batu Bersurat Just to prove their writing is different ;)

Powder type

It's such an old building


There's every Cowboy in an police officer

That's what I took. ^^

Then, we went back to the bus and head back to Manipal. Saw Domino's on the way back! Lol! So excited. >,<

We waited for J in front of the hostel to have dinner. I haven't ate anything except for those sandwiches! ='(
But at least I ate two...

We wanted to try out the mess food today. Since we're all hungry and craving for food. But when we get there, the mess food was not ready yet. =(
So we went to the Asian food stall and I bought fried rice AGAIN...

I finished them all this time. I'm SO hungry!

After dinner, mom asked me to Skype as there in my grandma's house. My grandma would want to see me for sure. So I rushed back to my room, and turn on my laptop.

Skyped from 8.30pm until NOW! Haha! So happy. Just wanna Skype until I get bored of it. Because I won't have that time to do so when my classes start. =( 
So, enjoy now la! What else? 

Finally have the chance to skype with S&S today! Haha! The line went bad suddenly. =(
But it's okay, we've talked enough. Tomorrow continue la!
And... I'm afraid that the speed is getting slower! Oh no!!!
Fixing it now. 

Anyway, my timeline just reach to present tense, not pass tense. =)
Toodles! I'm trying to get to Blur S. 
After this, I'll call it a day. =D
Good night guys. I love you! 

Monday 12 September 2011

Day 21

It's a Monday.

And it's our registration day. We met up in the lobby and grab a sandwich as our breakfast. We went to the Interact building 3rd floor. We wore formal wth. =(

Registration is ... you just need to act fast. ;)

After I'm done, around 150 of them haven't. So, I went to the electrical shop that I bought the stabilizer and collect my free adapter. The adapter is my life. I need to charge my laptop, phone... It's important alright.

After that, went back to the registration place. Ask how to use the ATM card. Then, went to the sandwich shop AGAIN cause I'm hungry. XP

Then, went back to room to change and follow C to meet her dad. Taking the same auto! =)

C's dad spare us lunch! We went to a place called Snack Shack and ate our lunch. Thanks Uncle! It cost RM  25 in total to feed 5 pax. =)

After that, we went all around the town from 12pm to 4.30pm. End up, I'm back with more soaps, an air freshener, some pins, a new umbrella and no more if I'm not mistaken. Yea... no more. =)

I have a cork board as my wall within the table area. So these pins is a must for me! Too bad I didn't bring mine. =(

But I signed in for a broadband package, which cost me 2250 rupees for everything.

It's so tiring for me. Under the hot sun, we've been out from 8am to 4.30pm non-stop. =(
So I need to bathe and I'm having headache by that time. =(

So I went to bathe, and charge my lappy as well. And washed my clothes...
Half-way washing, the bb guy called. I went down with my un-dried hair and lappy. >,<

It's activated! So I sms-ed my mom to go online. And I literally Skyped in the lobby, in front of everyone. Haha! Lol!
But I don't care. I'm overwhelmed by the Internet connection. XD

I spend my whole day online-ing. Skyped with mom, dad and sis. Too bad S&S not online... =(
Leader S haven't accept me on Skype! But she's having exam now. So it's okay. =)

Then I started blog-ing just to inform you guys what's happening. So sweet right? Immediately blog after I get bb. Heheh! So that's basically my day.

P.s.: I'll skip details about dinner because it's the same every night... ='(

Releasing stress on that rubber chicken from S&S. It really helps!  Spot the cork board? =)

Day 20

It's Sunday! Most of the shop in Manipal is not opening. @.@

Early in the morning, I followed C to take an auto to Green Park Hotel to meet her dad. We ate our breakfast in a shop near it. I ate my first Poori in my whole life! ^^
I love it.

Then, C's dad brought us to a "Bazaar" to buy all the things we need. Really super duper grateful for it. =D

I bought pillow, mini pail, brush, mini container with a spoon in it, a dozen of hangers and no more. ^^ Which cost me 660 rupees? I don't remember the price. Then, we continued walking and saw a woman selling fish by the roadside. @.@

Then we went to a Pharmacist and I bought soap from there. We went to another shop as well. I bought a stainless steel cup for 10 rupees?! So cheap!

