Friday 30 November 2012

Hello December!

Happy December everyone! 


I never know that I like December that much.
When I'm younger, December is just another month for me to kill time doing nothing in the house.
But after I'm in college, I start spending time with friends in beautifully decorated shopping malls, Christmas musics playing all over, lots of candies and lots of special moment together with my love ones.

This is the second December I will ever spend in India. Last year's December, we did Christmas caroling speaking of Christmas, it's time for me to wash the Christmas hat. xD

This year's December, it's a very much anticipated one. I don't know what will happen this December, but my sister's birthday is in December and her birthday began to make sense because she start asking what she want during her birthday. She's old enough to understand the significance of celebrating a birthday.

Let's do Christmas caroling again. This Christmas. Hmm... I miss candy canes. :D
I'm just very very excited for this upcoming December.

Here's my December playlist! <3

  1. Mistletoe
  2. Last Christmas
  3. Back to December
  4. Remember December (only when you need a loud music)
  5. Once upon a December

May everyone have a blessed December and a good time preparing for Christmas. 


Class test 2 - Microbiology

Oh well, here comes another Class test. I failed my first Microbiology class test very badly. I hate myself for that. It even gave me depression that last for 2 weeks. -.-
Fail - feeling stupid - depressed.

But I'm alright now. It's been one and a half month since the last test. :)

Unlike Year one MBBS, the class tested that they construct is based on our SDL topic. That is why I failed my first class test. I didn't read. It's was 100% my fault. I know, but I'm still depressed. Haha!

Tomorrow is the Class test, I've been sleeping, eating, Youtube video watching and blogging (never forget about Tweeting). I'll start studying soon.
No matter how determine I wanted to strive and work hard, I will never be hard working enough. It's kind of like a me fact, I won't torture myself.


Thursday 29 November 2012

It's 11.30pm and I have nothing better to do.

I'm procrastinating as I don't want to start reading any books. I don't want to read anything at all!
As I'm a huge fan of Youtube, thanks to all the Youtubers that make interesting videos, I can't tolerate boredom.
I'm so used to click to another Youtube video is that particular video in Youtube.
But there's no clicking away in real life.
I'll just have to keep my eyes open and wait for the lecture to end. o_o

Today is a very significant day.

  1. I actually understand PHARMACOLOGY a little more, thanks to the amazing HOD of Pharmacology from MMMC. (kiss ass)
  2. I danced in front of lamb, there's more to come right? ;D
  3. I held his hand. :O Yes, my job is to pull a big fat buffalo up. Of course I can do that, I use to pull my mom up. -.- (Are you kidding me? I'm stronger than you thought.)
  4. Have lunch with more Chinese and talked about what type of guys I like. #girlstalk 
  5. Noticed that there's a guy that want to know who am I fond to. #spy
  6. Found my ex-crushes Twitter account!
  7. Mom is gonna hand in her resignation letter tomorrow!
  8. Skype with my parents today. (I'm too lazy to on Skype nowadays but today is an exception)
  9. Slept and feel refreshed. (until now)
  10. Jojo parceled KFC for me for my dinner! I have such great friend.
  11. Watched The Suite Life movie
  12. ...
I think there's more about today but I'm feeling a bit bored of listing down all this things that I'm grateful of today. So yea, that's about it. 

We danced

So you like to fool around like a clown.
It makes you less attractive.
Acting like a fool don't impress me.
I know that you don't want to impress me anyways.

Being to spend time together with you used to be my dream.
But I'm all grown up and I'm "strong" now.
I don't need you.
But I do enjoy your attention. ;)

I don't fool around like you.
I don't fool around with other guys like you do with other girls.
I don't feel comfortable doing that.
I don't do that.

If you are trying not to impress me, it totally worked.
If you are trying to make me get over you, it's helping.

This post is not about a post that I want you back or something.
I just wanna make a note that today, we danced.

