Monday 30 April 2012

Hello May =D

Found something interesting yesterday night. This is a very nice way to start May 2012. Photo a day - May. 
As usual, I'm gonna participate in this activity too. ^^

1st May - peace. 

Peace! xD

Peace hand sign with my striking pink nails and colorful alphabet poster. =)


How's Plantzy? Plantzy is dying... ='(
But it's still hanging there, striving to stay alive. =')
Pity Plantzy. What's wrong? Is it the soil? Is it my room? Or is it me? That stole all your oxygen? 
I'm not a plant, I don't know. 
If and only if you can tell me whats wrong. 

Spot something growing beside Plantzy? =D
And see the color change on Plantzy's leaves?  =(
Plantzy, I'll always love you. Until death brought us apart... (cliche)
JK, I'll still love you because you are my first plant ever. And I will not forget about you that easily, not even you die. 


Good bye, April. =')

Yup, I tick each and every day. It's a new thing for me. 

Time to change a new calendar! Bye April. You've treat me well. Nothing special happen. Nothing much to say. But lots of thanks because nothing bad happened. So so grateful that April is finally ending. Now that monsoon is approaching, get your rain coats and umbrella ready people! ;D

I wonder how May will be like. Hmm... There will be Block 3 exam. But everything will also go well right? All is well. =) 

Just replaced the May calendar. Alert! Wesak Day is coming up. =) Mother's day is coming up! =0 
This means that I need to do something for mumzy. And fast! That's easy. I'm gonna make her a card and draw something disgusting. ;D

Oh well, Good bye April, Hello May! 

Day 92

OSPE went well... Kinda like I don't know what's happening in there. I forgot what answer I put, hypothyroidism? HypoPARAthyroidism? Or Hyper? So confusing. And the bowing of the leg... What's that? Trollolol! Conclusion is I'll pass OSPE la!

As you all know, when I'm studying, I'll paint my nails to keep myself awake.
So yesterday night, I spend time painting 'em. =D

P/s: My first stripe Pajama pants. =D So comfy!!! I'm so gonna hunt more from that shop next time. =D

Back to things about today. 

OMG, K. Here you go. So annoying la!!! I have nothing to say about my blog. And I don't want to mention about my blog in class. -.- You like attentions. I don't! Please remember that. 

After OSPE, there's Insulin class. Then Dissection class. Spend an hour identifying structures. I'm hungry and sick of identifying structures. And here comes K, trying to guess who's the guy I like use to like. -.-
So busy body. 

It's lunch time! Went to Food court for lunch. Ate Samosa Chaat while L ate Mess food. 
Back to room, scan through my blog so that there's not a single clue about my ex-crush. K is such a stalker. 
Took the extra Physiology Journal pictures for C and desk mate L. 

Back to class. Wow... everyone is busy cutting and pasting. @_@
And there's C, already have the pictures that she asked from me. =( 
So lucky K, he got he's Reproduction pictures. 
Anatomy lecture about Development of Diaphragm and Venous System. 
Septum transversum, we met again. ;)

And the bonus for today was, no PPD class!!! Mr Barathi was so awesome~! He understand students very well. =D Yay! Yay! Yay! 

So, no more class, and we're going to submit our Physio journal. After that, I went to buy veges with Lsl. Aww~~~ Finally. I finished all my "storage" and I'm out to hunt for more! 

Alert! It's Spinach after... gazillion years?
Can't wait!
So... That's it! I'm so eager to know how the Spinach taste like! It's just spinach~~~ OK, I'm over reacting. It's just Spinach. -.-

So mad because of all the things happened today. I need Buddha song. =)

Toodles! Gonna take my nappy nap.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Block 3 exam is near

When Block exam is approaching, I can't breathe properly. Things that I've read will only be a short-term memory. This is the side-effect of exam. That's not all. After exam, we will go out and celebrate and I'll start buying things like crazy. Sorry "purse".

So I'm just so happened to be so tense to do this ranting post about what I'm feeling right now.
Kinda nervous because nothing is registering in my mind/brain/head. And exam is coming up and I still don't have the drive to study like crazy. What is wrong with me? I guess there's nothing wrong with me. I'm just getting so use to the whole exam idea. I'm being unshockable. Perfect.