Then we went back and rest and I don't really want to get into the details so toodles!

I got nothing to do and I did this for me to feel a little more homey! 

Day 19 continue

We ate, and took our baggage, went on the bus and head to the Bangalore International Airport at 4.30am (India Time). I slept on the bus. So, the next thing I know, we're there already. Took our baggage again and queue up to get our air ticket. ^^

I followed the wrong lane so I THINK I cut 3 peoples line?? Sorry... But I'm stuck in the front row so the only thing I can do is cut the line and get the air ticket. @.@

Now, with another baggage checked-in, I'm left with only my laptop bag. So I'm free~~
We walk around the airport window shopping. As usual, I tried on the tester perfume and it's so smelly. So, I'm smelly for the whole trip to Mangalore. T_T
Swarovski over is expensive as well! More expensive than in Singapore but more more expensive than the one in Malaysia!!!

It's time (7.15am) and we're getting on a bus that fetches us from the airport to the plane. So nice right? Not like Air Asia. Make us walk a freaking long way. =(
We took Jet Line. It's an hour flight. But precisely, it's only a 20 mins flight. @.@

We reached, collected our baggage. Took the trolley, and follow the line to the our bus. From there, I took pictures too! Just check out my facebook if you all wanted to see okay? Haha!

The scenery is so nice! The whole place is like Cameron Highland. There's mist all around the mountain and the weather is cosy. It's a two hours journey for us to get from Mangalore to Manipal. But everything is fine. I tried to stay awake but I slept at last.

When we reach Manipal, it's 11am I presume. We went to Valley View Hotel for a gentle briefing and our LUNCH! >,<
I don't care what they told during the briefing. What I remember was, the food was good! Then, we went back on the bus where I can't find the same bus. Haha! @.@
Then get on the right bus, went to New International Hostel, MY hostel. Took room keys, collected our huge luggage and take it back to our room, clean the room, unpack, explore. And meet at the hostel lobby at 4.30pm so that seniors can bring us all around.

Gathered, walk a LONG way (for me) just to go to the town and get basic utensil! I bought a stabilizer, a dozen of hangers, a cloth (to wipe of the dirt), and a pack of detergent.

We lost the seniors in the while we're doing our shopping. So, we headed back to the Food Court to rest and have a break. I ate fried rice. It's spicy, not good or my throat. I tried to finish it but I think I'm too tired to continue eating. So we went back to our room respectively and rest.

Day 19

Woke up at 2.50am India time. It's all because we need to go down had breakfast at 3.30am and catch a 7.15am flight. So we get ready and stay on the bed, watching Zstudio as well. ^^

Lynn is in the wash room preparing, while I'm watching a kinda scary movie... so I switched channel. It's also called Zsomething and it's showing Pretty Little Liars. So I watched. When Lynn come out, I told her about the scary movie. Then we watch together. It's Scream 3 it seems. The character in it is the same. =)

But it's going to be 3.30am and we can't continue watching the climax. So we went down, no one was here. Then by that time, we only realised that we're an hour EARLIER. =,='''
So we quickly rush back to the room. But we've miss the climax. *sigh*
But at least we're not late and we look more fresh after everything happen. Then we watched a black and white film about a princess sick of being a princess. Then, it's really time. So we went down.

Collected our boarding pass, saw everyone got their baggage, went up again. THEN go down. There's loads of people. =(
What to do? We queue for food.

I'm going to my friend's room. Her bathroom is leaking! So... I'll go to her place and I'll online there! Haha! <3

Day 18 continue

I got down from the plan, and the whole scenario happens again. The taking the laptop out, taking the passport out, carrying heavy baggage all around scenario. =(

After we pass the security check, we claim our check-in luggage. You know? The check-in luggage of mine weighted 28kg. So I can't carry it up myself. Luckily, there's some people from Manipal helping us out. So considerable. =)

Took the trolley, collected all the luggage, we push our trolley and follow the line. Waiting for everyone to be here and start to head count. =)

While waiting, I snap pictures from my phone as well. ^^
The Bangalore International Airport was nice! Ya... Nice.