The Suite Life movie

I watch this movie on Youtube! Thanks to the Youtube suggestions, I spend time watching this movie during my dinner time. And I'm happy that I did!

It's about the evil scientist that try to combine the brain of twins so that they will do and think alike.

Getting chased by twins that underwent Stage 4 which they will listen at the order of one man.

Lots and lots of twins in this movie!

Zack and Cody!!!

#throwbackthursday #twins #disney

Lost and Found

Found my ex-crush on Twitter.
Thank God for social media.
I don't like him anymore, but I sure miss seeing him around.
He is so cute and smart.
He is so shy and quiet.

Nice seeing you around, I'll smile reading your tweets.


I will never like you

No matter how much you care, I will NEVER like you.
You are not on my list
You are on my NOT TO DATE list.
Which makes it impossible to date you.
Plus, I am not attracted to you at all.
Maybe a little, but no, I won't date you.

You must know this fact well enough right?
It's so obvious that we can't be together.
It's a huge NO NO.

No matter how much you "upgrade" yourself, I will not like you.
I'm feeling sorry for you because it's impossible.
I hope you'll find someone soon.
You like me because there's no other girl to like in our class.
That's pretty much about it.
Why not consider about your ex-girlfriend?
You guys still do care about each other right?

Oh, btw, liking what I like doesn't mean that I will like you back.
Watching Youtube videos won't make me like you.
Just so you know.

P/s: Don't try too hard. We are NEVER gonna get together.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Not-so ordinary day

What's so special about today?

  1. Have lunch with 3 Chinese
  2. You waved at me
  3. I actually find you annoying (passed the I'm over you test)
  4. Have a nap and woke up before 8pm (broke record)
  5. Waited for delivery but didn't make a fuss about waiting for too long
  6. Watched Skyline (movie)
  7. Found at the you saw the big, bright, round moon too.
  8. Missing you more and more

We treasure the same thing


I saw the moon too.
Just noticed that you noticed about the moon too.


Tuesday 27 November 2012

Block 1 exam...

11 Dec 2012 is my Block 1 Year 2 MBBS examination in Manipal.
Tsk. I don't know what to do.
Actually, everyone started studying or at least doing something.
What am I doing?
I'm blogging my heart out.

There's 4 subjects in 2nd year of MBBS. (I think I'd mention quite a few times about this)
1. Pathology
2. Microbiology
3. Pharmacology
4. Forensic Medicine

For Pathology, read Underwood.
Microbiology, read Levinson, Anantharayanan (something like that) and one more, oh, MIMS!
Pharmacology, thank God, only one textbook, Tripathi.
Forensic Medicine, I haven't even get my textbook for this subject. Shall get it soon. ><

So that's it. A lot to read. but sometimes, you just won't have the mood to read, YOU KNOW THAT?
Do you UNDERSTAND the feeling?

You need to read but you just can't bare the books?
So yes, keep reading people.



And so your ex-girlfriend is still into you. Of course, you haven't forgotten your ex-girlfriend either. But you are ready to move on. And you miss being in a relationship.

I wish the best to both of you. I miss seeing both of you together.
So why not get back together?

Ex-couples are so complicated.
Like this post if you agree!

When it counts. Wong Fu Production

When it counts from Wong Fu Production! 
I'm watching it now. 
Let's start watching! 

Meant to be

We are meant to be together. Well, maybe. xP

Today we met again. It's been two weeks since I last saw you. I miss you.
Again, we are trying to walk in the same line. But you are too far ahead and I'm too tired to walk faster. I did walk faster in the end. But still we can't make it. :(

It's okay, at least we tried. Plenty of next time right?

Nice seeing you today.


Monday 26 November 2012

Won't miss a thing

And so I heard that Aries won't miss a thing.
Everything is under their "radar" and they know about what is going on.

So today, he saw me greeting him. And I don't greet. So I think he knows that I like him.
Sorry to let you know the ugly truth but yes, I have feelings for him and not for you.
I'm not sorry for not liking you.
I'm sorry for letting you know me not liking you by this way.