April is ending. May is approaching with a big Block 3 examination on 8th to 10th. Let's not forget about Biochem viva on 11th. *emotional breakdown*
But if I am that stress, seeks for mama's help. Mother~~~~ knows BEST!
Skype with my mom totally help in reducing stress level. Because she's the one and only mom that can ask me to relax by watching TV the day before exam. The one that ca ask me to go exercise and sleep at 10pm while I'm doing MBBS in Manipal. She's the BOMB.

So, I'm so nervous right now, I think I'm having insomnia. Hell to the NO. I will never develop insomnia right? I'm me, the Sleeping Queen. I shall never let the Exam stress break the bond between me and my bed.
Unfortunately right now, my eyes are not tired yet.
I'll go sleep. Very soon. Don't worry. =)

Wish me all the best in answering my OSPE tomorrow OK?
Although it's just OSPE, but it still does contribute marks to the Blocks.

I can't breathe. Breathe in... Breath out... I guess I need to keep my laptop on and play some soothing song tonight. Tension is building up. I can't breathe... Breathe bitch, BREATHE!

Now, some positive things. =)
It's healthy. We need positive things.

Alright, good night. ^^
Thanks for reading. =)

Day 91

Sunday. Happiest Sunday of all. No more dumpling making. Only me sitting, Skyping, and studying.
OSPE is tomorrow. So yea...

Skyped with mummy, Nicole and grandma. And Nicole cried half way Skyping because her "Angry bird" helium balloon was hit uncountable time by the fan. Lmao! She cried like heaven and I thought she fell down or something like that. LOL. Just imagine, a balloon being hit multiple time by the fan. Isn't it funny? It's so scary at first. No wonder she cried. She do care a lot for her stuff. Not like me. We're just so different. She wants to be Champion, and I want to be 1st runner up.

Skype, study, Skype, study... Let's not forget eat, do laundry and bathe. >,<

This is my lunch. Pumpkin rice! Pumpkin!!! Love it! ;)
Dinner. =)
I'm suppose to be in the picture.
But I turn the camera away too quickly. 
Iron and Vit. B complex.
Highlight of the day: K found my blog. -.- Such stalker. 

M (that guy) Skype chatted with me today. He had a girl friend! Best part. He's not coming back! At least not Batch 29. Hooray!!! K, we should celebrate. Only we are heartless enough. ;)

I'm gonna continue reading my Physiology Journal. Toodles! =D

Saturday 28 April 2012


Mummy force me to bring lots of Vitamins from Malaysia.
Since I'm sick on Thursday, (I'm absolutely fine now), I ate lots of Vitamins after dinner.

From above below: Iron, Vit C, Lecithin E. 

Good news is I recovered very quickly, thanks to all the love from my friends, all the water I drank, all the sleeping time in between lectures, lecturers that make me sleep more soundly, and thanks to mom that force me to bring all these supplements. 

Another good news is that the itchy thing on my arm, is healing. =)
It's getting better. 
Good job. Immune system, I'm proud of you. 
Now, I'm gonna go get more sleep. 
So that my body can function better. =/

Round and round

We're going round and round

We're never gonna stop
Going round and round
We'll never get where
We are going
Round and round
Well your gonna miss me
Cause im getting dizzy
Going round and round
Round and round

Exam will never end. Sun will always rise. I will always be here, composing more and more post. Buying more and more stuffs. Cooking more and more dishes. 
So worried and I don't have the feeling to study. 
So afraid that I will regret.
So scared that I will fail, AGAIN. 

I just want this to end. But it can't. Because life is going round and round. Not getting anywhere but just round and round. I can't escape. But I can always be that one that is smart enough to pass. Like always. 

April is gonna end. Remember the last March is gonna end post? Now tension is building up. 
It's a good way of counting down anyways. =)

How am I gonna make myself study? I have no idea. I'll try. I'll try to be more discipline. Of course I've been more discipline compared to last time. I'm still trying. 

Trying and trying to improve. 
Life is like a circle, that's why a ring is round. 
Remember this line Leader S?
Round and round. 

Be safe

To my friend in Aussie =)
How are you my first green envelope? Where are you right now? Are you safe? I'm worried about you. Please do reach Australia soon okay? I'll wait. =)

Be safe. 

Day 90

Feel like I'm gonna leave this Blog soon. But no! It's already Day 90. I won't abandon my blog no matter what.
Not even Block exam, not even University exam! =)

Physio class test's questions were hard for me. After finished the test, everyone was so upset about their performance. J was emo-ing and desk mate L can't stop checking the notes and complaining she shouldn't have changed the answer. Lsl was like, I didn't study Surekha's portion. And there's me, having them sitting near me. Making me unable to concentrate during "Mr Pamidi's" class.

