Wednesday 4 April 2012

Day 66

Injury day for me. =/
Don't ask how I injured myself.
I hurt myself when I'm focusing the slide using a microscope. I can't even accept the fact that that's possible. Bleed because of of microscope? In a Histology lab? Lmao.

Besides this, everything is super duperly fine. Managed to watch the drama. Still got 2 episodes left. Can't wait for the ending! ><

Skyped with Blur S. Showed her her birthday present. -.-
Glad that she liked it. So I won't post it back then. Yippy! I'm gonna save the postage money and buy more presents for you, Blur S. Haha! xP

I think M is going back to New York soon. OMG, so happy! Finally, no more paparazzi. =D

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