Monday 26 November 2012

8 hours of Youtube videos watching

What the hell did I do on Youtube for such a long time?
Well, I watched a  4 hour long movie.

Les Miserables! Are you guys proud of me, finally, something beneficial. xD

After watching the movie, I went to watch their 25th anniversary concert. Which is great and touching and grand and mind-blowing! 

You all should totally watch it! Well, for those that liked opera and orchestra, go ahead and watch this if you haven't watched it. :)

I'm suppose to type the synopsis but I'm just too lazy. I'm sorry for my laziness. ><

It's because I don't know the spelling of the characters! T_T
Oh well, I'll try again. =.=

Jean Valjean, a convict served in a prison in Touton for 19 years. 
Javert, the inspector has been looking all over for him after he's been released. 
Jean Valjean can't find a job because he is an ex-convict. :(
He went to a house of a priest to rest from the tiring journey, then the kind priest treated him like a brother, but Jean needs money, so he stole the silverware from the priest and ran away.
The next day, the housekeepers noticed about the missing silverware. The priest are not furious, not a bit.
When two police officer arrest Jean and bring him to the priest's house, the priest said that he is the one that gave the silverware to Jean. 
He added two candle handler to Jean's bag. 
The priest said that he has bought Jean's soul. And now, he will use the silverware wisely and be a new man.

Jean did his best to live a new life in another town. Ma... (something) =.=
He did huge amount of good deeds. Then, he was called the Mayor of the town. 
Then, there was one day when Fantine was about to get arrested because she insulted a young man in public. 
Here's when Jean came out and break the law of police and insisted in not getting Fantine arrested. 

(This thing is getting boring, WTH...)

Fantine has a daughter name Cosette. She lives in an inn with the Thenardiers. Thenardiers' eldest daughter name is Eponine. 
Fantine died, Jean swore to take care of Cosette. Jean, took his money with him, went to search for Cosette. 
By that time, Javert is still searching and wanting to arrest Jean. 

Years goes by, Cosette was now a lady. 
Jean and Cosette live in Paris. 
Cosette met Marius, a handsome young man that is equally in love with her. 

Marius is living next door to the Thenardiers. (What a small world)
Eponine was in love with Marius as Marius treat her well and is very kind to her. 

But Marius heart belonged to Cosette. (So cheesy)

Then, Marius fought for some revolution thinggy in Paris, Jean saved him by bringing him back to he's house. (J brings M back to M's house)

THEN, Cosette and Marius get married. Jean can't attend the wedding because he is a refugee. 
Jean told the truth about himself to Marius. The truth that he is an ex-convict and all those drama, asking him not to tell Cosette as it will break her heart. Bla bla blah... 

Marius thought Jean is a bad guy. Little that he know Jean didn't not kill Javert when he has the chance to. He also don't know that Jean was the one that brought him back to his house from the barricade. 

Then... ... ... erm, Marius brought Cosette to go visit her dad. Jean is dying. Marius apologizes, all Cosette did is ask Jean not to die. Finally, Jean died. 


Oh yeah! And Javert commit suicide because he is guilty of tracking down Jean after so many years and make his life so uneasy as Jean was a good guy. 


See? How much I love my readers. I actually Googled about it. -.-
Love you guys. Thanks for reading, I'm just sharing. 

xoxo (follow my blog!)

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