Saturday 21 January 2012

Day 11 - Chinese New Year Eve

After yesterday's PnF Marathon, I slept like a pig. And I woke up at 8am this morning and feel so fresh!
Wow! It's Chinese New Year Eve already! It's CNY already! It a whole new year and it's gonna be the year of Dragon tomorrow! DRAGON!!!

Had breakfast while thinking how to celebrate in India. Well I know how!
Chinese New Year celebration to-do list:

  1. I need to wear new clothes. Red red wan!
  2. Eat mandarin orange.
  3. Wish all my relatives through Facebook according to Malaysia time.
  4. Online 24/7 so that some one, anyone can Skype with me.
  5. Don't sleep the whole night tonight, just to wish mummy and daddy Happy Chinese New Year! With my new Red red pj.
  6. Eat a great dinner tonight in front of my computer order from Cheff Inn. I want Chicken sweet and sour. And tomato soup. That's all. Later too full.
  7. On 988 fm the whole day! Get the latest news in M'sia.
Alright! That's my list. (so far)
I'm going to show you all what I bought just now. 1500 rupees burned! 

My black nails.
Although exam emo black on the hand, there's still CNY red deep down.
Mandarin oranges. =)
New clothes!!! I need to wash them after blogging. 
More nail colors! And a new pair of earring. Going to wear em' tomorrow. 
bought a plate. =.=
And my favorite Stabilo colors, yellow post-it note, and 2 screw drivers without reason! 
I know it's late. But better late than never! 
Haha! L know me well. When I text message her about me going to buy oranges, she replied happy shopping. And see what happens! Hahaha! I'm so happy today. And I can't wait for tomorrow!!! 
Okay, I need to wash those clothes now. If not it won't dry quick enough! I love every single one of you that are reading this. I am very happy today. So yea. Happy Chinese New Year everyone!

Day 10

VIVA VOCE! It went well. At least I'm not nervous until I can't think. And my mind frost. So overall it's alright and the lecturer gave me sweet some more! I know we're not kids anymore but we like it.

Before this, I am stressed up! Bang! RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT.

Why do I say so? I can't sleep yesterday night.  Insomnia. And it's time for me to sleep. 
Then, I feel like vomiting. Nausea.
So, I went to turn on my laptop and play songs. 
Plus! I'm waiting for the alarm to ring today. Me? Seriously?
After I woke up, straight to the toilet. Diarrhea
And I can't finish my breakfast. No appetite. And it's hash brown day today. 
Look at what I did to my unfinished bread. 

I am so tensed, I poke holes on it. >,<
After Viva, I went back and paint my nails black. I forgot to take the picture but I like it. ;)
I Skyped with my dad, mum and sister. 
Dad : looking good.
Mum : lost weight and ready to try on her 'L' size new shirt.
Sister : Learned 3 Chinese New Year songs and getting ready to receive lots of Angpau. Happy her.
Me : Getting ready to face Block II exam and miss all the Angpau fun. 
This year's OCBC Angpau design
p/s: not nice wan!
I have this! This is nice! xD
J is very very sick today. =(
She feel down, she shed, she bought the 4th packet of pads, she went to clinic, and she went to the clinic again. 
So pity. 
And after lunch, I watch around 5 episode of Phineas and Ferbs! xD
So happy. They're so funny!!! 
They sure know how to brightened up my day. =)
Then I went to sleep. 
Woke up, bathe, then decided to go to Asia Delight. They say it was nice. I'm not sure whether I am going tomorrow or not. That's why I went. Alone. Random. 
I sat at a corner by the stairs. 
And ordered Roti telur and Nasi lemak ayam. 

Awesome! So so nice!
And I like their plate. 
Nasi lemak ayam.
I don't usually waste but I just did. 
As you all see, I can't finish the Nasi lemak ayam. It's because don't taste good. Not at all. Bluek!
Totally ruin my evening. 
I'm going to watch more PnF now. 
Giving myself a break. xD
Can't celebrate CNY this year. It Sucks. But well, I'll make it PnF marathon! Huh! 

Friday 20 January 2012

Day 9

Phew, I drew the wrong graph, I failed to answer the lecturer's question (I hope she did hear my mumble before I leave) Whatever. That's all. It feel great to know how to do the questions. I just did it wrongly that's all. It's better than I stare at the question and feel BLUR.

