Saturday 30 July 2011

Mission impossible

Watch some Chinese cultural DVD that my dad's friend brought.
It's so touching that my eye leaked salt water.
And my mom too.
Of course, our mission is try to change my grandma.
The progress is grandma did watch the program.
But she felt asleep half way watching. @.@
But that's okay, at least she watched something.
We just need to be patient. =)

The DVD is about plenty of real life story.
And all of them is very touching.
But it didn't bring great effect on me.
We'll see. =D

Friday 29 July 2011

Spoke with H.I.M. :)

Washed all the clothes. Room = not cleared. Documents = all settled. XD
Drove around town today. Accident free!
Went to temple today. I can finally be there!
No one wanted to "volunteer" by fetching me there. =(
So, I went there MYSELF! Haha!
Finally, the place, the air, the scenery, the coldness of the floor, etc.
I even took a picture of it!

Simple picture I took when I'm heading to the car.

Such a clear sky.
I miss that place. The people, the activities, the top secret place that only WE can go... Haha!
Feels got to be a charity worker (more like a VIP). =D
I don't want to forget all those wonderful experience!
E.g. The 500 bowl + spoon + plate + cup + pair of chopsticks washing. XD
We're having a fun time. It feels good!

Too bad I'm not going back there anymore.
No one wanted to fetch me there. It's too far away. =(
I miss the gigantic size Buddha.
I miss the wonderful teacher.
I miss those utensil we used.
I miss the smell of the store room where we use to keep all the color pencils.
I miss many many more.

Btw, I spoke with HIM!
It's been such a long time.
I sounded high in the conversation. XP
So hyper.
He sounded so him. As usual.
We spoke yesterday too.
Our relationship is complicated.
I treat him a little bit more than my friend (when we are chatting)
I don't know what he thinks about me.
But I don't think we can get along. o.0
It will be weird.
He's more like a Physics kind of guy.
I'm a more Biology kind of girl.
Can we get along?
Who knows.

Btw, we seldom chat.
Just twice a year.
IF we are both online that is.
He's going to take STPM soon.
All the best to him. =)

We haven't been chatting for one year.
And I can notice the difference.
We are more matured.
Not talking about unimportant things.
But we still talk about feelings and opinion about things.
Like we used to. :)
And I like that.

Too bad both of us are playing little games.
I dumped him from conversation yesterday night.
And he dumped me from today's conversation.

It's good great being like that. We won't get hurt, but we still "communicate".
We're people from different world. We're not like Biology and Chemistry. We can't combine and form Biochemistry.
We're just different.
The things he like is dead and lifeless.
The things I like is alive. Much alive.
Let things be like that. =)
I'm satisfied.

All mine - being satisfied of the conversation she just have with "him"

Thursday 28 July 2011

La la la la la

Feeling much much better~! La la la (lol!)
Funny friend funny ideas.
I'm going to continue cleaning my room. Just two more basket of laundries, fold them, put them into places.
And a bigger plastic bag for my to clear all the unwanted things out! Haha!
Just by thinking of it, I felt relieve. Muahaha!

Will follow mom to settle her EPF thing tomorrow morning. Going to wake up early! ^^

All mine - doing nothing! 

I don't have a strong heart.

Just close up all the windows, all the connection around you. Build a stronger wall, even stronger than before. Protecting yourself from other people. I failed this time. I failed. The biggest failure ever. But it's okay. It's okay. I'm lying to myself. It's okay to just seek help from someone from another world, another part of this world. Someone you don't know. People elder than you or even same age with you are going to hurt you as you are so stupid and childish.

Thanks to a friend that I don't even know me which is younger than me, is always there to for me. Thanks. And I know you'll be reading. ^^

I'm okay now, and I'm NOT lying. Thanks senior, if you are reading this, you make me stronger. And this is not a hate post! XD Thanks for the tips that you gave me and I'm sorry for disturbing you. Good luck in your studies.

All mine - all good and stronger! 

Wednesday 27 July 2011

So far so great!

I'm resting now, since I had finished drying the 3rd batch of laundry. Waiting for the clothes to dry. I suppose to continue cleaning up my room but I'm tired. So I'm here sitting back and drinking a few sips of water (don't want to fall sick). I drove my mom back for lunch and I went to photostat some documents after that. It's kinda predictable right? Okay fine... =(

I'm going to clean my room later. I need to clean up my sister's closet too! But that's okay. It's just 2.10pm now. I'm going to do that like around... 2.30pm? I want to finish posting AND have a good rest. =D

Well, there's a mean neighbour staying opposite my house. She used to tease me fat (I still am) and lazy, I think I'm just a useless daughter in her eyes. BUT, ladies and gentlemen, she saw me drying those clothes in the morning (around 9.30am) and I'm still drying clothes (the 3rd batch) in the afternoon! That would show her that I'm NOT useless. I'm a MAID for God sake. Huh!

I'm transformed into a full-time maid now. I just can't let myself rest! @.@
Is that a disease? Dear leader S, please answer my question as you are studying pathology. ><

Actually all the house work is not that hectic anymore. Because I've been procrastinating for 3 months, I pretty much has rotten in house. Do you know that there's rat in my room before?! I think they did smell my absentees. =0

Btw, the rats were gone (long time ago) after I'm back. Leaving my room with some rat poop. They're not smelly. I would have clean my room months ago if they do. Yes, I will. Haha!