It's Egg Mayo time! (break time)
PMS-ing, so can't even finish a whole set of Egg Mayo sandwich. (Such a loser)

Biochem lecture. Insulin Sir came in and stars talking. I've been tolerating, because I wanted to make dumpling today. It's Saturday. But it's seems that I can't get boneless chicken so I have to go and buy again in the evening. *sigh* What a waste of time. Just because I promised SP and Lsl to let them try my dumplings. -.-

After class, L and I went to Manipal store to do some grocery shopping. =D

I bought scrub. Why soap? I have no idea. @_@

Went back to room and get some rest. It's so obvious that I need to go out again later.
I bought pumpkin btw. That's my lunch! So simple.
Completed Physio journal by pasting pictures on it. =)
And get all the sleep that I wanted. I slept like a dead person as usual. I didn't even realize the alarm was ringing until Lsl called me at 4.15pm.

Went out for boneless chicken with L at 5.40pm. First stop, clothing store. L was the one that wanted to buy. But I ended up buying 4 T-shirts. There goes my 540 rps. Next stop, earring shop. It's been awhile since we went to bug the boss. I bought 6 pairs of earrings? LOL! Shopaholic much. Finally, chicken shop! Bought chickens~ Goal achieved. Last stop, Flower stall!!! Such beautiful flowers~~~

Look! Chrysanthemum. 
Tiger Lily! And it smells like my relative's house!
Now I know what is the special scent. ;) 
Did anyone ever  noticed the center part of the rose?
Went back and start mincing the chicken meat. From 7.15pm to 8.30pm. I'm watching the time alright? It feels like I'm cooking till 10pm. Tired, so so tired. I'm so over dumping making. 

Taadaa! A lot! I've put lots of effort in making these. =') 
They're finally ready!!! ='D
Just got back from L's room. Watched The Vow. Yea, that movie is sweet. =)

Look at the earrings that I got this evening. Gold gold gold.
That's all for today. Although I didn't study the whole day, but I'm getting use to all these guiltiness. 
That's pathetic. Maybe I don't enjoy wasting time today. Hmm... But I bought stuffs, I should be happy. 
I'm weird. I don't know what I want. 
Mind, what is wrong with you?
Btw, I got 62% for Physio class test today. 
I'm glad that I passed.
In exams, I want nothing else but pass.

Day 89

Hmm, I forgot that tomorrow is Physio class test as usual. And I'm not into the mood to study. My Block 3 is so gonna end and I'm so gonna die. I need help. To study. Oh my...

Went to J's room the sleep over. Been sleeping over very often. It's bad for my spine. But at least I read something there. =/

Thanks J, for witnessing my hair fall. =D

Thursday 26 April 2012

Day 88

It rained! Again! In the morning these time.
I guess monsoon season is starting. Stick with your umbrella people!
It's time for me to get mine too! Soon.

Having Menstrual pain and I can't even concentrate in class. I hate this. I fell asleep during lecture! OMG!!!
Don't worry, for whom that are concern. I didn't miss anything, because it's like a Q&A session by our batch mate asking questions to the lecturer. I just slept by resting my head on the table.

Alert! Alert! My dream was achieved! Sleeping half way when I'm suppose to study! Yippy!
Thank you thank you~ Such an achievement. Muahaha!
I'm so proud of myself. You are now certified as a hard working student that will study your ass off...

After sleeping, I woke up seeing Mr Naveen in the class. What a relief. The Physiology lecturer is no longer here. *applause*
Mr Naveen went on like a bullet train, teaching about anal canal. Woosh!!! There he goes, and there's me, trying to copy down all he's slides. ;)
And I'm fast enough to do so. Thanks evil Primary school English tuition teacher.
You actually helped. =0
I remember that one time that I use to hate you to the max. LOL

Class ended at 12.15pm. Thanks to Mr Naveen's bullet train speed lecture. And this provide enough time for two hungry girls that are having "pain" to walk all the way to Snack Shack and eat sick people food.
Cindy and PL were here too! Hehe. Had quite a conversation.
Nice dining people.

Went back to class and it's Biochem lecture by Miss Akshata. Miss her, really. She's so cute. So fun to bully. =/
After her class, it's SDL. Well it went well. That's it.
After SDL, I went to post letter to Jess.
And all the printing Physiology Journal drama. So troublesome. -.-

After printing, xeroxing I can finally go back to my "room sweet room" and rest.
The word "tired" is written all over my face. And I'm those that don't hide my feelings.
People and just read my face and tell what's wrong about me.
There's no point hiding. I'm not good in faking another face when I'm not feeling well too.
So yea, I don't really care.

