Saturday 14 April 2012

Day 76 - night

It's been a long long day. There's Chinese Orientation tonight. But before that, I went to support L's netball game. North South Games! And well, South won. Go~ PJ!!! 

After netball game, I went to the Chinese Orientation. I just want to eat their food. Who knows, by the time I got there, everyone is done eating. And I am not thick shinned enough to ask for food. Because that will be so obvious that I am there just because of food. >,<

Well, I wanted to go there because of their performance. But this year, the performance by Batch 28 was so so. Not as good as Batch 27 last year. But the senior that mimic Mr Venumadhav was amazing! I laugh my heart out! So do my batch mates. Because, the story are true! xD

Then, I'm hear to stress that I don't like him anymore. 
I am so proud of myself. =D

Since I haven't had my dinner, this is my dinner, the only food that I can eat immediately without anymore cooking. 

Mango have always been a midnight snack for my family.
I'm eating this while Skyping with mummy. She asked me what am I eating and I answered I felt bad to tell you. Because mango is her favorite fruit. And mango in India are so famous and she's been craving for it. 
So I told her nothing. I just kept on eating. =/

Then I managed to Skype with daddy! =D
I'm wearing the huge grey feather "Pj"
I just realized that I can't wear it out. It's really, too big. -.-
Daddy asked about my studies. And I said Block 3 is easier compared to Block 1 and 2. 
It's late in Malaysia so he went to bed. 

Mummy talked to me about my naughty sister and I'm like you guys better don't spoiled her. Haha!
Anyways, she is spoiled. -.-

Alright, it's time for me to head to bed too! 12.20am, time to bond with my bed. <3 

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