Wanna end the post now. Can't stand the brightness of mom's monitor screen. Such a huge monitor! So that she can see those Zombies clearly. Haha!

Bye guys. Love you guys. ^^

All mine - going to clean up! Like a superman! 

Finished the so-called project of the day! =D

Yes, I went back to grandma's house and used her sewing machine. Okay, I don't know how to use the sewing machine. So basically, grandma is doing all the work. And it took us an hour to finish it! That's long!

I'm very tired (I seldom complaint that I'm tired, in fact never) I wanted to have a nap but I remembered I promised you all that I will post the picture so that you all can see it. Well, I took the pictures. ^^
But I'm transferring some old pictures to my pendrive so that they can be viewed in my grandma's laptop. I'm still waiting. Erm, 3 minutes more. So be patient people! (including me) XP

I'm so happy for the outcome. But it's just okay for me. I want a better one! Wait till I found a book to wrap around it! XD

I did extra chores today. I even clean up the dining table! I washed all the water bottles with hot water. Wow... What's wrong with me? I washed the basin, cups, rearrange those dishes (I meant a few dishes)... I'm happy! I drove grandma back to her house. And I parked pretty well today! =)

So, I'm left here, feeling tired and a little bit worn out. ><
Yup, the transferring is done.
Ready? It's not that presentable, but I still like it! <3

Taada! ^^
See? It took us an hour to make it! *sweat* That's to long for such a small thing like that. But this is our first time. So it's okay.

Remember that I'm TIRED! Bye! XD

See you guys soon (tomorrow)!

All mine - rushing to the couch! 

First page

Credit to my grandma! 


Front cover <3

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Long lost hobby - S.E.W.I.N.G. XD

As I had promised, I start to make use of my time. I woke up at 9am today (considered early to ME), just to wash all the laundries so that they can dry faster. After breakfast, I went to my dusty room to start cleaning.

The last time I clean my room is... in May. Only a day. I clean my room for only one day, a day, singular in the entire holiday until now (which is July!). See? I'm a major lazy, LAZY girl! Hahaha! *evil laugh*

Well, in my room, I found dirty clothes and more and more dirty clothes. ><
I took a HUGE plastic bag so that I can take all those unwanted clothes to donate. But end up I can't stand the yellowish + dusty clothes. So I send them to wash. I wouldn't want someone to wear my dirty clothes without even washing them. That would be disgusting. So, I wash them as you all know.

And I found some clothes which can't be worn anymore but the fabric is fabulous. So, this is the important part of this post. I took them, I cut them, into smaller pieces so that I can sew them. I wanted to make a book cover using those fabrics. I will post some pictures after I'm done. =)

Who knows? I may even sell them in my facebook account! Nah... Just a thought. =P

I'm so excited right now. ^^
I called grandma to fetch me so that I can bring all of the fabulous fabrics to her house to start sewing! (she had a sewing machine =.=)
^^ can't wait!

What will I do to my room then?
Since I'm leaving, my room will officially be my sister's. Jeng... jeng... jeng...!
Yea, my room is going to be hers.
So, I need to clear my stuff before anyone can touch them!
No one can ever touch my things no matter I still need them or not. NEVER!!!

Surprisingly, there's not that much things in my room. Just all the unused pillow being "dumped" in there. And luggage that I brought back from college. I haven't unpack yet. I know... I know... can't even manage to unpack after 3 months. Well, THIS IS ME! Okay? I'm like that. Procrastinate is my talent!

I even found a Christmas tree in my room. Who put it there?! Whatever...
So, after those unwanted dirty clothes are dry, I will put them in the HUGE plastic bag that I have already prepare before.

This is what I'm gonna do tomorrow.
Wash those clothes that I want, and start rearranging my closet. ><
Then... I will start clearing another closet for my sister (the Donald Duck closet that once was mine).
After that, I will find some more things to do because that also my OTHER talent. Lol!

That's all! I'm excited. See the difference between having too much time but do nonsense AND having too much time and do "something"?
I'm much happier now, doing useful things. Something not so ordinary as my same old routine. =)
Love today! (so far)

All mine - happy working! 


Bored + too much time = lousy post!

I'll try my best to post a better not so boring post okay?
*crickets complaining*

Hmm... grandma is sleeping, sister is playing MY Lego. 

Btw, I found something interesting online! Look!

iPhone apps magnet!
It's sooo cute! Hehe! I'm afraid posting this will blow my cover. But WTH right? I can't think of any topic or idea to post. So sharing this will do. Just to satisfy my urge to post. ><

I like this type of small small things as you all know. I love this icon magnets a lot! But it's so costly! RM10 per icon?! T_T
I'm not that rich!!! 

I like it a lot. But think again. If, I said IF I am rich enough to buy this, I will not use them because they are too cute! I will just buy them and keep and keep and keep in the CHEST. So, I will not feel sad although I can't have them. =(

And since I'm too bored, I'm gonna make myself a promise. Starting from tomorrow, I need to set my brain back to study mode again. I must, MUST, get ready! The coming course is too important than to be fooled around.