You'll keep quiet and deal with your feelings right?
You are strong. I'm sure you will.
You have so much EXPERIENCES. ;)

I'm not worried about how you feel.


I'm always luckier than those juniors because I'm in the same class with you.
I can see you EVERYDAY. (Every WEEK day)

So yea, suck it up, juniors!

Facts about me - Diet

I eat whenever I feel hungry.
If I'm too lazy, I'll dig all over my room to search for food.
I'm sick of ordering delivery because I did that too often.
Sometimes, I prefer eating vegetarian food.
Sometimes, I prefer eating lots of meat.
It depends on my mood.

Usually, I'll eat anything that can be eaten.
I don't like to feel hungry.
No one likes to fell hungry. -.-

If I want to stay slim, I'll eat fruits after 9am if I''m hungry.
Other time of the day, I'll just eat. And eat. Until I feel full.

8 hours of Youtube videos watching

What the hell did I do on Youtube for such a long time?
Well, I watched a  4 hour long movie.

Les Miserables! Are you guys proud of me, finally, something beneficial. xD

After watching the movie, I went to watch their 25th anniversary concert. Which is great and touching and grand and mind-blowing! 

You all should totally watch it! Well, for those that liked opera and orchestra, go ahead and watch this if you haven't watched it. :)

I'm suppose to type the synopsis but I'm just too lazy. I'm sorry for my laziness. ><

It's because I don't know the spelling of the characters! T_T
Oh well, I'll try again. =.=

Jean Valjean, a convict served in a prison in Touton for 19 years. 
Javert, the inspector has been looking all over for him after he's been released. 
Jean Valjean can't find a job because he is an ex-convict. :(
He went to a house of a priest to rest from the tiring journey, then the kind priest treated him like a brother, but Jean needs money, so he stole the silverware from the priest and ran away.
The next day, the housekeepers noticed about the missing silverware. The priest are not furious, not a bit.
When two police officer arrest Jean and bring him to the priest's house, the priest said that he is the one that gave the silverware to Jean. 
He added two candle handler to Jean's bag. 
The priest said that he has bought Jean's soul. And now, he will use the silverware wisely and be a new man.

Jean did his best to live a new life in another town. Ma... (something) =.=
He did huge amount of good deeds. Then, he was called the Mayor of the town. 
Then, there was one day when Fantine was about to get arrested because she insulted a young man in public. 
Here's when Jean came out and break the law of police and insisted in not getting Fantine arrested. 

(This thing is getting boring, WTH...)

Fantine has a daughter name Cosette. She lives in an inn with the Thenardiers. Thenardiers' eldest daughter name is Eponine. 
Fantine died, Jean swore to take care of Cosette. Jean, took his money with him, went to search for Cosette. 
By that time, Javert is still searching and wanting to arrest Jean. 

Years goes by, Cosette was now a lady. 
Jean and Cosette live in Paris. 
Cosette met Marius, a handsome young man that is equally in love with her. 

Marius is living next door to the Thenardiers. (What a small world)
Eponine was in love with Marius as Marius treat her well and is very kind to her. 

But Marius heart belonged to Cosette. (So cheesy)

Then, Marius fought for some revolution thinggy in Paris, Jean saved him by bringing him back to he's house. (J brings M back to M's house)

THEN, Cosette and Marius get married. Jean can't attend the wedding because he is a refugee. 
Jean told the truth about himself to Marius. The truth that he is an ex-convict and all those drama, asking him not to tell Cosette as it will break her heart. Bla bla blah... 

Marius thought Jean is a bad guy. Little that he know Jean didn't not kill Javert when he has the chance to. He also don't know that Jean was the one that brought him back to his house from the barricade. 

Then... ... ... erm, Marius brought Cosette to go visit her dad. Jean is dying. Marius apologizes, all Cosette did is ask Jean not to die. Finally, Jean died. 


