Monday 22 October 2012

I'm sorry that I'm not into you (anymore)

I don't mean to ignore you. But I'm over you. It's too late for you to like me now. I don't think I will fall for the same guy the second time.

Maybe you only noticed me after I took of my braces. But this proves that you just like my look. Only my look. You can't be protecting me because I don't need to be protected. I can take care of myself. I'd been taking care of myself since I'm 9 years old. And I don't need any other people to take care of me.

Maybe you feel sorry for me. For the scar on my arm, for how pale I looked today due to the "hemorrhage", but I'm certain that I don't need your sympathy. I can do this on my own. It's not that you can feel the pain I felt when I'm having menstrual cramp.

Maybe you are caring for everyone. But I don't like to share those caring feeling of yours with other people. I'm a selfish girl. (not very selfish, but I am SELFISH)  Maybe I will share those caring feeling of yours with your family members, but certainly not my batch mates or any other strangers. So I don't think we are right for each other. :) No hard feelings okay?

Don't you remember that I am your stalker and you use to stay away from me? o.o
You can't forget those creepy days right? So, I can't really understand why are you turning your attention to me. Will anyone ever like their stalker? I certainly don't. :x Just saying.

Can't believe that I'm so desperate for a relationship and yet I am pushing guys away.
I'm so funny right?
Maybe I'm too picky.
Maybe I consider too much.
But I might like someone for now.

Someone that try to get more information about me by getting near me and listen to my conversation.
I feel that it's sweet for him to do that. He don't usually do that.
Today is kinda unexpected. Maybe he noticed that I looked pale today.
He is such a sweet guy. Shy and timid.

So, I'm very sure that I don't like you anymore.
We are just batch mate. Maybe we are friends. But I won't fall for you for the second time.
I won't let myself get hurt.
So, go ahead and stamp everyone with your paw.

The think that I still like about you is that you are not afraid to admit that you are a monkey. Just like me.
I LOVE having similarities with some other random person. I have the fake feeling that we think alike.
I still like you as my batch mate.

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