Hmm... okay. What I'm going to do is, start reading books that I bought since last year book fair. Haha! So stupid! I just can't finish reading them okay? I can never finish reading a book. Weh... weh... weh...

Just because I'm thinking of the changes I need to make starting from tomorrow, I'm getting hungry. 
Bye guys. 
Is this still considered a boring post? Leave a comment of what you think. ^^

All mine - going to search for food! Wee!

Don't waste your time =)

Don't waste your time reading through my blog to search for clues like Sherlock Holmes. Remember that you are having a one in a life time exam coming up. Please make use of your time wisely. Kill some brain cells. Don't be like me. =D

All mine - being concern

Monday 25 July 2011

Skyscraper, I love this song! Can't believe I love it so much.

The song that accompanied me when I'm down. Song that make me strong and brave to face every challenge. "Go on and try to tear me down, I will be raising from the ground like a skyscraper."
Current favorite song <3
I don't think I will be bored of this song. Enjoying it! Loving it!

Btw, my blog is so pretty that I can't get my eyes off it. =)
My blog looked like a teenager's diary.
And I won't hate it for being like that.

Going to India soon. I don't know what to bring there. xP
Need to buy flats. I want a ballet flats. Not high heels. High heels are painful. ><
Need more formal clothes. Lots of them.
I don't think I will bring a lot there. I'm not going to build my house there. Being there will just be a vacation. Never a home.
So, I won't bring my pillow. No mattress. (I brought mattress to college =.='')
I will only bring clothes, shoes, pencil box, some paper, lappy (for course), iPod nano, sling bag (umbrella, handset, bowl, chopstick, spoon, water bottle, purse), bed sheets... *can't think*

Doing this will only cause the dying of my brain cells. Not going to think.
I'm wasting my life now. Doing the same chores everyday. Extremely lifeless. AND I don't like that.
I wanted to make full use of my life. *wondering how*

Went to the beach the other day. Can't believe that the sea was so clean. This is the first time since I remember that I can see the sand underneath the water. The water was so clear! I can't stand the temptation, so I went swimming! I think that's the first time I swim in such a calm and clear sea. <3

The sea was so shallow! I always thought that it will be very deep and I couldn't feel the sand. But it's not! I went quite far and the depth of the water is like I can still squat in the sea? So shallow right?

I swam for around 30mins perhaps? Too excited! So I kept on swimming. =D
Sister got jealous because she don't know how to swim. Haha!
But end up daddy brought her to the sea and see get her chance to be wet!
It's a great experience to swim in such a cool, calm sea. Unforgettable!
Love the experience!

Going to end my post now. Gotta fetch sister after nursery. So I need to fold the clothes earlier!
Bye, and thanks for reading. =)

All mine - getting busy! 

Continue crapping... XD

Since my blog had a new dress, it encourages me to post more often. Feeling happy seeing everything went well on my blog. =)

Came back with sis and food! This means that I will not need to cook! Too tired being driver the whole day. Decided to da pao instead! Super like! =D

The journey to fetch my sister was tiring. Traffic jam! AND... I'm driving an auto-car. I have my chance to exercise my leg! o.0 Haha!

When grandma and sister went down to da pao, I U-turned the car so that I can go back to the main road more easily. Who knows, there's a car behind. So, I need to move to let him pass. Then I NEED to U-turn again. *sweat* After getting into position (I haven't stop for a minute) The same car I repeat, the SAME CAR appear at the back. So, I need to MOVE AGAIN to let him pass. FTW.

End. =)

The fine day. =D

Woke up at 9 o'clock this morning. Skipped the morning exercise. XP
Why? Don't ask. Just kidding! I have to do a lot of things today. I knew that since yesterday. So I decided not to "take the risk".
The truth is I'm lazy. So, I need to reserve energy for myself so that I can complete my "daily task".

Went to : TMnet to pay the wi-fi bill, fetch mom from work, photostat documents, settle grandma's Hong Leong Bank account problem.

Incomplete tasks : Fetch sister back from nursery (dad's busy working), prepare dinner.

Going to end my post now. Time is rushing and grandma ask me to cut an apple for sis so that she will be HAPPY when she sees the apple. Bye! <3

Waaa la! Finally~!

Am I proud? Totally! ^^
I'm ecstatic! XD
I can't control myself! I'm so glad that it's finally done!

This is roughly what I want. A background with sky, clouds and birds. Not too girly, more towards nature.
I like the previous design as well. I am so mad when I changed the design at first.
After numerous attempt and efforts that I've put in, I created a blog template that I'm very comfortable with.
A blog that you can relax when you are reading through it. =)

Hope you all like the change that I made. Hope you all enjoy reading my post.

All mine - relieve and satisfied.

Sunday 24 July 2011

OMG... T_T

It's all girly now. And I'm not a girly person. =(

The answer is NO!!!

My blog is so ugly now! OMG. I hope no one is reading my blog now. Or just leave my blog right away when they see this ugly combination of colour. Argh! I need to go out soon. SO I don't have much time to correct my mistakesss! I will try my best to complete it. I really DO hate my blog now! WTF!

Do I need to change?