Wanted to go facial after OSPE. But yea, it's more rational for me to have my lunch. Thank you L and J! The weird look on your face make me know that it's a big NO for me to go.

Went back to room at 3pm, play Balloon Defense until 4pm. Wanted to sleep but can't. Read magazine. Lie on the bed and do nothing until 5pm. Start reading GIT since then. Until now. Minus the time that I bathe and order food and watch Phineas and Ferb during my dinner time and now -BLOG. I will be studying GIT still. Still have Colon and Gastrointestinal hormones. Last 2 objectives for GIT.

Of course, beside studying, my life is still "interesting".
CNY is approaching. I painted my nails red! Like a b*tch!

My feet move a little. That's why it's not that clear.
See? Red like a b*tch.
And I had my dinner at 8pm I think? I don't really feel hungry at 7pm. I bathe at 7.30pm, waited for food and eat my dinner with the company of Phineas and Ferb episode. Hehe! 
I can't finish my food. And my "pet" in my room - ants, they are very efficient. So I need to do something to keep them away from my leftover dinner.  

Sometimes, I'm really glad that I have brain.
After dinner, it's back to studying again! (OMG! I can't believe it. Where's my life?) 
And I feel much happier to study after dinner. 
1. Full belly
2. Good mood after watching PnF
3. Studying with favorite playlist on

Pity finger. Result of long hours of writing.
Okay, since I have finished blogging about today, I'm gonna continue my portion. 'Cause I don't think I'm going to open GIT again. It's killing. It really is. Especially your lecturer is JP. JP... 
Alright! Good night! (for you all)
I will sleep at 12.30am perhaps? 

Thursday 19 January 2012

I forgot what I used to be

Short term memory me, I forgot what I used to be.
Despite my boring Secondary life, I actually have a pretty interesting life!
I can't believe I live a not so boring life! Not boring at all!

I went to camp, loads of camps. And those camp leads me to Kemaman, Merang Suria, Kwang Hwa, Mentakab. Wow! I can't believe I forgot about that!
And with my group of friends, I went to Selangor, the most beautiful temple in Malaysia, Dong Chan Shi TWICE! And I design my own cup in Tenmoku Pottery with my friends. Such a wonderful experience.
And lets not forget we saw the Batik making, turtle watching, picnic-ing and all of that!
Played crazy games. Went to a camp that we can actually play more than 100 games per day! It's was crazy and super FUN!

Besides that, Music!
Went to music academy twice a week, all the activities there. All the orchestra, music-thon, performance, parties, theory quiz, theory classes (so so fun!)
I enjoyed! Except for the practice piano part. But everything is fun. People where nice there. Everyone is so friendly! And crazy! And funny!
I can't believe I forgot all of that!

Haha! Wow. I love my life. And now, it's up to me to continue this wonderful, adventurous life with my daily activities. I will make my life meaningful. So that went I reflect, I won't regret. I'm so proud of myself. I love my life! <3

Day 8

Today is lazy day! =D
I woke up late, attended SDL without knowing what is going on. @_@
Dr U's class... I suffered! I'm so sleepy although that's he's last class.
I awake only when he is talking about the Enzyme - Substrate aka Marks - Blocks graph. xD
Early lunch, ate the most unhealthy meal in India (spicy maggi goreng without vege, with high cholesterol bull's eye) =O
After lunch, straight away sleep! Like a PIG.
Slept for one hour and 15 minutes.
Rush to send my book to wrap. In the mean time, I bought three different nail colors and a rope. I bought the rope for no reason. Oh wait! For one reason. I like the color. It's purple plum! And now, I'm left with thinking  what I can do with it.

Black: For emo exam mood. Red: CNY mood. Blue: Vacation mood. 
Rush to Anatomy lecture, attended the utmost funny lecture. And then, went to aka shop and grab this three pens. (Two black, one blue. Don't be fooled by the green cap as I did before.)