After everyone were here, we follow the line to get on the bus. Walk walk walk with trolley loaded with luggage, I'm so excited and the weather is very cosy and nice compared to Malaysia.

Send our luggage to the lorry so that they can transfer it to Manipal from Bangalore, get on the bus and heading to our hotel.

I look out the window the whole journey. Bangalore is a city like KL. People there were richer compared to those in Manipal of course. Well, the things I noticed was, they never cut those wild grass. They just let it grow. I haven't seen those kind of grass growing that tall before! It's so natural. It seems that those kind of grass can only grow until that certain height. Around 20cm I guess. =)

There's a lot of advertisement site which is empty. Some even written Popular on it. So lol.

And every Indian lady wears either Saree or Punjabi suit no matter how poor they were. Even restaurant workers back in Manipal wears a Saree when she's sweeping the floor. @.@
I think their traditional costume is very unique. And to wear it all the time, it really shows their custom. =)

The journey to the hotel is long. I forgot how long they took because I'm too excited looking at the scenery!
The vehicle number is different from us. Their's is e.g. AB.12.CD.3456 or AB.12.C.3456 OR AB.12.  .3456
Haha!!! I don't understand what it meant by a few letter missing in between. I saw a motorcycle plate with Indian writings on it. I can't even understand a thing! And their Indian writing is different than Tamil. Tamil's is kinda long like TT JJ but the writing here is round like @@... So it's different. Although Indians from Malaysia can't understand a thing. Just like us! Haha!

Their mostly driving Suzuki Swift, and cars from TATA, Volkswagen, and Toyota. They have all the showrooms I listed and Mashinda... I can't remember all of them. =(

Their petrol station! Is like ours but the brand are different. They have Indian Oil, HP and Shell. =)

The other thing I like in India is that they have mural everywhere. And their mural is not graffiti like the one beside the river in KL. They really paint it nicely and it's like those that we can find in the museum! I like!
They have mural about planes, different models of plane, and animal. At least that's what I saw. ^^

Their traffic. It's fine in this big town I guess. The motorcyclist have a proper helmet on (at least). Their car is white in colour. I wonder why... 0.0
Their buses. It's like a big iron box which have four wheels, and 3 seats on the left and the same on the right. Around 20 rows? And other's need to stand in the middle. So far, every bus is full and people have to squeeze in between. @.@
They're use to it already. Perhaps...
The buses even have those blink blink light that Malays will use to decorate their house during Hari Raya. XD

Before I know, we reached our hotel. Grab our bags, and head straight to the lobby. My roommate is Lynn. She sat on my right during the flight from KL to Bangalore. Put our bags and have dinner straight away! I didn't have anything since 2.30pm and my dinner time is 9pm. @.@
Not that hungry. So it's okay.

After the dinner, I bathe and try to use the hotel wi-fi but failed. =(
So, we stay on the bed and watched Princess and The Pony. The channel is Zstudio. Western movie.
Then we feel asleep because we don't wanna wait for the commercial break.

Day 18

Woke up at 8am, talked to Nini cousin, the elder cousin which has two daughter. She shared her problems and both my parents are giving advise while I get ready and put on my new T-shirt that I brought from Singapore.

After getting ready, we went eating at the same place as yesterday and start our journey to LCCT.

Reach LCCT at 11.55am (just nice). Check-in luggage, eat Mc D, ate happy meal cause they have the Smurfs free toy! >,<
Not shy to say it out loud at all!

Then fool around with the tester perfume (influence by A).

To get on flight, we need to walk.... and walk... and my baggage is SO heavy! I can't stand it. And to pass the security check. We need to take out our laptop and all. OMG. Don't they know my laptop bag is so full that it took years for me to put it back?!

By the time I get on my flight, there's no more space to put my baggage. So I put mine in the fourth row while my seat is in the twenty second row. @.@
What to do?

The journey is long, my ass hurts, the stuff is expensive, the seat is uncomfortable. I just didn't enjoy the whole journey at all. =(

Finally got down from plane...

Hey... need to sleep now. I'm too tired to continue. Don't worry, now that I have my broadband, I can start blogging. ^^

Day 17

I did last minute shopping in Nirwana buying pads, batteries and toilet rolls. @.@

We start our journey at 4 in the afternoon. And we reached KL at 6.30pm. We didn't stop for food cause we ate Chicken rice that we da pau to grandma's house.

