Tuesday 26 July 2011

Long lost hobby - S.E.W.I.N.G. XD

As I had promised, I start to make use of my time. I woke up at 9am today (considered early to ME), just to wash all the laundries so that they can dry faster. After breakfast, I went to my dusty room to start cleaning.

The last time I clean my room is... in May. Only a day. I clean my room for only one day, a day, singular in the entire holiday until now (which is July!). See? I'm a major lazy, LAZY girl! Hahaha! *evil laugh*

Well, in my room, I found dirty clothes and more and more dirty clothes. ><
I took a HUGE plastic bag so that I can take all those unwanted clothes to donate. But end up I can't stand the yellowish + dusty clothes. So I send them to wash. I wouldn't want someone to wear my dirty clothes without even washing them. That would be disgusting. So, I wash them as you all know.

And I found some clothes which can't be worn anymore but the fabric is fabulous. So, this is the important part of this post. I took them, I cut them, into smaller pieces so that I can sew them. I wanted to make a book cover using those fabrics. I will post some pictures after I'm done. =)

Who knows? I may even sell them in my facebook account! Nah... Just a thought. =P

I'm so excited right now. ^^
I called grandma to fetch me so that I can bring all of the fabulous fabrics to her house to start sewing! (she had a sewing machine =.=)
^^ can't wait!

What will I do to my room then?
Since I'm leaving, my room will officially be my sister's. Jeng... jeng... jeng...!
Yea, my room is going to be hers.
So, I need to clear my stuff before anyone can touch them!
No one can ever touch my things no matter I still need them or not. NEVER!!!

Surprisingly, there's not that much things in my room. Just all the unused pillow being "dumped" in there. And luggage that I brought back from college. I haven't unpack yet. I know... I know... can't even manage to unpack after 3 months. Well, THIS IS ME! Okay? I'm like that. Procrastinate is my talent!

I even found a Christmas tree in my room. Who put it there?! Whatever...
So, after those unwanted dirty clothes are dry, I will put them in the HUGE plastic bag that I have already prepare before.

This is what I'm gonna do tomorrow.
Wash those clothes that I want, and start rearranging my closet. ><
Then... I will start clearing another closet for my sister (the Donald Duck closet that once was mine).
After that, I will find some more things to do because that also my OTHER talent. Lol!

That's all! I'm excited. See the difference between having too much time but do nonsense AND having too much time and do "something"?
I'm much happier now, doing useful things. Something not so ordinary as my same old routine. =)
Love today! (so far)

All mine - happy working! 

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