Thursday 31 May 2012

End of May 2012

Bid goodbye to May 2012 people. Such a challenging month it is. With Block 3 exam, 2 SDLs, 1 PBL presentation (Biochemistry), and an Anatomy class test (1) in this month. Not to forget Mother's day! Hectic month? There's more of hectic to come. ;)

Well, I'm trying to be live healthy and I started watching Grey's Anatomy again starting from this week. I like living healthy. It makes me happy. =D

What did I expect for June? I just want myself to concentrate in class. Not being sleepy as much as May. And start liking loving Biochemistry.

So this said goodbye for Photo A Day May project too. I did it! I have 31 pictures and this also cause 31 post more in May. It's been a wonderful experience. This project cheer me up and kept me going from 1st of May until Block 3 exam approaches.

I'm just gonna post all the 31 pictures here to reminisce what happened in May. =')

1. Peace
2. Skyline
3. Something you wore today
5. Bird
6. You
7. Someone that inspires you

8. A smell that I adore
9. Something I do everyday
10. A favorite word
11. Kitchen
12. Something that makes you happy
13. Mum
14. Grass
15. Love
16. What you're reading
17. Snack
18. Something you made
19. A favorite place
20. Something you can't live without
21. Where you stand
22. Pink
23. Technology
24. Something new
25. Unusual
26. 12 o'clock
27. Something sweet
28. The weather today
29. A number
30. Your personality
31. Something beautiful
Goodbye May 2012, nice having you with me. ^^
Hi June 2012, I'll be a good girl. =)

May 31st

May 31st - Something beautiful

I like the colors... 

I didn't visit End Point recently, so not much beautiful things in my room. The prettiest picture is this in Netter. I depends on how you look at it actually... xP

Wednesday 30 May 2012

May 30th

May 30th - Your personality

To everyone, I'm shy.
To those that know me, I'm sarcastic. ;)

Day 122

I know I told you all about my sleeping early plan. It's not that I don't want to keep my promise, but there's some emergency! My neighbor knocked my room door yesterday night and gave me this! A slice of her birthday cake! Aww... so sweet. It's nice. So I need to spend 10 minutes more to eat and brush my teeth again. THEN, I went to bed. =)

Late night surprise. 
 I woke up at 7.16am this morning. Class starts at 9am. So I do have time to prepare breakfast and all. I cooked! I prepare my lunch which this pumpkin rice. Sadly, I'm in a rush and I forgot to add salt inside. =X It was okay. I just force everything in during lunch time. =/

So sweet! ^^
Oats + granola + milk! <3
Went to Histo Lab. It's Wednesday, so I'm gonna send laundry. =)
I don't want to mention anything single thing about class today. Lets skip to after class. J went to FC and get Mocha Frappe. Too bad I forgot to take a picture of it. 

Sneak a peek. 
Now do I miss Starbucks? 
The menu! Totally digging it. <3

 I love the menu! It's colorful, it's full of drawings, it's just like a story book and the best part is, it's about Venice! Love Italy.

Clean clean clean.
I like the fact that they will clean FC every day. 
Why don't I subscribe mess again?
 Went back to room and start cooking. Didn't get to watch Greys because I'm busy watching other thing. o_o

Brown rice + pumpkin + green pea + tomato + potato + groundnut + onion

What actually happened in class today:
Histology morning, talked to kill time, DH, counting down with DH mates, Reem's class, learning how to draw those pathways, Anat PBL brainstorming, done within 40 minutes. All done for the day. 

I'm having Class test tomorrow. Anatomy class test 1 which consists of 70% of the things taught in Block 2 which I practically don't remember them anymore. Just, all the best to everyone tomorrow. OK? Just read. Grab some book and read. =)

Thanks for reading!