Grandma cried when I'm going to leave to KL. Pity her. =(

Then, we ate some food from a food court near my cousin's place.
And at night, my kind cousin skipped her dancing class and brought us to One Utama. Unfortunately, my cousin didn't go there very often. So basically, I'm the one that bring all of us around. And it became so obvious that I go there very often. =P

Mom bought 5 clothes from Esprit and we went on trying some Japanese food because Shojikiya is having a fair there. Bought some snacks and moved on to kitchen so that cousin and mom and continue shopping.

Head back, watched the Smurfs half-way, go bathe and sleep.

Slept with sister and cousin. We had a hard time putting my sister to sleep. But I think she felt asleep after we did. So... yea. She's always like that. And we're always too tired. ^^

Day 14, 15, 16

Sorry for the MIA. But you all my put yourself in my shoe. I'm trying to get everything I need so that I can go to India safely and accident free-ly. So, that's a lot of last minutes work to do. That's why I can't post although I'm still in Malaysia during this three "important" day.

I need to get enough Rupees with me, and buy bank draft, buy battery, etc. ^^

Finally everything is done and I'm very very glad.

Sunday 4 September 2011

Day 10 (try again)

Yup, Singapore Flyer.

Modal of the Singapore Flyer

Go go go-kart!

Look at those Cargo ship!!!

Love the football field.

Love this picture! <3

Hope this time, everything will be alright. =(
After that ride, we're heading to...
Merlion Park! 

Stay tune!
Mom's back =(

It's been one year and nine months

Just like the title.
Looked back at the photos.
Good memories.
Bad memories.
And mostly, the room that I've been for 5 years.

The same room. Something changed.
The same crystal apple, the same photo, same air-cond, same vase, same violin.
And something different. Something that doesn't exist in my memory.
Downloaded a picture of that room...
Will it make my eye leak?
Most likely. :)

Will bring this picture to India.
Save it in my lappy.
Am glad you got an apple mac-book.
My dream laptop!
But I want white.
Your's is silver. xP

The room that make me feel pressure.
The room that you told me all the stories.
The room that test my sight reading skills.
The room that you and I were in it.
The room that I played the piano.
The room that I did my theory.
The room that I sang.
The room that I asked you questions.
The room that you always wanted to clean.
The room that have my memories in it.

Will it change after two and half years?
It changed a little after one year and nine months.
Will the piano that I played still in the room?

I don't miss the piano.
I don't miss the room.
I don't miss everything.
I miss the time we had together.

Story you told me.
Problem you shared.
Gossips about your colleagues.

Your tight schedule that make your life miserable.
And know, it killed your dinner time and make you had only two pieces of bread for dinner.
You, such a sheep.
Too kind-hearted.
Don't want to trouble other people but yourself. *sigh*
You're just killing yourself slowly.
Do what you want.
Be more like me.

One year and nine months.
My favorite teacher.
The second person that I obey the most.
The first is me.

To Blur S

Hello... ><
Just to show you what my bag looks like.
>< is it okay??? 
I bought it because it was big enough to fit books... 
And it's plain.
It's made up of straws... so I can pin those badges on. 
Tried that. But they don't come along. 
So... @.@
Haha, maybe when I go out, I will put those badges on. 
Will keep it plain when I go to class. =)

To leader S

You can do it la! you're being like that every time your exam is coming. @.@
Haha! Pity Blur S.

Just try your best. Do not fear that you will drop because your best have it's standard.
Don't compare with others and no need to fear that people will beat you too much.
A little fear makes you even more hard working but too much is too much.

So don't worry because you are a total weirdo that can memorize almost everything using the shortest time.
With such excellent English, such good memory cells, you can definitely do it!
Quit worrying.

You can't be worrying every single time. You will kill Blur S and Blur S will get use to it sooner or later.
It's true. @.@
Then, she can't feel anything although you are still nervous next year!
Imagine that! 0.0

Just try your best and don't fear.
I know of course you will be nervous but just relax a little bit. >,<'''

Okay la! Continue studying.
Burning the midnight oil.
Sleep earlier!