Don't judge a book by it's cover. 
And now, I am back in my room sweet room, guess what time is it? (What time is it? Summer time! HSM lol!)
It's just 3.30pm!!!
And I'm going to post one more post, and sleep. 
I won't force myself today. I love myself. =)
Tomorrow is OSPE. Yea... OSPE.
*deep breath* 
Everything will be fine. =D

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Day 7

It's been a very long day today.
First, woke up at 7am and make it to breakfast. I ate 8 hash browns!
Don't be jealous. Too much something is not a good thing.
I literally force myself to swallow the last 3 hash browns with bournvita.

Anatomy dissection class... then anterior triangle anatomy lecture... Respiratory lecture class (super fast revision), Biochem, PPD (are you serious?) PPD?! Woman's right? Object? Assess on human body? (Please excuse all the irrelevant point)

Went to end point with L! Finally! Took the jungle tracking path, jogged for 2 and a half laps, meditated for 8 minutes? then continue meditating... (waiting for L to stretch) then use another unusual path to head home.

Went to Thailin. I'm surprised by the "Chinese" design. Come again? I have prove right here!

Dragon and phoenix mural?! o.0
And the Thailin does not look like a restaurant at all! It's a house! A house full of Chinese design. Beside this mural, there's a big prosperity calligraphy hanging on the wall. And let's not forget the wooden entrance and the iron bar is also very Chinese. 

I stoned when I saw all that. I look around and I need time to process that I'm in a Chinese design house in India. Apparently I accept the fact and I sat down. Tsk tsk... 

I asked L to order food as this is the first time experience for me to be in Thailin. (based on my blur reaction) 
So she ordered... 

Oh, the food were delicious! I love the Chicken the most! It's called Sweet and Spicy Chicken. It taste so Chinese!!! And the green vege. I miss my mom when I had my first bite! And that's when I hate Thailin. You know that my memory is based on taste and scent. =.=''' 
The egg and dumpling tasted okay. It's not as nice as the CHICKEN! The chicken is awesome. 

And I'm not a big fan of pork. I don't get it why other people can't live without pork. 
Ehem, I can even be a vegetarian. *proud* 
Don't stay alive by killing other lives while you can live by eating veges. 

After dinner, I'm very very very full! I think my stomach capacity decreases. I can't finish that portion of dishes?? That's so not me. My policy is not to waste food. So we manage to finish all the food. Except L, she's didn't finish her rice. 

Then, I went to library. Man I hate library. But what to do? That's the only prison that can keep me studying without sleeping or day dreaming. Even I've I'm in the library, I feel like giving up for more than 5 times? I'm just too tired and sleepy alright? At last, I can't finish the portion that I planned to finish. Imaginary VS Reality again? *sigh*
Someone sat on my place. So, I found a new place and the partition have this! 

: "Study or else you'll have to study again!" lmao
That is so true! I love the way student interact through writing stuff on the partition. They were so true yet so funny. xD

And please don't think that I like library. To be frank, I hate library. In fact, it's a fact! 
I go there everyday doesn't mean that I like going there. It's because that's the only place to imprison me. The only place that keep me sitting still without typing something on my keyboard. 
I don't have self discipline. That's a fact. 
To overcome this, I have no choice but to imprison myself in library. 
Alright, I'm suppose to collapse on my bed now. 
But because of Project 365 and my daily advancing Alzheimer disease, I need to blog. That is what I like. I enjoy blogging. =)

Good night people. 

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Day 6

I'm good! I'm perfectly fine today. No more hormonal imbalance mood swing. It's all gone. =D
I went jogging today. And I wore the new green socks that my mom got me!
I love it! It's so green and it sure brightened up my day more!

Love the way it matches my black leggings and my black pointy flats. xD
Of course I won't wear it out. I just love the green. Very lovely.

And I'm going to library tonight too. As I did my experiment yesterday, I can sit and study for two and a half hours. That enough for me. And I get to sleep early after that. I'm so gonna continue this routine.

And, I went to library on last Sunday too. If you all remember. I met one of my classmate. See what he did to he's "table"!