I found a blog giving off free backgrounds, banners, blog divider etc. for blogs. But must I change. Some of them  were in vintage style and apparently mine is not vintage at all. So, if I wanna change my background. It will be all lovey-dovey theme. And my blog will transform into a colorful and joyful world... (eww) I don't like that to happen.

What should I do? But I really hope to have a blog that  is unique yet acceptable (not too girly)

I need time to search for the right theme. Wish me luck! xP

All mine - Trying to change!

Saturday 23 July 2011

I did it! I did it!

I'm ecstatic! I manage to place an iPod on my blog! Finally! What a relief. It's always been a dream of mine to put a mp3 player on my blog. And now, it came true! ^^

Feel free to linger around my blog, readers. I love all of you! Thanks for supporting me! <3

And, please listen to the songs, I love them all.

All mine - energetic and alive

Wouldn't change a thing

I have a grandmother that likes to speak negative and crash all my hopes. 
A sister that likes to show off about how many pretty dresses mummy bought her.
Sometimes, these two factors will really drive me crazy and make me mad. But I'm still here, standing.

I can still withstand your harsh wording. 
You are not punctual at all. At all! You can spend 30 minutes to get ready while everyone were waiting. I'm already use to it. 
Your massive nagging really makes me feel like turning on my playlist. But thank God I have the ability to choose whether to listen or not. I'm ignoring you because you are saying words that people doesn't like to hear.
I tried to change you, but you just can't be taught. That "thinking" is growing WAY deep inside.
I have my way doing things and I really don't like to waste time when I have something going on. I'm trying to be patient here. 
I treated you badly sometimes because I don't want to hear your same old grandmother stories again and again. And no more nagging please. You will go "hunt" for prey so that you can nag them. OMG! Please stop your weird hobby.

Although I have so many complains about you. But you are who you are. I can't get a new grandmother right? So, you are still my grandmother and I will continue loving you and standing your everything. 

All mine - complaining, trying to make a better world 

Too bad I'm not there

Too bad I'm not there, the place that my heart wanted to go. But going there will just show everyone that I'm fat. It's the event I wanted to take part of. But I wasn't a part of them years ago. I wanted to go back, but me without talent? Maybe not.

Though teacher will happily wanted to see me. But she'll be all busy and other people will only be pure mean to me.

All mine - refuse to take a step forward

Thursday 21 July 2011

Life unexpected

Just when I'm wondering why is my day so perfect, grandma called. = =

I'm going to finish my chores at 4pm later. Watch out for me! I never kept my promise to myself (so true). Means, I always lied to myself. My inner demon will ask me to play more so that I will be late. @.@

Since I'm not in grandma's house. I can have a peace of mind and blog more. This time, I know what I am actually blogging. Hehe! With grandma's voice around, I can't think clearly!

Listening to Taylor Swift's "You belong with me" now. Only listening to English songs can make me feel like I'm still being with S&S. The only feeling that can make me feel safe and at home. Meeting S&S in my life is the best thing that happened to my life. How can I ever meet someone like them ever again? It's like magic. They know me so well. They know the REAL me.

Going to dedicate this post to both of them. =)
So read carefully S&S!
The smart, creative, leader S change A LOT! I always wanted you to know that. But that short time we spend together, I didn't have chance to tell you that. The S I knew will scold blur S when blur S didn't react or give the wrong reaction. But these time when I went back, you didn't scold blur S at all! Even there's plenty of reason to BOMB her. I'm proud of your change. Maybe blur S is too tired? I think so. Her work is overwhelming her life. PLUS the insomnia. Pity her. But sometimes her reaction is too ... Hehe. But that's okay, it's over. Hope her all the best.

Leader S, you did well in teaching and helping those people. Remember, be confident in yourself. You are a better you than the one I met. So cheer up. Study every night please. Do go to library and borrow some useful book. And always put your studies in your first place. You are the champion and you will always be. Say NO to procrastinate! * I learn that word because of you!

See? The changes you all made me is more than you all can imagine. I can't even list out everyone of them clearly.

Blur S. You are still blur. As always. Haha! No la... I know you got vitamin 'M' now since you are walking. but use your money wisely okay? I don't think that's a problem. Don't fight with leader S that often. Think before you speak! And please get more sleep. Don't think too many things. Clear out all those thoughts from your brain. Don't worry too much. Read my blog! Haha!

Of course I miss you all. Stop asking the same question over and over again. Everyone is special in this world. Stop competing! And both me and leader S care about you. Don't think about you as a tiny little unimportant person in our life. Don't be silly! We both care care CARE about YOU! All of us is very important in each other's life. I wanted to spend my time with you all when I'm rich. So that we can enjoy ourselves together, go to trip and blur S, please take pictures. MORE pictures. Because all of you know that my memory cells can only last for 3 days. So, please take more pictures so that SOMEDAY, we can have a photo album scrape book that remind us about every beautiful time we spend together.

*stopped and think what else to tell you all*

Please DO update me about any new songs! Because I'm still listening to outdated songs. And do you all want me to listen to ONLY Demi Lovato's songs until the end of my life? So please do tell me! Haha!

