Wednesday 14 September 2011

Day 23

I drank the soy milk as my breakfast today.
Then, went to C's room to kill time.
We ate mess food for lunch!
It's nice. I had my first chicken in Manipal! (Second actually)

We went back to our room.
I waited for the cleaners to come for YEARS.
Then went to L's room to watch She's a man.

Called delivery. I want to eat Chicken spaghetti but they don't have it.
So I ordered Chicken sweet and sour. @.@
It's nice. But the way they pack it is "unique". >,<"

Then I skyped with Blur S. And I'm all tired and sleepy now.
Tomorrow will be our orientation.
I don't want to wear formal!!!
I haven't decide what to wear yet...
Maybe the blue one? @.@

Will make up my mind tomorrow.
There's plenty of clothes to choose from. ^^
So I'm going to end this post so that I can sleep.
Pictures, I'll upload them tomorrow after my orientation.

Conclusion, today is a lazy/do nothing day!

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