Didn't call cause I don't wanna waste your time.
Miss both of you very very much.
Miss your voice!
Not Blur S's voice cause her voice changed. xP
Add oil!

Day 13 ^^

It's a Sunday. And I'm leaving to India real soon. This week is the last week that I can spend in Malaysia in 2011. *sigh* Time flies. It really does.

Story time!

I woke up at 8.45am today (I wanted to continue sleeping but my mom woke me up).
We went to Tzu Chi recycle point to drop off our things there. To recycle of course.
Remember those unwanted clothes?
Yea... they were still in my room until today. 0.0
We took two big bags of old clothes, some plastic bottle, some paper and a few of egg trays (I wonder what that's call) @.@

Went back home, and send clothes to dry. And the humongous luggage bag too. Put it under the sun so that the sun rays can "kill" the bacteria.

Then, I start packing the bag. I brought 3 bed sheets, 2 blankets (those that I'm using in KL), 12 formal shirts, 3 formal pants, a formal skirt, 2 pair of formal shoes (the old one and the new ballet flat), T-shirts, singlets, jeans, toothbrushes (don't forget the Systema!), undergarments, socks (need to buy more), and... I forgot.
So now, the things that I just listed were in the bag. And towels too!

Then, I went to read the admission booklet to make sure I am ready. But it was too much for me to handle. I'm lazy to think (so me). So, I rest. Haha! Lol =.='''

I drank water... and I watched cartoon with my sis (not Disney Junior anymore, my sis liked Baby TV more!) @.@

Then we had lunch. Plain porridge.
I'm forced to cook scrambled egg for my family except for mom (She can't eat protein. She's having chicken pox).

Very soon, it's 3.15pm.
I need to go to the temple with mom to take a new 符 because I'm going to India for THAT long and I need that.
And then, S&S send me a message to call them. So, I call them la of course! Hai yo!
Then we talked and talked and talked even on the way to the temple.
Stopped talking when I reached the temple.
In the meantime, ky texted me asking whether I'm home. I'm not home, because I'm at the temple now.
So I reply her late. It's okay, she's use to it. ><

After that, it's 4.03pm. I call back S&S, too bad leader S is talking to M. So never mind.
And I forgot to inform you guys, I'm going to meet my piano teacher tonight! OMG! So excited.
I was so happy after I know that. ^^ Haha!
I'd been dreaming of this. I'd been waiting for one year plus?? T_T
Finally we can meet!!!!!!!! XD

Then, I went back to bathe.
And we meet at 5.20pm (me and my piano teacher).
We went to secret recipe first,
What teacher is having : )
I ate chocolate brownie with vanilla. Very filling.
Then, we headed to...Sherwood! @.@ We just finish eating...
We went all around to take pictures @.@
We waste food. We're full. *sigh*
Teacher found her "new found hobby" snapping pictures and post in on facebook! T_T
Haha! So cute! >,<

It's going to rain. So we went home early and so I'm here, posting. 
Dad, mum and sis went to grandma's house to have dinner. =D

Interesting day! Dream day. =)

Saturday 3 September 2011

It's fated

It's fated that you all can't see this post.
So, except  @#$%^&* accept the fact!

Day 10 continue (f*ck)

Ok! I gave up.

You all know what's been happening. Okay?
I can't keep on posting the same thing right? RIGHT?!
I'm mad okay?!
But mostly disappointed.
I'll just give you all what I saved before I hit the "Publish post" button.
The hell?!

Day 10 continue


Day 12

Woke up, get dressed.
Received the news that we're going to grandma's house.
Totally once in a blue moon. And mom brought me that news! o.0?

Went to da pau Yong Tau Fu for mom. Waited for around 8mins. *sigh*
I'm hungry too! But I hated the food from that shop. =(

Reached grandma's house.
Da pau food from another restaurant and eat at grandma's house.
After eating, went to see the huge luggage bag that grandma kept for many days years.
It's huge okay?
And it weight 10kg although it's empty. @.@

Then, I began posting! Until now.
Pictures of the day?