My dinner was ready! Vege soup today. I need something warm to relief the pain.
It's really PMS. I didn't even see blood. But hormones are driving me crazy.
Tsk tsk....
Currently listening to Buddha song to keep myself calm.
Amitabha. _(l)_

I'm gonna start reading my Anatomy notes. I am so lost in Anatomy. =/
Gonna rest my head now. Will bathe at 7pm, will start eating after that. =)

Day 87

I slept all day today.
I rushed back to my room after dissection class and slept from 12.45pm to 1.45pm.
And I woke up at 1.52pm!!! Luckily I made it "on time" to class. Ran up to 4th floor like a ninja.
The thing is, I missed lunch. =/
I sacrificed all my lunch break in sleeping. Worth every second of it!
Which results in I'm hyper during class and I made lots of noise. =X

After class, went to eat Chicko's with L.
It's a set, with 2 pieces of chicken and a bun. =)

After that, we went to aka shop and get Strepsils for J.
J is absent because she's having flu + fever + sore throat + menstruating D=
So L and I are the one that provides whatever she wants.

Back to my room, I'm too full to cook anymore dinner for myself. Wanted to sleep, but I'm busy writing letter to Jess. Finally finished writing, there's Blur S on Skype chat and NBJ on Facebook chat. I can't sleep now. -.-
Copied Question of the Day and left the book there. Went to J's room, went back to my room, bathe, went to J's room. And I slept there. =P

Yea, at least I studied something. Testis and Prostate. Only. But at least I did something.

So there goes my day!
Exam is coming up. *scared*

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Day 86

It's Tuesday! And I stayed up late yesterday night. So I woke up at 7.15am and be blur for the whole day. Mr Satheesha Nayak aka my dissection table lecturer covered so many topic today. T_T
from Sacrum to Pelvic to Vagina. @_@
Help~~ I can hardly stay awake in the last 15 minutes of Dissection class.

After Dissection, it's Physiology class. The things that are being taught is not registering into my mind. Side effect of staying up late. =(
I won't stay up late next time. I blame the dirty bed. =0

During lunch hour, I went to the post office with K. I bought lots of stamps so that I can post letters to Australia and United Kingdom to my friends! =D Yippy!

Went to food court for lunch, ate veg combo meal from Asian K. So full! I seriously doubted I can finish one serving when I'm back in Malaysia. =( But I'm craving for Malaysia's food! ='(

Two Biochemistry class which kills me from inside out. Don't get a thing as usual. And Insulin Sir want to ask us questions! Dead man...

After class, went to buy a Birthday card for my friend in Australia. Then went to buy veges. LOL! I miss green leafy vegetables. @_@ Biochemistry much. =/

Went back to room, started cooking, then slept.
Woke up, cooked dinner, then went to L's room.
Conclusion, I haven't bathe yet. Until now.
I'm gonna bathe after blogging. =)

Bought Chocolate milk just because of the Mickey cup.
PMS priority. ;)
I like the way the grass grows. 
My dinner. Focusing on the "green".
The card I got for my friend.

Stamps!!! =D
I'm a happy kid. 
I'm gonna start writing letter now. Gonna post the letters tomorrow. One to Australia, another one to United Kingdom! Can't wait to get the stamp. ;)

Monday 23 April 2012

Day 85

Call me a bitch.

Yes, I am the one that will call cleaners to my room and torture them. If you work as a cleaner, you should have mental preparation for the owner of the room to ask you to clean the fan, mirror, pail, and wipe everything!

Yes, I asked the cleaners to do all that and there goes my 25 minutes. Finally, my room is clean and it’s ready for me to live happily ever after inside. =)

I sleep from 5pm to 7pm after class today. PMS priority. ;)

Plantzy is dying!!! I switched it’s pot to the flat one. =’(
I’m so worry about Plantzy. First plant, ends by being dead. Epic.
Hope Plantzy will grow well in the new pot. =0

Btw, my dinner was awesome~~! =D
It's ladies fingers with steam egg. 

This is my dinner. =)

This is what's been going on about my right arm. =(

Hand made noodles with steam egg and ladies fingers.
First time steaming egg in India. =D
Sunday's lunch. 
Brown rice with black beans and kidney beans.
Healthy much?
Steam egg with egg plant, tomato and potato inside.
Not bad! 
Before applying anything...

