Saturday 7 April 2012

Day 69

Dumpling day!!!

First of all, I am very very very tired the whole morning.
After answering my Physiology class test paper in 15 minutes (including checking), I closed my eyes waiting for the time to pass. I am so tired and bored, I wrote some Chinese sentences on my question paper. I got 35.5 over 50. 71%. Very good! Even I thought that I will score 65% again. After calculating using my one and only scientific calculator, I am happy with this marks. =D

Back to dumpling. As you all know, I'm craving for dumpling since Thursday. And today, I found CHICKEN MEAT! I know, I'm a vegetarian. But I am so eager to eat dumpling with meat inside. Not mashed potato like yesterday's dumpling. So, I went to get 500 grams of boneless chicken with L and we bought some vege and we get back to hostel.

First thing I did when I'm back to my room is plan how to cook the dumpling. When to make the doh, when to mince the chicken, when to boil the soup, when to mix up the ingredients with the meat etc. The truth is, I haven't go through the whole procedure in my mind and I started with the doh of flour. Haha! I can't wait!

Conclusion, today's dumpling was nice. But the chicken meat inside was too dry. And the soup was too salty. Alopecia! Need to reduce the amount of salt usage TOMORROW. Yes, tomorrow. I'm going to cook dumpling again. 3 days straight! Because I'm craving for dumpling. And for tomorrow, I'll make a lot of dumplings to satisfy me lust. I'm gonna put less chicken this time. Oh my... Stop thinking, I will get hungry again! LOL! *salivating*

I'm so happy that all of my friends like it. =D
Finally, a dish that all of then say PASS!

I'm going to bed now, dental appointment later.
Apparently, I need to attend one of my friend's (more like senior) birthday party.

Thanks L for accompanying me to buy chicken today.
Thanks for J to rush to my room to taste the dumplings.
Thanks for C to always be the one BRAVE enough to taste my cooking.

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