Oh yeah! And Javert commit suicide because he is guilty of tracking down Jean after so many years and make his life so uneasy as Jean was a good guy. 


See? How much I love my readers. I actually Googled about it. -.-
Love you guys. Thanks for reading, I'm just sharing. 

xoxo (follow my blog!)

Sunday 25 November 2012

Facts about me - Shoes

I wear shoes in my room because the floor is cold. I don't like stepping on an icy cold floor. The tiles are keeping my room in a comfortable temperature but it's making the floor so cold.
Yes, I wear shoes in my room. Mostly flip-flops. :)

My room

No matter how I wanted my room to stay clean, it won't.
Dust will be everywhere. They said 97% of the dust found in the room is dead skin.
So, dead skin will be everywhere. On the table... Bed... Floor... Window... EVERY FREAKING WHERE!

And no matter how hard I try to keep all the surface clear, they won't.
Table - Full of textbooks, pencil case, sticky notes?! , supplement, pens, color pens, pencils. Stationaries everywhere!

Bed - I'm always on it, my pillows (two of them), blanket, water bottle, novel (never read it because I'm busy with my laptop), and lastly, my laptop!

Floor - Laundry bag, chair, packaging of my food. =/

My room is so untidy! I can't do anything about it. I must have a bag place for my bags. A clothes place for the clothes that I'm gonna wear again. (i.e. jeans, pants, lab coats, etc.)
That's pretty much about it.
My room is so untidy and I'm upset about it.
Not really upset but I don't my room being untidy.

Peace out!

Saturday 24 November 2012

Sonny with a Chance

As you all know, or you all don't know. (Anything will do)
I love Demi Lovato.

I've been wandering around Youtube lately, feeling bored because I've watched most of the videos from my subscribers.

So, it's throwback "Saturday" and I decided to watch Sonny with a Chance again!

Demi Lovato and Sterling Knight. They looked weird together but I buy the chemistry. ><

Many thing has change since 2009. But I still love Demi.

Like this post if you miss watching Sonny with a Chance too! :D
Demi is so funny. xD

Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2

I still can't believe I watched this. 
I'm kinda updated in Manipal didn't I?
I mean I didn't even leave Manipal to watch this movie. ;D
I'm becoming awesome! 
Only on Leader S's birthday that is.
Thanks for sharing your awesomeness with me!!! :D

Happy ending

All time favorite vampire. Alice. Starring Ashley Greene.

So sweet~ 

Renesmee from Breaking Dawn Part 1. 

Both Renesmee looked so beautiful! 
Why so fair huh? 
But still, so pretty! 

It's a nice movie. Great story line. Climax is UNBELIEVABLY mind-blowing.
First, you are just gonna make everyone sad because good guys are dying.
Then, you're gonna make the bad guy die too.
Thirdly, you're gonna unmake them being dead. (Which I'm happy because I'm a sucker for happy ending)
Then, bad guy are just gonna start chickening out. ^^
Lastly, staying happily forever after. 

Breaking dawn part 1, Bella (Kristen Steward) is just gonna look so ugly and scary.
Breaking dawn part 2, all her job is to stay pretty being a vampire. 
No more Twilight drama. 

Your friend

People don't know me well enough.
People don't dare want to come talk to me because I am boring.
People don't bother to talk to me because I know nothing.

She is your friend.
That's why you said that she is FAT.

She is your friend.
That's why you said that she stinks.

She is your friend.
That's why you said that her eyes are small.

All that mean things that you said to her is not about you being a jerk.
It's about you see it in your eyes, you cared, and you made the effort to just fool around with her.


Friday 23 November 2012

I'm not... a... lesbian

Hey senior, maybe you like me, but I just don't see you that way okay?
I don't want to be rude, but yea...
No offence.