After applying aloe vera gel.
This is due to my skin allergy to the detergent I used for my clothes.
Remember that day that I washed 13 clothes?
Watched Letters to Juliet again. I love that movie!!! So romantic. Totally dig the ending. =D

Highlight of the day: Phua's accident. It's actually positive because he said that he can sit down all day and study. =)

Get well soon, Senior. =)

PMS priority

For me, having menses are the only time I will love myself and allow myself to eat whatever I want, do whatever thing I like, sleep as much as I like. It's like a holiday for myself and the best reason for me to procrastinate. =D

Well, I bought 2 bars of dark chocolate, I have 2 flavored sweet drinks in my room and I'm ready to turn on the air cond and make myself comfortable. Yes, yes, yes. Yes is the only answer to all my request!

PMS rocks! As long as it doesn't hurt. =/

Gonna eat lots of Chocolate
Gonna day dream all day

Day 84

Lazy lazy lazy!

Sunday is the day for me to sleep 5 times a day.
Sleeping time includes 7am-9am, 11am-2pm, 5pm-7pm, that’s pretty about it. The last one is 12.30am to Monday morning. I guess that makes 4 times a day in total. But still, it’s the only day that I can sleep whenever I want. =D

iTunes have been busying whole day playing songs while I’m awake, while I’m asleep, while I’m cooking, while I’m studying. It’s been playing songs all day.  Unfortunately there’s something wrong with I-on this evening. I can’t go online at 6pm. =(

Can’t tweet, can’t blog, can’t go Facebook, can’t G+.

Boring! Feeling very thankful because lappy have a few nice movies. =’)

I rewatched some drama s and movie. Hmm… that’s how I spend my day.

For every Medical student out there, go check out this one game called amateur surgeon. It’s nice! To be frank, I can’t pass the last level, level 10. And for those that managed to complete the whole game, can you please leave a comment telling me what is the ending? Thanks!!! =D

Do check it out! Just type amateur surgeon on Google la! Aiyo...

Highlight of the day: I’ve completed Physiology Journal (minus the paste-ing picture part)
And I tried to cook steam egg today! I like it! I spend 2 hours cooking my lunch, 30 minutes cooking my dinner. Oh well, I love Sundays! <3

I-on less

Sunday, I was studying and sleeping and watching drama and eating and cooking and when I'm finally dome with my Physiology Journal, I'm ready to go online. And that is when I-on gone wrong.

There's something wrong with I-on connection so I can't connect to the internet and hence I can't tweet and most importantly I can't upload my post for yesterday. But I did compose the post and save it in my computer yesterday. Day 84, coming soon!

Saturday 21 April 2012

Day 83

Saturday is the very awesome because it's the day that we can officially rest! Yesh!!!

OMG, and today, I ran up stairs up to 4th floor because I only have 5 minutes to go from aka shop to class.
I took 7 minutes in total. I was late for 2 minutes. Unhappy but I tried. Everything is fine because there's people that were late too. But still, I'm late. =/

I can't believe I transformed into a ninja this morning! What an experience. ;)

After class, we went to the Naturals near Udupi for the ice-cream hunt.
I went to buy a new pen drive first because  I lost my old ugly one.
And now, I have a cool new one! Muahaha!

There's something growing on my right arm...
It's very itchy right now, while I'm typing. So itchy, J says that it will spread. I hope that won't happen.
Body immune system, do your work! I'll drink lots of water to provide "fuels" for you. xD *drinking now*

We ate ice-cream first before eating in First Kitchen. 
I like the way they decorate the table. Just like picnic. =D
Figuring out what to order. 
Other part of the restaurant.

Scribble using J's color pens during Acid Base class.
Our lunch! Tandoori chicken, Mutton masala, and Plain rice. 
 After lunch, we went to Nilgiri Super Market. Hope that's the right spelling. I'm so amazed with the product they have here! They have things from Japan, Italy, and Malaysia. =D

I love the design and flavors! Kawaii~
Who bakes? I don't. =/
Nine different flavours!!!
Lychee, Strawberry, Peach, Apple, Grape, Coconut, Orange, Pineapple and Mango. 
I bought quite a lot of things today. =D
It's time to shop after 1 month!!! =0
So I bought some stuff for my room. ^^

Going to take an afternoon nap now.  
Before my day starts again. 

Grow, Plantzy, Grow!