Sunday 4 September 2011

To leader S

You can do it la! you're being like that every time your exam is coming. @.@
Haha! Pity Blur S.

Just try your best. Do not fear that you will drop because your best have it's standard.
Don't compare with others and no need to fear that people will beat you too much.
A little fear makes you even more hard working but too much is too much.

So don't worry because you are a total weirdo that can memorize almost everything using the shortest time.
With such excellent English, such good memory cells, you can definitely do it!
Quit worrying.

You can't be worrying every single time. You will kill Blur S and Blur S will get use to it sooner or later.
It's true. @.@
Then, she can't feel anything although you are still nervous next year!
Imagine that! 0.0

Just try your best and don't fear.
I know of course you will be nervous but just relax a little bit. >,<'''

Okay la! Continue studying.
Burning the midnight oil.
Sleep earlier!

Didn't call cause I don't wanna waste your time.
Miss both of you very very much.
Miss your voice!
Not Blur S's voice cause her voice changed. xP
Add oil!

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