Wednesday 20 July 2011


Such an irony that I can't listen to musics that I like when I'm writing my blog and people who reads my blog can listen to them! Huh!

At home now, dealing with the slow synapse computer. Lappy is at grandma's house. Miss the quick internet. But the line is okay here, not like in hostel. S&S knew what I mean. @.@

Well, just downloaded some songs. Now, I too can listen to musics I like while I'm blogging. =)
Water supply is back, still some drilling going on. But it's okay for me (tolerant much!) At least I get to wash the clothes and dishes. And make use of my time!

I drove sis to her nursery yesterday. It was fun. And I didn't forget to scold her even it's my first time driving her. Pity her not. Mom just bought 4 dresses for her online. They came today, by Post laju. =X
Not jealous. Because I bought some clothes from Kota Raya remember? Ended up I'm to fat and they doesn't look good on me. Maybe I should wear them with jeans. Wait for me to lose weight ok? I'm losing a little since I ate "less" and followed grandma to "exercise". Hope to lose more weight soon! ><

I'm drinking quite a lot of water nowadays. First, it's because I need to reply grandma's questions very frequently and grandma's house don't have any AIR-COND!!! So do my house. But I like my house more (duh~!)

Btw, I cut my hair by MYSELF today. And it's a failure. I cut my fringe to short and I ended up like a crazy housewife with lice in her hair. I'm wearing a hairband though. I'm not very up sad about it because I didn't go out ANYMORE. So, no one will see me like that.

Been reading people's blog again. It's amazing how someone can still blog with their heavy schedule. I blogged because I'm bored. See the differences? I enjoy reading people's blog because I can know what is happening in someone else's life and improve my vocabulary and writing skills. Thanks, people that I'm stalking! Hehe!

I will try to improve my blog and make it more interesting. It's still under construction you know? ^^
Please be patient. All these must depend on my laziness. And it's normal. =D

Gtg! I need to restart my computer cause I downloaded some software to make me feel like "home"
Will continue posting when I'm done! Stay tune!

All mine - upgrading the computer!

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