Friday 30 November 2012

Class test 2 - Microbiology

Oh well, here comes another Class test. I failed my first Microbiology class test very badly. I hate myself for that. It even gave me depression that last for 2 weeks. -.-
Fail - feeling stupid - depressed.

But I'm alright now. It's been one and a half month since the last test. :)

Unlike Year one MBBS, the class tested that they construct is based on our SDL topic. That is why I failed my first class test. I didn't read. It's was 100% my fault. I know, but I'm still depressed. Haha!

Tomorrow is the Class test, I've been sleeping, eating, Youtube video watching and blogging (never forget about Tweeting). I'll start studying soon.
No matter how determine I wanted to strive and work hard, I will never be hard working enough. It's kind of like a me fact, I won't torture myself.


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