Life will be normal again once all of us are studying again. Blur S will be less blur, and I will NOT be together with my family anymore. *yay!* It's just that I'm away from you all. (Listening to "I do" now. Can you believe I kept on listening to "You belong with me" just now?!) This post is kinda depressing. But you know? I don't have the power to decide my destiny now. So, once I finished my studies, start working, there's when my life will REALLY begins. And I can spend times with you all. ^^

When I almost give up, I WILL read this post again. =)
So that I will know what is important for ME! What I really want.
Still have half an hour till continue "working".
Glad that I have post this. And let us work hard together! To us!

<< What a coincidence to have this image in THIS computer. Have this image four years ago!

Wednesday 20 July 2011


Such an irony that I can't listen to musics that I like when I'm writing my blog and people who reads my blog can listen to them! Huh!

At home now, dealing with the slow synapse computer. Lappy is at grandma's house. Miss the quick internet. But the line is okay here, not like in hostel. S&S knew what I mean. @.@

Well, just downloaded some songs. Now, I too can listen to musics I like while I'm blogging. =)
Water supply is back, still some drilling going on. But it's okay for me (tolerant much!) At least I get to wash the clothes and dishes. And make use of my time!

I drove sis to her nursery yesterday. It was fun. And I didn't forget to scold her even it's my first time driving her. Pity her not. Mom just bought 4 dresses for her online. They came today, by Post laju. =X
Not jealous. Because I bought some clothes from Kota Raya remember? Ended up I'm to fat and they doesn't look good on me. Maybe I should wear them with jeans. Wait for me to lose weight ok? I'm losing a little since I ate "less" and followed grandma to "exercise". Hope to lose more weight soon! ><

I'm drinking quite a lot of water nowadays. First, it's because I need to reply grandma's questions very frequently and grandma's house don't have any AIR-COND!!! So do my house. But I like my house more (duh~!)

Btw, I cut my hair by MYSELF today. And it's a failure. I cut my fringe to short and I ended up like a crazy housewife with lice in her hair. I'm wearing a hairband though. I'm not very up sad about it because I didn't go out ANYMORE. So, no one will see me like that.

Been reading people's blog again. It's amazing how someone can still blog with their heavy schedule. I blogged because I'm bored. See the differences? I enjoy reading people's blog because I can know what is happening in someone else's life and improve my vocabulary and writing skills. Thanks, people that I'm stalking! Hehe!

I will try to improve my blog and make it more interesting. It's still under construction you know? ^^
Please be patient. All these must depend on my laziness. And it's normal. =D

Gtg! I need to restart my computer cause I downloaded some software to make me feel like "home"
Will continue posting when I'm done! Stay tune!

All mine - upgrading the computer!

Tuesday 19 July 2011

For those people who make me, ME

Monkey says : "你的工作是很神圣的。你知道吗?"
He says: "你读书不是为了考试,而是为了你未来的病人。他们找你,是把他们的命也交给了你。你知道吗?"

Ni ni says : "If you don't try, how do you know you can't? Everything is possible."

S&S of course, said a dozen of inspiring things. Taught me everything thing. Making me a NEW me when I'm back. I have no idea how much they change me. And they changed as well. I can see that. And the change is great! I'm proud of you S. And you know that I'm talking about YOU.

Monkey really helped me a lot. He gave me self-confidence. Thanks monkey. No matter what you did. You're THE monkey that has sealed my broken heart. You gave me an energy boost. to boost up my confidence. Thanks monkey.

I'm here just to make sure that I won't forget what all of you make me. And I won't forget that you all are the ANGEL to my life that lighten up a path for me. A save path, to continue my life with full of LOVE.

=) My guardian angel

I'm here when you're gone.
Are you waiting for my return?
If you do, you managed to see me and so do I.
I misses you during April.
I wished to spend time in your house.
Together with you, visiting the places we went when I'm still young.
Buying the food that you bought for me.
The food that became my childhood food.

I'm back now, seeing you on the couch.
The black couch that you you sat when you left me.
You're much more weaker than I thought.
You can't drive.
You didn't cook.
You can't even walk!
You didn't respond that much.
You didn't reply my question.
Just staring, sometimes.
I didn't know that that was a sign.

I miss the banana cake you bought for me.
I miss your presence.
I know that you are somewhere around me,
Protecting me without me being notice.
My guardian angel.
Everything went too well.
And so I know, you're there, protecting me.

We are still doing the chores together three days before you're gone.
Three days.
The difference within three days.

Misses your cooking.
You will cook my favorite food.
You will cook it very often.
Until I get bored of that dish.

The effort you put in when you make orange juice for me.
Honey water every morning to kindergarten.
Banana cake and egg tarts after school.
Trip to the beach after nursery.
The same rock seems so tiny.
I can't find the rock.

The house was very quiet without you.
Do you know that?
Can you see us?
We're not eating together on the dining table anymore.
We're not watching news together without you.
We're not sitting according to places.

You miss us. Do you?

It's me, missing you. My guardian angel.