Day 11

My house is Soooo clean. Thanks to a very honorable guest.
I only had 8 days left.
So, I'm a complete new ME.

I washed laundries, fold two baskets of clothes.
Ate breakfast, wash the dirty dishes.
Pack my luggage.
WASHED my shoe!
P.s: I haven't wash "shoes" for 3 years.
Today was my first after all these days. ><

I've been a very good girl today. ^^
I didn't go online.
I played with my sis.
I read useful book.
I did all chores.
I sleep early.
End of the day.

P.s: I had a great sleeping quality (Thought of the next day) XD

I'm sick of this

I don't feel like posting the Singapore story anymore as my post disappear again!
Just because it haven't save.
So I'll proceed on my Project and get back to this post later. =(

Friday 2 September 2011

Day 10

Woke up at 7am.
Get on the bus at 8am.
Ate breakfast at 8.30am.
Went to Singapore Flyer first because the bus driver was lost. Haha!
We had free sight seeing tour! *hiok hiok*

Singapore Flyer's cost for two adults (grandma and I) S$ 59.
Snap a lot of pictures on the thing. ^^
One round will take 30 mins.
If you are rich, you can have a dinner on it too!
So syok!

Day 9 continue

... I went to Vivo city my own.
I love it there. The shops, the brands (which they don't have in Malaysia) , the PRICE (certainly not!)
It's huge. I didn't finish exploring there yet. =(

I went inside Forever 21, Vans, Esprit, Edc, and many many more. Don't forget Swarovski. The price there is more costly than in Malaysia. So, get things from Swarovski in Malaysia. ;p

Half-way walking, my stomach is growling. And I can't think well. I need FOOD!
I went to Food Republic and have a "one tonne mee".
There's like 10 dumplings and 2 siew bak choy in it.
The soup is disgusting. The mee is dry.
I force myself to finish the mee. It cost me S$ 4.50! Around RM 11.25! @.@

At first, I wanted to eat mix-rice. But I saw the price. Some one took "something" and it cost S$ 11.45!!!
Wow... so I ate the mee. =(
After filling my tummy, I continue shopping.
Check out the shoes... Ballet flats... And they cost S$ 99.00 for genuine leather. *eye balls pop out*
Check out formal shirts... Try them on... cost S$ 32 for a blouse (after 70%) @#$%&*!
Walked and walked... Tired.

Went back to Resort world.
Walked, took pictures, took brochures...
I sat down at 3.30pm.
Reading those brochures to kill time.
Going to gather at 4.30pm.
Gathered, get on the bus, going to check in to the hotel.

And... my hotel is located at Geylang. Singapore's famous red light district.
It's not as bad as you all think.
I can still peek inside those houses and see some female...
Back to my dinner.
Erm, it was okay.
I have pork barbecue rice.
And the soup is as usual, MSG-ish.
Cost me S$ 3.
Grandma had rice with soup. S$ 3 also.

Went back to hotel, watch TV, getting tired.
Grandma slept.
I think it was around 9pm.
I fell asleep too.
Lights still on.
End of the day. =)


I had finished posting and half of my post is gone!
I don't know what to do now.
You expect me to re-type everything??!!
Super sad. I'll rest for a while first. Maybe I'll upload photos?
I think I will.
So disappointed.
I'll upload photos now. =(

Day 9

Okay, I'm on the bus, on the way to Singapore. =)
Stopped at Yong Peng for super early breakfast at 4am!
Then continued our journey to Singapore.
Passed the Malaysia "kastam"
Get on the bus, and heading to Singapore's "kastam".
Brought everything down, go through the "kastam", and the thingy beeps!
I have metal on me! OMG! The guard asked me to stop and bla... bla... bla...
My phone was in my pocket. Lol!
The journey continues. We get on the bus, and they need breakfast! (Not me)

Reached hawker center at 8am.
Grandma ate porridge and I went to shit.
Met her and I drank an ice milo.
I forgot that I'm having period! OMG!
So, grandma finished all my milo. ='(

Reached Sentosa Resort World. Took pictures... ALONE!
P/s: Will upload the pictures next time. Don't wanna interrupt my posting.
Grandma didn't come out from the casino as promised.
So, I went to Vivo city my own.