And mine is not at all like that! 
Look at him! With a full stack of fresh A4 paper, 2-3 reference book, (why do I have the chance to snap this photo? because he went to take more reference book!) Yea... my classmate. And that's the 2nd time I entered library since Block II begin. xP
Alright! Great day today.
 Except for the kantoi part during DH today. >,< 

Monday 16 January 2012

Never Grow Up - Taylor Swift

Your little hands wrapped around my finger
And it's so quiet in the world tonight
Your little eyelids flutter 'cause you're dreaming
So I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light

To you, everything's funny
You got nothing to regret

I'd give all I have, honey
If you could stay like that

Oh, darling, don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
Just stay this little
Oh, darling, don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
It could stay this simple

I won't let nobody hurt you
Won't let no one break your heart

No, no one will desert you
Just try to never grow up, never grow up

You're in the car on the way to the movies
And you're mortified your mom's dropping you off
At 14, there's just so much you can't do
And you can't wait to move out someday and call your own shots

But don't make her drop you off around the block
Remember that she's getting older, too
And don't lose the way that you dance around
In your PJs getting ready for school

Oh, darling, don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
Just stay this little
Oh, darling, don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
It could stay this simple

No one's ever burned you
Nothing's ever left you scarred
And even though you want to
Just try to never grow up

Take pictures in your mind of your childhood room
Memorize what it sounded like when your dad gets home
Remember the footsteps, remember the words said
And all your little brother's favorite songs

I just realized everything I have
Is someday gonna be gone

So here I am in my new apartment
In a big city, they just dropped me off
It's so much colder than I thought it would be
So I tuck myself in and turn my night light on

Wish I'd never grown up
I wish I'd never grown up

Oh, I don't wanna grow up, wish I'd never grown up
Could still be little
Oh, I don't wanna grow up, wish I'd never grown up
It could still be simple

Oh, darling, don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
Just stay this little
Oh, darling, don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
It could stay this simple

Won't let nobody hurt you
Won't let no one break your heart

And even through to you want to
Please try to never grow up

Don't you ever grow up
(Never grow up)
Just never grow up


I wish I can be the cheerful, joyful old me. 
No regrets, no worries, no problems to solve.
Living everyday happily.
With my family and friends.
Playground everyday, with everyone loving me. 

Hit the STOP button

I can't stand this anymore.
I realize that he is interrupting my daily routine.
And I am force to lie to him.
I don't like lying.

Instead of being fake, why don't I tell him straight away?
I don't need to tell him what am I doing.
I don't need him to worry about me.
I don't need him to buy lunch for me.
I don't need him to ask me to sleep.
What? Am I still a kid to you?

And I don't need your friend to spy on me.
Quote: "Your friend just pass by"
What was that?!
That's sickening!
I hate it!
Stop it before it went worst.
I'm mad.
And thanks to the mood swing, I am not worry about hurting your feelings anymore.
I'm going to tell you straight to your face.
And I want it to end.
Because we can never be together.
He is younger than me.
We like different things.
I am too matured compared to him.

We can never get into a relationship.
Just forget about it, find someone else in Batch 30.
Or from KMC.
Move on.
Don't waste your time on me.

Day 5

I'm have a very bad mood swing today.
Thanks to my menstrual that came this morning.
I'm glad that it came though. It's been a awhile. 2 weeks late?
*Ehem* I prefer it to be punctual.

I spend my whole day being emotional and I'm going to hit a big NO button after this.
There's a guy chasing after me and I don't want to give him any fake hope.
Instead of holding the truth so that he won't get hurt, I decide to confront him as soon as I can instead of wait for the Block exam ends.
Who knows he's feeling grow day after day?
Better act fast so that the hurt won't be that bad.

I'm going to jog in End Point so that I can release stress today.
And if every thing when as I plan, I'm going to library to mug up my Physiology.
I love myself.
I don't like to "use" someone.
It's not my policy.
Still, I love myself than anything else.
And I will stop anything that make myself uncomfortable.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Chinese New Year in India

This is my first time celebrating Chinese New Year in India. Alone. Celebrating it away from family. That sucks.
I spend a whole night being emotional, homesick and celebrating Chinese New Year alone in the room.
How can I manage to survive the loneliness?
I tune in 988 and I chat with my ex-classmate for around 4 hours.
He sure make me feel homey. =')

Getting to know that what is happening in Malaysia really make me feel very touched.
At least I know something about them, what are they doing right now.
Well, I'm not here to be emotional and all.