Sunday 17 July 2011

Just me, living my life as usual

Hey guys! Thanks for reading my blog.   <3
I've been reading other people's blog lately and I'm impress of what they are doing and how hectic their life became. But I'm still here, doing the things I am suppose to do.   =)
I need to keep exercising! I know that I'm fat.   =(  
But I can't stop eating! I just can't because I get hungry punctually after 4 hours. I can't control myself! Ah...!
So, I forced myself to wake up at 5.30am AM today to exercise. I acted like I willingly wake up just to company my grandma (what a good grandchild right? in your dreams!) I'm a selfish person. NO one can force me do anything that I don't like if I really DON'T want to except for my grandma. She's too powerful.

Remember I mentioned that I wanted to watch movie yesterday? Well, I can't get Qvod work although everything is fine after the setup.   =(
So, I went to PPS to search for movies instead. I watched 2 movies! My mom watch it with me too! <3
And we both loved it. It's a Hong Kong Movie though. To stop grandma from nagging, I convince her to watch it too! Thank God I found the movie in her laptop (Yay me!)
Went to bed without finishing the second movie.   =(
Why? Do I really need to tell you again? It's because of grandma~ Duh! So sad right? *sob*

Speaking of movie, I'm going to continue that half-finished movie... Bye!

All mine - movie watching!

I want to watch MOVIE!

I'm bored. I'm waiting for the Qvod setup to complete. I've been stalking and I'd finished stalking. Yet, the setup haven't complete.   @.@
It's ok though, this gave me a chance to post! Mom's playing Plants vs Zombies (STILL). She just found out the use of cat-tail. Haha!
8 mins left for the setup to complete and I can search for movies~~  XD Can't wait!

I am so FAT! I can't fit into one of the singlet I bought.   T_T!!
But I'm glad I bought the other three that I really like.   =)
Thanks to grandma for washing them for me (cos I don't know how to wash new clothes)...

The setup is done. Bye! Hehe.

Love from,
All mine

Friday 15 July 2011

I just wanted to continue posting so that you all can see it!

I'm at my grandma's house now. Thank God for the wi-fi. I uploaded photos! Check them out! Thanks S for being too smart to find out my blog!!! Huh!
Btw, I enjoyed being with you all. And add oil always.   =)
I'm so tired, I can't think!
I'm watching a lame Japanese movie that is STILL playing on the TV right now. I don't understand at all. @.@
AND... the movie just ended. Wtf  =.='''

Just to recall what we ate for the three days. ^^
Marufuku, GCB burger set, three pieces of macadamia cookies <3, monster meat salad, monster nachos, lemongrass chicken, green curry and rice, spicy steam chicken, duck+ spaghetti +sun-dried tomatoes, chocolate+banana, mix rice from Malay stall, panini bread with butter+four slices of cucumber+tuna, remainder of the chocolate banana.

I love the dessert! I'm too full to taste it properly. but when I eat the remainder on my way back, it's SOOO nice!!! Haha! Thanks a lot!   =)

I took Metro 12 to Kota Raya and walked to the Puduraya Bus Terminal. I reached there around 1.30pm (If I'm not mistaken). I kept my Esprit bag therefor RM 2 and I when to shop at Kota Raya. It's a abandoned shopping complex. It's was scary. But that's the only shopping complex around. So I went there. I bought two huge singlets. A weird green blouse just because it was cheap. @,@ A jacket which cost me RM 69.90! I love it. >< A belt and a light purple singlet which I can't fit into. I can't try those shirt there. Haiz... At least I shopped.   XD

I walked back to the terminal at 3.15pm because there's nothing for me to see anymore although I tried my best to stay there. =.=''
I ate my "lunch" and went into a techno shop that sell badges. Haha! I love the one with a boy and girl the most! It says "the awful truth". Check them out.   =)
I am too free and I had nothing to do. Then, I went into a... kinda like those "orang asli" shop that sells leather things. I saw dream catcher! But they're SOOO ugly! All of them have a cross in the circle. =.=''
So ugly right?!

Then, I went on the bus, Almost miss it cause I'm listening to songs and didn't pay attention to the announcement. But it's just 4.25pm! Someone had already sat my place. To not cause any problem, I went to the back of the bus and have my seat. At first, no one was beside me. After departed, I'm so tired and I slept very soon. And I felt a huge movement coming from my side and an Indian lady sat beside me because three Malay just came on the bus. So, I didn't care that much and continue sleeping (putting those earphones in my ear without turning on the music)! I slept for two hours! Like dead person. Haha!

I woke up at 6.00pm. Looking at the scenery... Then, I really turned on the music and wait patiently to arrive. The Indian lady is also listening to music using her Nokia phone. Unfortunately, she will sing it out sometimes! Like OMG. But I doesn't care. Just turn on my music louder. Just because that I dislike her, I ate my delicious chocolate dessert right in front of her hoping her to feel jealous. I don't care what she thinks about me. She's the one that SINGS! I arrived at 8.00pm and my phone died right after I ask my grandma to fetch me. Epic.

That's all. It's Friday today~~

I'm waiting for my grandma to be awake again. Actually I'm not. Cause the longer she is still sleeping, the longer I can online. I will treasure the Systema toothbrush that you all gave me. I will bring it to India.   =)
That's all I wanted to post. Tired. Love you guys!

Love from,
All Mine

Tuesday 12 July 2011

I'm here, right now!

