Thursday 3 May 2012

Day 95

Woots! Class test 3 today. I got 81%!!! So surprised. If you followed me on Twitter, you'll know what I've been doing...

Btw, Gross Anatomy spotters is tomorrow. Like what? So soon? Super nervous.

Anyways, I went to food court after collecting Physio OSPE paper and guess what I saw?

Taadaa!!! It's Mr Postman's bicycle!!!
And look! So vintage! <3 
Then... I went back to room, online, chill, then, took a 2 hour nap.
I've been losing weight like crazy. I think I'm having a tape worm parasite inside me. ><
Plus! I've been eating a lot these days. So yea... 
Went to Snack Shack at 5.20pm. I'm so so hungry alright? And I don't feel like eating my food.

I'm weak ok? I took auto. 
And these are my fellow pails sharing the same auto.
I'm trying to order the food that my friend ordered that day. But it's epic failure that I order the wrong food. What is this? WHAT IS THIS??? God... 

I'm full.
Then I stopped eating for awhile, read some of my Anatomy notes, and then, I can't stand the food being there. I'll just have to eat it. D=

And... I'm done. 
I don't like the food at all. I don't understand... Why can't I find the same food on the menu? Ish.
Then I went walk walk. As the food make me emo.
I pass by this one beautiful house. For me, it's the prettiest house in Manipal I've ever seen. =)

With a huge garden and look at the fence! Lotus! <3
And I went shopping...

Welcome to India.
Who want bangles?
I'm back to hostel with 3 pairs of earrings and 5 hairbands. 
And I'm done. Took auto back, go online, and I need to start studying Anatomy. Gross Anatomy contribute 30% of Blocks? I'm not sure. But it contribute a lot la. Not like Class test. -.-

Alright! All the best for my fellow Batch mates for tomorrow. 
I'm gonna start reading now. <3 

Thanks for reading. 

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