Thursday 29 November 2012

It's 11.30pm and I have nothing better to do.

I'm procrastinating as I don't want to start reading any books. I don't want to read anything at all!
As I'm a huge fan of Youtube, thanks to all the Youtubers that make interesting videos, I can't tolerate boredom.
I'm so used to click to another Youtube video is that particular video in Youtube.
But there's no clicking away in real life.
I'll just have to keep my eyes open and wait for the lecture to end. o_o

Today is a very significant day.

  1. I actually understand PHARMACOLOGY a little more, thanks to the amazing HOD of Pharmacology from MMMC. (kiss ass)
  2. I danced in front of lamb, there's more to come right? ;D
  3. I held his hand. :O Yes, my job is to pull a big fat buffalo up. Of course I can do that, I use to pull my mom up. -.- (Are you kidding me? I'm stronger than you thought.)
  4. Have lunch with more Chinese and talked about what type of guys I like. #girlstalk 
  5. Noticed that there's a guy that want to know who am I fond to. #spy
  6. Found my ex-crushes Twitter account!
  7. Mom is gonna hand in her resignation letter tomorrow!
  8. Skype with my parents today. (I'm too lazy to on Skype nowadays but today is an exception)
  9. Slept and feel refreshed. (until now)
  10. Jojo parceled KFC for me for my dinner! I have such great friend.
  11. Watched The Suite Life movie
  12. ...
I think there's more about today but I'm feeling a bit bored of listing down all this things that I'm grateful of today. So yea, that's about it. 

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