I'm finally back with S&S! OMG! We had such great times! Haha. Feel my happiness?
I'm back in the place where I started to meet two best friends in my life. I'm back, spending time with them. I'm back to this place where once, it's familiar to me. I'm back to be with them, talk, chit chat, EAT, watch movies, gossip and sleeping late together! How I miss that time. They will fight when I'm not around. @.@
Things will change hopefully   =P

Going to leave them by this September. You know how much I hate to leave them.   =(
OMG! I'm sooo hungry! *growling* Yea, I haven't had my breakfast YET. I don't want to leave this room. I'm searching all around the room for food now. *scanning* Haha!

Lots of laugh in this post. Where I won't have the other chance to laugh or even smile like this happily ever again.

They are willing to do ANYTHING for me and I am willing to do the same for them. This is how strong our bond is. We tried new things together, things that we didn't even think do in our life before we met.   XD They'll know what I mean.   =)

Okay for now. I wanted to continue enjoying the marvelous heavenly feeling in this "room".    =D

Thursday 7 July 2011

Today is the official LUCKY DAY

Everything goes perfectly today! I love it. I'm going to make 7th July my official lucky day. And it's Viv & Khaty's birthday too! So cute. ^^

I finished watching "Personal Taste" today. Finally! Unfortunately my lappy can't download PPS  =(
So, I will be using grandma's! Haha. By looking at the bright side, I can concentrate in my studies if I don't have PPS in my lappy. Right? (So true. I don't have self-control)

Since this morning, I actually spend 2 hours doing nothing but playing facebook games (how lame) to kill time that is. Too bad, grandma can't react with speed because of her high blood pressure. Anyway, we are able to handle everything very smoothly today!   =D That's why this is the official lucky day~! Hehe.

I drove grandma around town today. The wheel on the car goes round and round. Round and round... You all know the song right? I'm so proud! And I'm sure that after I finish studying, the only brand I will drive is Perodua Viva. And I'll make it purple plum (favourite colour da~)

Wednesday 6 July 2011

My life - My way

A list really DO helps when you are having too many things to do. Cancel out what you can't do at first, do those that you can do without any one's help. And go on with those which are a bit more hectic.

I am a very VERY lucky girl to have been born in my family. Everyone loves me and supports me. *aww*
With my BEST FRIENDS that know me SO well, I am too lucky to find them.   =) Thanks for everything S&S.
Just by talking to them even just chatting, I can imagine their faces, their reactions it's like they're right with me, doing the things we like, spending times together. (hehe, i really do miss them)

Like my battery charger, always recharging me when I'm almost worn out. Just like magic, knowing what's in my mind. Not fake, no lies, just pure friendship and I'm willing to share everything with them. I miss you all...

All mine

So close, but yet, so far

The middle finger on my left hurts! But I continue blogging because I am seeking for a space to voice out my feelings. I am very worried about my laptop. I am afraid that one of it's hard disc was missing. And, it's performance is so slow. I am afraid that I'm going to lose it again. 

Wow, now I realized how important it is to me! T_T    It's not acting right. The exact same body but different soul.

I am typing on my laptop's keyboard now. But it's not the same. My laptop is smart and it knows what I want. I can estimate my laptop's speed, performance once, but no more. 

I'm going to restart it and start downloading the softwares again. 

It's your body without your soul

After getting busy for a few days, things starts to brighten today. Just a few more things to do. Well, I got my lappy back. But it is not like the lappy I owned (very depressed). I need to re-install many different software which were once in my lappy's brain. It feels so different. Feels like I can't get our memories together back again. The feeling is different... ...

Monday 4 July 2011

Wasted a day - Monday

It's 4.35pm right now. I am still wearing my purple plum Oreef Tee typing in front of the monitor. Just finished watching "Home alone 3" and "Boys over flowers finale". After busing with all the chores this morning, it's 4.35pm now. Vietnam maid will be coming over tonight. I have to clean up the mess my sister made in the living room. What a day. 

Although I sounded busy, but I basically did nothing today. *sob* 
I'm going to bathe at 5pm (if everything goes on like I've planned) Must go to grandma's house tonight  @.@  The same routine every day... 

How can I survive in grandma's house tonight without my lappy?! Urgh... Just thinking about it makes me feel sick! 

Things that make me sick list:

  1. I need to go to Putrajaya to take my documents. 
  2. I have to settle my laptop problem asap.
  3. I need to be back before Sunday because I need to help out in Tzu Chi.
  4. I need to settle the EPF documents.
  5. I need to take care of my grandma so that she won't be dead like my grandpa.
  6. My house is a mess and my sister always make it worst without fail no matter how hard I try.
  7. I wanted to stay over at M's house WITH my mom's permission.
The list make me SICK! How I wish I was not home. If I am not home, problem number 1,3,4,5, and 6 is not MY problem anymore. Hah! Well, too bad, I'm here unfortunately with flu, coughing and headache.

Why can't I grow up? Dad and mom can settle things so quickly but why must I make it seems so difficult? Time to grow up All Mine! 

