Monday 16 April 2012

Day 78

It's Monday AGAIN! And I only have 2 more Mondays till 3rd Block exam. =0
So fast!!! 7 weeks passed so quickly... @_@

Well, my dissection Sir is Mr HOD of Anatomy, our dearest Mr Sathish Nayak. Such a good lecturer, he taught us so much, until I filled up all the 8 "boxes". Yay!!! Haven't been filling all of them up since Ambhinitha's era. Which is, 4 weeks back? Finally, I didn't waste paper and managed to fill all the 8 boxes. =D

The shocking news for today is, me, L, and 8 other human were trapped in the lift today! Because of India's electric current. -.- We were stuck in the lift for 10 minutes. Without any phone signal and with a lift containing 12 people for 10 minutes? Wow... But it was such a fun experience since L was there with me. =)

Took auto to class, used stairs, and saw Mr Sathish's face again. J didn't come to class because she woke up at 1.55pm and the class was at 2pm. So she skipped class.

During PPD class, we sang National anthem for the first time after 7 months. Trollolol!
Then Mr Barathi actually did a very good job in preparing the slides today.
About time management and way to handle stress. Aww, so sweet of him!

So lesson of the day, PUT THE BIG ROCKS IN FIRST!

Stones and sand. Try to fit them in only one cup.

Oops, failed, the stones are piling up.

Taadaa! That's it! Put the big rocks first, then pour the sand in. 

This lesson taught us to put our "A" list things is our first priority. Do them first then proceed to the "B" list, then "C" list, and so on. =)

Let's work hard together as I have 86,400 seconds to spend today! =D
10,800 seconds for me before I call it a day. ;)

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