People will be happy for me

My friends will be happy for me if I get into a relationship.
They'll think, "FINALLY! That freak have a boyfriend"
I'm sorry, friends, you all must have to wait for quite some time because no one in the world that I'm in right now like me and wanted to boyfriend.
So yea, just wait okay?
Wait patiently, just like what I'm doing now.

I am invisible

You will ignore me.
You will not talk to me.
I am nothing to you.
I am invisible.

You will be more than glad when I'm not around.
I am your obstruction.
I am your problem.
You hate me.

You have fun when I'm not around.
You have fun when I'm out of your life.
So is that how it feels?
The feeling of getting rid of your stalker?

I don't know why do I still care.
I don't know why you matter that much.
I can't help it.
I miss you.

This is just a mixed feeling post. Simple rant. I just feel like typing something. Hope it make sense.










Thursday 22 November 2012

Me typing Chinese


Happy thanksgiving

According to wikipedia, Thanksgiving is celebrated on each 4th Thursday of November in the States and each 2nd Monday of October in Canada.

As you all know, I'm crazy about Youtube videos.
Below are some Thanksgiving related videos. 

Diamond White - X Factor 2012

This is a Thanksgiving video made by NigaHiga last year.
Since he's still editing the video now, I'll share it after he uploaded it. 

This year's Thanksgiving, I want to give thanks to my family and friends, people in Manipal that are friendly, vegetables that are cheap, nice people all around Manipal, friends that cares about me, lecturers, my bed, my parents for giving me expenses and pay for me to study my ass off. 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! <3


Wednesday 21 November 2012


I totally forgotten the memories between us. Those chemistry. I totally forgot about it! :O

  1. You trying to flirt with me. Fail.
  2. You hold me hand and dragged me to make me run.
  3. You listen to me singing.
  4. Us completing the same song.
  5. We looked into each other's eyes for more than 5 seconds?
  6. Took pictures together, then deleted them. :)
  7. You took lots of picture of me.
  8. Fought for some silly reason.
  9. Worked together to get things done.
  10. Shared the same joy.
  11. Look like a couple in front of everyone. 
  12. Stalked each other. 
We have chemistry. 

Stay fit and healthy?

Me doing those?


It's a 12 mins video from Jenna Marbles.
I like her so I think that will work.

Of course I won't drive myself crazy by eating salad.
(I don't really like salads)

I'll do exercises. :)
I started doing exercise a few days back.

Let's be healthy!
Move our lazy asses!


I don't filter before I blog.
I don't filter my blog.
There's no point in filtering because if I filtered and think before I post something, my post is not about my thinking anymore!

I don't mean to hurt anyone's feeling or to critic anyone.
I'm just voicing out my views and thoughts.

If you want to assume that I am talking about you, go ahead.
(If the shoe fits)

Me too don't like my blog to be so much hate.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Just be my batch mate okay?

Just be my batch mate.
That way, you don't need to be in my visual field and trying to get my attention.
I don't need to ignore you.
Everything will be just fine.
I won't be hating you.
My day won't be ruin.
Everything will be just fine.

I'm too lazy to blog today

I'm too lazy to blog today. Stay tuned tomorrow?

Sunday 18 November 2012

I'm okay with Stalkers

Welcome to my blog!
No matter you are my persistent reader, or stalker, or just a passer by, be sure to follow my blog because you will never know what random sh*t I will post in this blog. *smileyface*

You are more than welcome to stalk me.
For those that already know who am I, you are welcome to stalk on.
For those that don't know me, I'm sorry because I won't reveal my real identity on this blog. There's too much details in this blog and it might lead to misunderstandings.

Last time, I use to post my daily picture on this blog. But since I have my real twitter account now, I didn't post those pictures on this blog because that again, will reveal my identity.
If I am so afraid that people will know who am I in real life, why don't I create a blog with my real name?
That's because my grammar sucks and I don't want my friends to know I owe a blog.
I'm kinda shy about the idea of having a blog. Still.

