Monday 12 September 2011

Day 18 continue

I got down from the plan, and the whole scenario happens again. The taking the laptop out, taking the passport out, carrying heavy baggage all around scenario. =(

After we pass the security check, we claim our check-in luggage. You know? The check-in luggage of mine weighted 28kg. So I can't carry it up myself. Luckily, there's some people from Manipal helping us out. So considerable. =)

Took the trolley, collected all the luggage, we push our trolley and follow the line. Waiting for everyone to be here and start to head count. =)

While waiting, I snap pictures from my phone as well. ^^
The Bangalore International Airport was nice! Ya... Nice.

After everyone were here, we follow the line to get on the bus. Walk walk walk with trolley loaded with luggage, I'm so excited and the weather is very cosy and nice compared to Malaysia.

Send our luggage to the lorry so that they can transfer it to Manipal from Bangalore, get on the bus and heading to our hotel.

I look out the window the whole journey. Bangalore is a city like KL. People there were richer compared to those in Manipal of course. Well, the things I noticed was, they never cut those wild grass. They just let it grow. I haven't seen those kind of grass growing that tall before! It's so natural. It seems that those kind of grass can only grow until that certain height. Around 20cm I guess. =)

There's a lot of advertisement site which is empty. Some even written Popular on it. So lol.

And every Indian lady wears either Saree or Punjabi suit no matter how poor they were. Even restaurant workers back in Manipal wears a Saree when she's sweeping the floor. @.@
I think their traditional costume is very unique. And to wear it all the time, it really shows their custom. =)

The journey to the hotel is long. I forgot how long they took because I'm too excited looking at the scenery!
The vehicle number is different from us. Their's is e.g. AB.12.CD.3456 or AB.12.C.3456 OR AB.12.  .3456
Haha!!! I don't understand what it meant by a few letter missing in between. I saw a motorcycle plate with Indian writings on it. I can't even understand a thing! And their Indian writing is different than Tamil. Tamil's is kinda long like TT JJ but the writing here is round like @@... So it's different. Although Indians from Malaysia can't understand a thing. Just like us! Haha!

Their mostly driving Suzuki Swift, and cars from TATA, Volkswagen, and Toyota. They have all the showrooms I listed and Mashinda... I can't remember all of them. =(

Their petrol station! Is like ours but the brand are different. They have Indian Oil, HP and Shell. =)

The other thing I like in India is that they have mural everywhere. And their mural is not graffiti like the one beside the river in KL. They really paint it nicely and it's like those that we can find in the museum! I like!
They have mural about planes, different models of plane, and animal. At least that's what I saw. ^^

Their traffic. It's fine in this big town I guess. The motorcyclist have a proper helmet on (at least). Their car is white in colour. I wonder why... 0.0
Their buses. It's like a big iron box which have four wheels, and 3 seats on the left and the same on the right. Around 20 rows? And other's need to stand in the middle. So far, every bus is full and people have to squeeze in between. @.@
They're use to it already. Perhaps...
The buses even have those blink blink light that Malays will use to decorate their house during Hari Raya. XD

Before I know, we reached our hotel. Grab our bags, and head straight to the lobby. My roommate is Lynn. She sat on my right during the flight from KL to Bangalore. Put our bags and have dinner straight away! I didn't have anything since 2.30pm and my dinner time is 9pm. @.@
Not that hungry. So it's okay.

After the dinner, I bathe and try to use the hotel wi-fi but failed. =(
So, we stay on the bed and watched Princess and The Pony. The channel is Zstudio. Western movie.
Then we feel asleep because we don't wanna wait for the commercial break.

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