Saturday 21 January 2012

Day 11 - Chinese New Year Eve

After yesterday's PnF Marathon, I slept like a pig. And I woke up at 8am this morning and feel so fresh!
Wow! It's Chinese New Year Eve already! It's CNY already! It a whole new year and it's gonna be the year of Dragon tomorrow! DRAGON!!!

Had breakfast while thinking how to celebrate in India. Well I know how!
Chinese New Year celebration to-do list:

  1. I need to wear new clothes. Red red wan!
  2. Eat mandarin orange.
  3. Wish all my relatives through Facebook according to Malaysia time.
  4. Online 24/7 so that some one, anyone can Skype with me.
  5. Don't sleep the whole night tonight, just to wish mummy and daddy Happy Chinese New Year! With my new Red red pj.
  6. Eat a great dinner tonight in front of my computer order from Cheff Inn. I want Chicken sweet and sour. And tomato soup. That's all. Later too full.
  7. On 988 fm the whole day! Get the latest news in M'sia.
Alright! That's my list. (so far)
I'm going to show you all what I bought just now. 1500 rupees burned! 

My black nails.
Although exam emo black on the hand, there's still CNY red deep down.
Mandarin oranges. =)
New clothes!!! I need to wash them after blogging. 
More nail colors! And a new pair of earring. Going to wear em' tomorrow. 
bought a plate. =.=
And my favorite Stabilo colors, yellow post-it note, and 2 screw drivers without reason! 
I know it's late. But better late than never! 
Haha! L know me well. When I text message her about me going to buy oranges, she replied happy shopping. And see what happens! Hahaha! I'm so happy today. And I can't wait for tomorrow!!! 
Okay, I need to wash those clothes now. If not it won't dry quick enough! I love every single one of you that are reading this. I am very happy today. So yea. Happy Chinese New Year everyone!

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