I'm here to express how good it feels to chat with that "ex-classmate"
Well, I feel in love very easily.
And I really enjoy chatting with him.
He's funny.
He makes me laugh and he impress me.
And most importantly, he's a CHINESE.
I'm a racist.
Because my family am a bigger racist than I am.
I don't mind having a lover in different race.
The thing is if we're the same race, it would be better.

Hah, he's hilarious.
He did what I like.
He don't do what I don't like.
He jogs.
He knows nothing near Medical field.
He knows everything about IT and Computer. (What I hated the most)
And that's what I like!
I don't need people to tell me what I already know.

By chatting with him yesterday night,
I got the answer for my doubt.
And that doubt is with me for 4 years!
He's SMART! I like!!!

But we're just friend.
So, yea.

Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat

I'm obsessed with this song! <3 
LUCKY - Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat 
Do you hear me? I'm talking to you.
Across the water around the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying

Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend 
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooh ooh ooh

They don't know how long it takes 
Waiting for a love like this 
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will 

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again

Lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair

Though the breezes through trees

Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning 'round
You hold me right here, right now.

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again

Lucky to we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh, ooh

Day 4

Spend 5 hours in library reading Physiology Respiration Chapter. I'm very glad I finished reading part 1. I'm going to continue reading it tonight. I'm addicted in reading Ganong.
I'm going to read, read, and read!
I don't care much about my result. I enjoy the activity - reading!
I barely read anything and now, I like reading.
I'm very glad that I start liking reading. =)

Saturday 14 January 2012

The road not taken

I went to End Point as you all know.
To sports people, End Point is just a place for us to jog, play soccer, cricket and play ball.
But for me, End Point is a lot more than that.
I love nature. And I am glad that there's a place like that near me.

So today, I went to End Point, unplanned.
It just happened.
I snapped pictures!
I don't own a DSLR. I'm snapping all these with my 3 years old phone. 

It's eagles hunting


Check out more of my photos in my Facebook page. 

Day 3

I'm glad for today because we don't have any extra class today! Miracle!

First time trying from Let's Chat ;)

Aloo Chat!
P/s: Aloo means potato in India
My new favorite food. =)

I watched 50/50 the movie.

Went to End Point and snapped a lot of pictures! I will upload them on my blog soon. They're on my facebook already! xD
Went to Cheff Inn to parcel my dinner for tonight.
Loving the idea to stay in my room for dinner.
Today, I'm tired but I'm happy!

Friday 13 January 2012

The smell of the pencil

Remember that I'm very attached to scent and taste?
Here one more fact about me!
I like the smell of wooden pencil. I feel that that particular smell make me smart. I think I'm used to smelling pencil when I'm young. And I'm very smart when I'm young. I wonder why it changes after I reach the age of 7. Oh I know why! There's a teacher that use to scare us and kill all my imagination and confidence. Well, that's why I've been like that. All I can say is children is really fragile. Once gone, it's gone for good. And now, I'm left with these little bit of intelligent and this little bit of confidence. I really do hope they grow. =)

Here's some picture to show that a pencil is not just a pencil. Except for writing, they can be a piece of art too!

trash to art

such fine carving! 
That's all for today. Don't have special thoughts to share about. In fact, I'm very inspired by a senior and he's hard work make me wanna work even harder! (I didn't work hard before) So, I'm gonna make him my role model and love what I'm doing right now. Study for the sake of gaining knowledge. 

People, remind yourself what are you living for. <3 

Day 2

I studied yesterday. So, I can understand what the lecturer teach in DH. Can absorb more. Happy!
Grabbed a magazine today. I'm sick of reading textbooks every time.
Today is the "special" day that I realized I don't have a prominent sternal angle. Even me, myself can't palpate my own sternal angle. =(
Unfortunately we didn't get to try food from Asian Delight today. So, we ended up eating early dinner in Chef Inn. L and I ate mushroom chicken platter with soya milk. =D While J get herself tomato rice with roasted chicken which taste very good!
I chat with two great people today. I can't believe it. Although they don't know my identity, they still chat with me without any prejudice. I salute them.
One of them is senior from MMMC! He helped me a lot. Gave me advice and encourages me. I'm very very grateful for that. Thank you so much!
I am very inspired and I hope this feeling can last for a very long time. =)
Great Friday the 13th for me! =D

