Friday 29 July 2011

Spoke with H.I.M. :)

Washed all the clothes. Room = not cleared. Documents = all settled. XD
Drove around town today. Accident free!
Went to temple today. I can finally be there!
No one wanted to "volunteer" by fetching me there. =(
So, I went there MYSELF! Haha!
Finally, the place, the air, the scenery, the coldness of the floor, etc.
I even took a picture of it!

Simple picture I took when I'm heading to the car.

Such a clear sky.
I miss that place. The people, the activities, the top secret place that only WE can go... Haha!
Feels got to be a charity worker (more like a VIP). =D
I don't want to forget all those wonderful experience!
E.g. The 500 bowl + spoon + plate + cup + pair of chopsticks washing. XD
We're having a fun time. It feels good!

Too bad I'm not going back there anymore.
No one wanted to fetch me there. It's too far away. =(
I miss the gigantic size Buddha.
I miss the wonderful teacher.
I miss those utensil we used.
I miss the smell of the store room where we use to keep all the color pencils.
I miss many many more.

Btw, I spoke with HIM!
It's been such a long time.
I sounded high in the conversation. XP
So hyper.
He sounded so him. As usual.
We spoke yesterday too.
Our relationship is complicated.
I treat him a little bit more than my friend (when we are chatting)
I don't know what he thinks about me.
But I don't think we can get along. o.0
It will be weird.
He's more like a Physics kind of guy.
I'm a more Biology kind of girl.
Can we get along?
Who knows.

Btw, we seldom chat.
Just twice a year.
IF we are both online that is.
He's going to take STPM soon.
All the best to him. =)

We haven't been chatting for one year.
And I can notice the difference.
We are more matured.
Not talking about unimportant things.
But we still talk about feelings and opinion about things.
Like we used to. :)
And I like that.

Too bad both of us are playing little games.
I dumped him from conversation yesterday night.
And he dumped me from today's conversation.

It's good great being like that. We won't get hurt, but we still "communicate".
We're people from different world. We're not like Biology and Chemistry. We can't combine and form Biochemistry.
We're just different.
The things he like is dead and lifeless.
The things I like is alive. Much alive.
Let things be like that. =)
I'm satisfied.

All mine - being satisfied of the conversation she just have with "him"

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