Sunday 3 July 2011

I'm living in my own world

Went to beach yesterday night. Just because it is a Sunday, and sis always wanted to go to the beach. =='''

Dad bought a durian to the beach. WTF right? The durian is GOOD~!!! People is looking but I didn't give a damn about it. I'm thinking : "It's my dad's idea to bring a durian to the beach. Don't stare just because you didn't think of such brilliant idea. Jealous!" 

Daddy is perfect! The world best dad ever! You definitely can't find another dad like him (so don't be jealous) He caught a crab just to let my sister observe it and count how many leg a crab has.   =='''

<< victim crab

Going to the beach randomly on a weekend. Frankly speaking, I kinda enjoy it! Do it more! Haha! 

Btw, I saw someone I know going to the beach though. And I don't really like her.   =P
Just a talented girl that talks sarcastically and get into a relationship because of money. That's all. I used to avoid bumping into her because I dislike wasting my saliva and adrenaline. 

My mom saw her right when we get out from the car. I mumble a little and walk past her proudly. Who give a damn about her right? Not me, not now. She is not going to destroy my "durian beaching night" And she never did! Haha. I am all grown up and strong.  =D

The gathering the other night was awesome! We talk, we laugh, we laugh so loudly until the couple that sit beside our table left. Sorry couple, can't control the funny bits in our conversation.  
Will post another post about that night, stay tuned. 

All mine

Tell me what to do...

OMGizzle! I am so freaking bored right now. I'm having a flu (Thanks to my mom) My dearest lappy is STILL in the process of recovering. And I wanted to go to see my friends so badly!  =(
Chores never end. Btw, the washing machine just beeped. 

So many things is going on in my head and I am NOT happy about it! I haven't been using my time wisely. And I am going to list down whatever things that had been making my day worst!  ><

My lappy is still dead, I need to call the stupid government officer to confirm whether my document has been prepared and I need to call them like 2 times without them answering. It's sound like I haven't try hard enough. Ended up, my dad called them like 3 times, the stupid girl on the phone keep on passing us to another department which no one has been answering the phone! How dumb right? Screw you! Stupid, useless, good-for-nothing girl on the phone. Luckily, during my dad's fifth attempt, as usual, the girl answered and when she was ready to pass on the phone again, a guy with a brain told my dad exactly what we need to know. Thank God. And that is the thing that makes me angry because I had been calling the department since last Wednesday.   ><!!!

Too bad, chores awaiting. If not, I will surely complaint more and more and more until I have nothing left to complaint and feel like I'm living in heaven that is found on earth

Friday 1 July 2011

Thanks for the two left-over half boiled eggs

I had my lunch at 12.15pm today. So, I feel hungry since I'm using my brain cells composing new post. I lingered around facebook and blogger but I still feel hungry. Suddenly, I remembered that there were two left-over half boiled eggs in the kitchen! I "flew" to the kitchen and cracked them. Now, the two left-over half boiled eggs are happily being digesting   =D

<< Thanks for the eggs, dad! 

They said that I can eat anything although they tasted ok (not that tasty)

That's true. I won't complaint about food like others. I think that's because of my attitude. I am too lazy to complaint about food (just eat!) haha!   XD

And the way I'd been brought up in my family. Don't waste food. Food is very precious you know? My sister will say. Thanks to a Chinese proverb that I learnt when I am in Standard 3. It says : " Who knows that every tiny little grain in our plate came from hard work?" When I first heard that proverb I answered in my heart : " Although I don't know that last time, but after today, I will not leave any rice on my plate ever again. " So touching huh? And that's exactly what I said to myself. I swear! And I'm proud of myself.  ^-^

It's not about being someone else, It's about being you!

I've been realizing that I keep comparing myself with others. That's why I hate my past. But now, I'd understand that no one can say anything if I be myself. No one will say anything because this is a human right! I'm not saying that I am a real bad person, I'm just referring to my self-conscious attitude. I feel so unhappy about myself and constantly worrying what am I in front of other people. Why did I do so? 

No one hate you when you are being yourself, stupid. Haiz...
I felt relief when I realized this. *smile*  Stop competing with someone else. Be yourself and that's what you need. Be confident    =D 

Go listen to Demi Lovato's Believe in me

It says exactly what I feel. And listening to the song will help you gain back your confidence. Now go! For others out there that once felt what I feel  ^-^

Wee~! They're going out to have dinner! So am I! Means no need to cook!

Just when I am complaining about I have not enough time to use, my dear relative ask my parents to have dinner with them tonight. And me on the other hand, will be going out with my friends for the second time since I came back to my hometown (how sad) Yet, I'm going out with them! Yay!

Can online longer, post more, play more games~ Oh, I love my life (right now) ^-^

So little time, so much to do! =(

Dear time, please don't pass so quickly, give me some time to grasp some more air   =)

I have to do all the house work on my own, everyday.
I have to follow orders so that I please everyone in my life.
I have to fetch my family members to and fro.
I have done all of this things for everyone else using my time.
But where's mine?

The line, is going slow. I can't help myself to be frustrated    =(
My mom called to many times.
My grandma nagged most of the time.
And I can't hold myself, all of the time.

But sometimes, when the day seems fine,
I went out with my friends   =)
My mom let me go, once in a blue moon   XP
Because she knows, she always knows, I've been good.
And that's all she needs to know.
She knows that I need to have my own time.