Monday 25 July 2011

Continue crapping... XD

Since my blog had a new dress, it encourages me to post more often. Feeling happy seeing everything went well on my blog. =)

Came back with sis and food! This means that I will not need to cook! Too tired being driver the whole day. Decided to da pao instead! Super like! =D

The journey to fetch my sister was tiring. Traffic jam! AND... I'm driving an auto-car. I have my chance to exercise my leg! o.0 Haha!

When grandma and sister went down to da pao, I U-turned the car so that I can go back to the main road more easily. Who knows, there's a car behind. So, I need to move to let him pass. Then I NEED to U-turn again. *sweat* After getting into position (I haven't stop for a minute) The same car I repeat, the SAME CAR appear at the back. So, I need to MOVE AGAIN to let him pass. FTW.

End. =)

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