Sunday 17 July 2011

Just me, living my life as usual

Hey guys! Thanks for reading my blog.   <3
I've been reading other people's blog lately and I'm impress of what they are doing and how hectic their life became. But I'm still here, doing the things I am suppose to do.   =)
I need to keep exercising! I know that I'm fat.   =(  
But I can't stop eating! I just can't because I get hungry punctually after 4 hours. I can't control myself! Ah...!
So, I forced myself to wake up at 5.30am AM today to exercise. I acted like I willingly wake up just to company my grandma (what a good grandchild right? in your dreams!) I'm a selfish person. NO one can force me do anything that I don't like if I really DON'T want to except for my grandma. She's too powerful.

Remember I mentioned that I wanted to watch movie yesterday? Well, I can't get Qvod work although everything is fine after the setup.   =(
So, I went to PPS to search for movies instead. I watched 2 movies! My mom watch it with me too! <3
And we both loved it. It's a Hong Kong Movie though. To stop grandma from nagging, I convince her to watch it too! Thank God I found the movie in her laptop (Yay me!)
Went to bed without finishing the second movie.   =(
Why? Do I really need to tell you again? It's because of grandma~ Duh! So sad right? *sob*

Speaking of movie, I'm going to continue that half-finished movie... Bye!

All mine - movie watching!

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