Friday 1 July 2011

Thanks for the two left-over half boiled eggs

I had my lunch at 12.15pm today. So, I feel hungry since I'm using my brain cells composing new post. I lingered around facebook and blogger but I still feel hungry. Suddenly, I remembered that there were two left-over half boiled eggs in the kitchen! I "flew" to the kitchen and cracked them. Now, the two left-over half boiled eggs are happily being digesting   =D

<< Thanks for the eggs, dad! 

They said that I can eat anything although they tasted ok (not that tasty)

That's true. I won't complaint about food like others. I think that's because of my attitude. I am too lazy to complaint about food (just eat!) haha!   XD

And the way I'd been brought up in my family. Don't waste food. Food is very precious you know? My sister will say. Thanks to a Chinese proverb that I learnt when I am in Standard 3. It says : " Who knows that every tiny little grain in our plate came from hard work?" When I first heard that proverb I answered in my heart : " Although I don't know that last time, but after today, I will not leave any rice on my plate ever again. " So touching huh? And that's exactly what I said to myself. I swear! And I'm proud of myself.  ^-^

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