Thursday 12 January 2012

Project 365 - Day 1

Yes, I'm here to start project 365 again.
Hopefully this time, it can last longer then 25 days? o.0

So, here you go!
Day 1
Today I cried alone in my room because I think of my family. All of my friends are going back this February. I miss my family so much and because of all the academic stress, I cried. =')
I didn't eat mess food tonight because it looks disgusting. I ate fried meehoon and bull's eye instead.
I attempt to save a little bug that accidentally fell into my tomato sauce. I succeeded at first, until it go all the way to another puddle of gravy...
I am amazed by the will of the little bug to stay alive. I should learn from this poor soul.

Taste and scent

I experienced a major homesick once when I'm in India only when I tasted the taste of Marmite.
I guess taste and scent is the one that bring my memories back.
I can hardly reflect about anything. My pass, my story, my life. But with taste and scent. They came back to me effortlessly.

And just now, I pass by a couple and I accidentally smell the girl's perfume. The girl smells like morning in my grandmother's house. I know it sounded weird. But right after I walk pass her, the scent is so familiar that I stopped and think for awhile. The first scene that came to me is my grandma's house's car garage.

This unleashes my second homesick. I need to cry. I need a chance to shed tears. Because of all the academic stress, I miss home. Can I just stop this course and straightaway go back to my house and hug my mom? I miss her so much. I miss her smell. I miss hugging her. I know what is the first thing I want to do when I reach Malaysia's airport and when I get to see her. I'm gonna run and hug her and cry. They will not know how much a medical student suffer during exam or even just to keep up in class. The pressure of having class test, PBL, SDL. I mean, what was all that? DH 4 times per week. I'm not use to that huge amount of work. I'm not trained for this!

I can stay away from my family for a very long time without even thinking of them if I am not suffering. But I am suffering now! Like, now! It is just so sad and helpless when you know what you need to do but you can't do it. I know that all of us can do it. But the process is killing.

Okay, I finish crying. No more tears to shed. I don't want to go to class with swollen eyes tomorrow morning. Goodbye now, I have a schedule to follow.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

My 1st parcel

For those who follow me in Twitter, you definitely know that I ... received my parcel! 
Wow! How excited is that? Although I know that there's nothing special inside. But... but... still! It's a parcel from your house. Aww... 

So grateful that it is a very small box which is much more lighter compared to the one that I used to lift. 
I send a to-buy-list to my mom, ask her to get what's on the list for me. As usual, I'm the Pentel Light eraser's crazy fan. And that's nevertheless the first thing on my list because I can't get them in India. *sob* 
Now, see the amount of those eraser I have! <3 

Waala! 10 small ones just as I requested. The two big one is from my friend. So nice of him. 

Except for the erasers, it's a new year. Although I never use a daily planner before, but I know every year, my mom's company's management planner was awesome!!! So, I asked for that. And as I thought, it was AWESOME! I used it already! xD

Alright, I'm a shopaholic. That's a fact. And out of all accessories, I love rings the most! So, they here too! 

They're from M'sia
These are from India
And all together, they are my babes! 

My new habit is to jog. So I can't be wearing the same old pair of socks right? Conclusion: I need new socks. 
And here they come! 

TVB. Nice choice of color! Sales assistant! 

 And last but not least, for all the negative thinking and thought thanks to such difficult course that I'm studying right now, I have these with me! Mini books full of inspiring stories. =)

Now I have them with me, I think I won't be emo so soon?

And of course, my mom will surprise me by things that I don't really need... 

Is this a voodoo or something? o.0
No! I know exactly what it was. And it's not a voodoo! 

Erm, mom? This can't be use...
I meant, I won't use this. You have already get 10 of the type of eraser that I  WILL use. Remember? 

These look cute! It's one of my collection. 
Finally, thank you mummy to spend time checking twice or thrice or even more times to make sure you bought every thing on the list. You are the best! And I won't make you parcel things to me anymore. Haha! I hate the feeling of waiting for it like a dog. 
Anyways, thanks a lot! Now, I can heal my soul and make myself more comfortable in India. =)