Wednesday 14 September 2011

Checking out on Taylor Swift

I'm bored of facebook-ing and do nothing. =(
Super bored and I spend my whole day waiting for the cleaners to come.
Fyi, I waited since yesterday 10pm.

Finally, they came. And I'm sick of facebook by that time. Just searching Taylor Swift picture. I've seen all Demi Lovato's last time. I'm dead bored and so I blogged. *sigh*

There's dust every where. Aka (kakak in Indian) is sweeping the floor and so all of the dust is flying here and there. Okay, they're done. @.@

I waited and they're done. Within 5 mins. I'm not happy about this. But I'm tired. So bye.
Up sad. Btw, Taylor Swift's pictures to brightened my day hopefully yours too! ^^

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