Tuesday 13 September 2011

New song for you! Me, myself and time from Demi.

Woke up at 8am today. Culprit alarm did it's job. Job well done. =D

Read the hostel rule book today. Haven't finish reading it yet. 4 more pages left. Trying hard to finish it. XP

Just took my bathe and washed my PJs. There's hair all over my room. @.@
Should I go down to ask for cleaning?

I'm making myself a soy drink right now. A simple breakfast.

Dont' feel like going to C's room today. I've been there EVERYDAY! And she haven't finish unpacking! =(
Procrastinator! If she sees this, I'll die.
I'll go after my drink la.

I'll be fine in India. Everything is very "student" friendly. There's no thief here. I mean, they won't rompak you or grab your things. Just be careful and pay attention to your surrounding and you'll be alright. ;)

Love the cork board! I haven't do anything about it YET. I don't even have a piece of foolscap paper with me.

Do you know? They will make us leave this room after one year. Because junior will be coming in. And by that time, they will arrange another room for us. =(

Come, I tell you their phone plan. For a new day, they will charge 0.50 ps for the first two message. Then for the third message until the 300th, it will be free!!! But the plan can only last for 6 months. You can renew the plan if you want after that. $_$

It's boring you know? Without S&S around. And this is such a big room. You can EASILY feel the loneliness. ='(
Luckily, the Internet connection yesterday was alright and we can Skype! ^^
Looking at you all packing is real nice. Make me feel that I'm still there. We share the same music (and I can know what's the latest music too) @.@

Miss you all so much. It's better not to see you all. It make things worst. =(
Getting emotional... Tears rushing out...
But OF COURSE I'll still Skype with you all.
I want to know what happens over there.

And you know? The RM 700 deposit, I got them. But I need money by that time. So they became rupees...
So I didn't "donate" some with you all. Sorry!
I remember my promise though! =(

Hey, did you all want those Punjabi shirt? I will be so nice to wear them right? Maybe I can buy them for you all! Just tell me if you all want ok? For the pants, it will be like leggings, but a little crumple in the ankle part. =)
I can't wait to try them on! But I need to go to Udupi (a bigger town 5km away) to get them. I went there yesterday, the police station thing.

I think... C is still sleeping... o.0?
So, I'll continue typing until she replies my message. =D

I'm wondering what to eat when my class started. @.@
You know... the food court is far and my class start at 8am.
And it took me 12mins to get to my class.

OMG... I spoke Malay to an Indian cleaner just now. So out of situation. Hahaha!

SO! What to eat. You know, I can't function without food. So... ='(

Solution 1: Get down at 7.15am, go to food court, eat, then go class.
Solution 2: Get down at 7.30am, call Shop 2 to order sandwich, go collect, eat while walking, go class.
Solution 3: Buy bread, make breakfast my own in the room, then drink soy drink, get down at 7.30am.

Hmm... So far that's what I'm considering. But right now, Solution 1 seems to be the choice. =)

The rubber chicken IS here to share my problems at all time. =D

I'm going out to take water. I finished drinking my soy bean.
I think I lost weight! Erm... or it's maybe I haven't ate my breakfast.
Anyway, I'll lose weight due to all the walking.
No such thing as going to gym, jogging and swimming.
Although there's a gym, but it's so far away!
To and fro from Hostel to Jaya One I guess? Maybe not that far. But it's far.
We can take Auto (their taxi) there perhaps.
If we want lar...
But all the walking is so tiring already and you want me to go gym?! Ridiculous.

Okay lar, I go take water first. Continue when I'm back. ^^

Back!!! I'm not switching on any fan or air-cond and I can still survive. The weather is cold. Like Cameron Highland. Morning and at night from 7.30pm? Cold cold.

I start drinking water! Because I have sore throat. 

Hee hee! I know... I know... I'm still the same. But I'm afraid that India's water will make my stomach ache. So I didn't drink that much water on the first day. But before I depart, I have sore throat already so... I take care. But no medicine pleeeaaase.

Mom force me to bring plenty of Vitamins. I haven't ate a single one. They will end up like the protein that is still in the room. Haha! @.@
I can't bring those all around right? The food court itself is so far away, and I need to eat those after meal. Then how? You expect me to go eat then walk back to hostel and eat those vitamins and go class?
Nah... I don't have a container to keep those. And they'll be making noise like a Maraca.

So colourful like an Easter egg.
Well... I'll find a way. But Okay anything. Whatever. >,<"

So, going to stop the rant. =) 
Finally peace to you all? Fine.

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