Monday 25 July 2011

The fine day. =D

Woke up at 9 o'clock this morning. Skipped the morning exercise. XP
Why? Don't ask. Just kidding! I have to do a lot of things today. I knew that since yesterday. So I decided not to "take the risk".
The truth is I'm lazy. So, I need to reserve energy for myself so that I can complete my "daily task".

Went to : TMnet to pay the wi-fi bill, fetch mom from work, photostat documents, settle grandma's Hong Leong Bank account problem.

Incomplete tasks : Fetch sister back from nursery (dad's busy working), prepare dinner.

Going to end my post now. Time is rushing and grandma ask me to cut an apple for sis so that she will be HAPPY when she sees the apple. Bye! <3

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