Just to let you know, I will not be using my Twitter account anymore since I've moved on to my real twitter account.
Thanks for reading.
This blog is create for me to express my feelings because I don't have friends to talk to.
Just kidding.
I would like to use this blog as a place for me to express my feelings and I can also learn a lot by writing.

So, thanks for reading all this while.
For those that want to stalk me, you can continue doing that.
For those who just want to drop by and say hi, feel free to leave a comment below.
I will get back to you.
For those who are interested in my life just because I am a medical student, you can click the link that I'd tagged "medical student".
For those that really want me to make good use about this blog, click the advertisement box on the left so that I can gain one more benefit from blogging.

Thanks for reading.
Make sure you follow my blog!
Gain of followers will make my day. :D

I don't wanna live without you

I know you treasures us being together. I treasures you too. I miss you so much. I miss you so much. I miss you so much.

It's your birthday next week and I can't stop thinking about you.
How I wish that I am there beside you.
How I would like to crack my head thinking what yo do for your birthday.
I love you so much.

I miss you so much.
I'm shedding tears right now.
I hate to let this feeling out again.
I hate to feel helpless and do nothing but to miss you.

I don't want to continue this topic.
I don't need to show the world how much I miss us.
I don't need to prove that I miss you.
I miss you all the time.

I don't need to remind myself how much you meant to me.
I'm gonna end this post because I can't take this.


the guy talked to me as though i don't miss you at all. he doesn't even know how much it hurts to leave malaysia. he makes me really unhappy. you can't talk to me like that. i know he cared about you. but, excuse me, i do care and miss her too okay? don't walk around and assume that you are the only one that cared about her.

just because you have a penis doesn't prove that i care less for her.
just so you know.

I stalked

If you don't know me, and you refuse to know me, I'm totally fine about it.
But this blog is a place for me to express myself.
If you are going to judge me base on this blog, go ahead and live in your shallow minded world and think bad about me.
You never know how nice I can or will be if you are once my friend.
But if you are still judging me based on my pass, then I can't do anything about it.

Everyone stalks, everyone has a girl crush.
And I'm open about it.
I'm not hiding anything.
If you come and approach me and ask me.
I would answer you.
What ever that you are curious about, just ask.
Of course I will answer you.
Because you are my batch mate!

I'm sad because you are judging me.
And now, you judge me even more because you are thinking that I don't think that stalking you are wrong.
You should be flattered that I stalked you.
To be frank, I stalked a lot of other people.
Social media is a place where people can know you better or even pretend that they know you.

Yes I stalked you, so what.
If you want to continue to keep a distance from me, go ahead, I'll just do my stuff.
I don't care what you think about me.
I don't care how obvious you will make it appears to be.
I don't care well you hide the feeling of disgust towards me.

If you want to comment about this blog, go ahead.
This blog is the only place I can express my feeling wholeheartedly.
If you don't get my blog, then you should probably stop reading it.


You make my heart beat faster.
Yes, you.

There's two types of tachycardia.
Pathological and Physiological.
Pathological tachycardia is due to lack of oxygen in your body.
The type of tachycardia you gave me is different.
My body is not lack of oxygen, my body require more oxygen for me to keep myself alert because you are walking right beside me.
I put in effort to walk slower, you put in effort to walk faster, so that both of us are walking at the same pace.

I like you very much.
Hope that we can do it again.

Saturday 17 November 2012

I'm just a normal person

Just because I am STILL in Grade 7 piano, doesn't mean that I'm good in piano. Don't look at me with those  eyes thinking that I'm so pro. I'm not.

Just because I'm studying the medical course, doesn't mean that I'm smart. Don't look at me as though you are talking to a future doctor. I'm not.

Just because I am your neighbor, doesn't mean that you are close to me. Don't kiss my ass.

