Thursday 26 April 2012

Day 88

It rained! Again! In the morning these time.
I guess monsoon season is starting. Stick with your umbrella people!
It's time for me to get mine too! Soon.

Having Menstrual pain and I can't even concentrate in class. I hate this. I fell asleep during lecture! OMG!!!
Don't worry, for whom that are concern. I didn't miss anything, because it's like a Q&A session by our batch mate asking questions to the lecturer. I just slept by resting my head on the table.

Alert! Alert! My dream was achieved! Sleeping half way when I'm suppose to study! Yippy!
Thank you thank you~ Such an achievement. Muahaha!
I'm so proud of myself. You are now certified as a hard working student that will study your ass off...

After sleeping, I woke up seeing Mr Naveen in the class. What a relief. The Physiology lecturer is no longer here. *applause*
Mr Naveen went on like a bullet train, teaching about anal canal. Woosh!!! There he goes, and there's me, trying to copy down all he's slides. ;)
And I'm fast enough to do so. Thanks evil Primary school English tuition teacher.
You actually helped. =0
I remember that one time that I use to hate you to the max. LOL

Class ended at 12.15pm. Thanks to Mr Naveen's bullet train speed lecture. And this provide enough time for two hungry girls that are having "pain" to walk all the way to Snack Shack and eat sick people food.
Cindy and PL were here too! Hehe. Had quite a conversation.
Nice dining people.

Went back to class and it's Biochem lecture by Miss Akshata. Miss her, really. She's so cute. So fun to bully. =/
After her class, it's SDL. Well it went well. That's it.
After SDL, I went to post letter to Jess.
And all the printing Physiology Journal drama. So troublesome. -.-

After printing, xeroxing I can finally go back to my "room sweet room" and rest.
The word "tired" is written all over my face. And I'm those that don't hide my feelings.
People and just read my face and tell what's wrong about me.
There's no point hiding. I'm not good in faking another face when I'm not feeling well too.
So yea, I don't really care.

My dinner was ready! Vege soup today. I need something warm to relief the pain.
It's really PMS. I didn't even see blood. But hormones are driving me crazy.
Tsk tsk....
Currently listening to Buddha song to keep myself calm.
Amitabha. _(l)_

I'm gonna start reading my Anatomy notes. I am so lost in Anatomy. =/
Gonna rest my head now. Will bathe at 7pm, will start eating after that. =)

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