The guy that I like most

The guy that I like most in my real life is Sheep.
I like him so much.
I like him most.
He's my number one right now.
Although he never approach me, but I just know that somehow, both of us are making the effort to get stuck in the same place, same time, with only both of us around.
We don't know how to start a topic because we are both shy and we both know we are good person.
Maybe he is in a relationship before.
But all I know is he is a very very nice guy.
Why can't we go Bangalore together?
You can get your stuffs and I can go MG road and shop for my stuffs.

All I can do is sitting here fantasizing about you, about us.
You are the one that have the power that control how fast my heart will beat.
My heart beat faster for you.
I like you. A lot.


Who knows? Maybe some day, I'll be a doctor that vlog and upload Youtube videos on my channel. ;D

Birthday celebration marathon

Lynn's birthday. Leader S's birthday. Dad's birthday. Awesome!

I'm done with Lynn's present one week ago.
I'm done with all of the three presents today. (Finalize)

And I'm ready to make them feel happy on their birthday!

Friday 16 November 2012

Daniel Henney

Hello Mr Perfect from "Seducing Mr Perfect".

So in love with him right now.
So hot.
Smoking hot.

I don't wanna post more picture about him because once I start looking more picture of him, the more crazily in love I'll get.

I'll stop here, Google image it if you want.

For all the girls out there, HOT ALERT!


I guess I'm experiencing winter in Manipal. It is so cold in the Manipal morning. Only morning (6am - 9am).
It's November now, which is pretty normal for the winter season.
I know, I know, it's India. It's Manipal. Manipal don't snow. But we do feel the breeze! *shiver*

It's the annual season to suspect that I am anemic. xD

I think I have Thalassemia. Meh, whatever. I should get a blood test done.

I'm certain that although Manipal don't snow, it follows the four seasons. I saw the tree in front of my hostel shed off all it's leaves during autumn. And I experienced snow before. I'm pretty sure that it's winter now.

Luckily, I brought the mini dwarf shoe to keep my feet warm. Or else, I'll be wearing flip-flops in my room again. xP

Welcome to the Cameron Highland temperature. Wee hee!

P/s: The weather now is kinda extreme, Cameron Highland morning, Teluk Cempedak's afternoon, KL's evening, and Genting Highland's night. *cold*


Do you experience those moment where your idol is also doing what you hate? And when they say they're doing it, it sounded so much cooler and make you want to do it too?

For example, I hate to study. But when #jennamarbles says she's studying, or #kevjumba said that he's studying for SAT, I feel like I'm doing something in common with them. I'm studying!
They worked hard, so should I!

BAM! I'm gonna study tonight.

Thursday 15 November 2012

Koizora movie

Miko's birthday present from Hiro
Getting marry
The story progressed very fast. The guy confessed, had sex, gang raped, had sex in the library, pregnant, bullied by ex-gf, miscarriage, Hiro (guy) got cancer and start avoiding the Miko (girl), Miko is confused but eventually found a new bf, when Hiro got 3 months time left, Miko get to know the fact that Hiro got cancer and went back to him, they got married, cried, Hiro died, Miko attempt to jump from a bridge but failed, Miko lives happily ever after (ALONE). 

200 pounds beauty

It's 2am in the morning and it's a Friday today. Means that I have classes to attend later at 9am.
I've watched a lot of movies today. 
My eyes are swollen and red from all the crying. 
I'm just gonna type a very simplify synopsis.

Fat, ugly but talented. - Sings as a hidden voice for Hot, sexy but untalented. - The guy likes the fat, ugly but talented girl. She sings very well. - Fat, ugly but talented girl underwent plastic surgery and became a pretty girl on the left. - She went to the audition, sign the contract, people found out that she underwent surgery, the guy found out that she's the fat, ugly but talented girl. (You know, those climax) 
Very well, the ending was OK. 

Seducing Mr Perfect

This movie is super romantic. 
I love it.
My gut is feeling the movie. 
That's the best review I've ever gave. 

My Little Bride

This is a very sweet movie.
Hero and heroin knew each other for a long time. I mean, they are childhood "close relative".
I'm too lazy to type the synopsis. 
Go watch.