Monday 14 May 2012

Day 106

2nd day of Block 4. Wooaah.

Ate oats in the morning, I'm almost late to class. I took auto because I don't want to use the stairs this morning. Lazy pig. >,<

Anatomy dissection class. Back to my same old table with same old dissection mates. Yup. And it's my all-time favorite lecturer being my dissection table lecturer. I am so glad to have her. Yes yes yes! Victory! ;)

Lunch, I didn't have my lunch. Instead, I went back and rest my tiny little brain on my pillow. Fluffy pillow.
Went to send laundry and walk to class gracefully slowly.

Remember the red flower?
This is a full one felling of the tree. 
On the way back to class.
Taking my own sweet time taking pictures.
Anatomy lecture by Somayaji Sir. Such an honor! I love his lecture so much. I'm not sure whether others like his lecture or not, but I surely enjoy his class. =P
Although it's only about dural folds and everyone's brain is saturated. I still like his lecture. Falx cerebri, tentorium cerebelli, falx cerebelli, diphragma sellae. Woohoo! All of these is under meningeal layer of the dura mater. Okay, okay, enough of study stuffs.

I went to buy vege today. I'm craving for Potato chicken. So I tried to cook it. Epic fail. EPIC FAIL.

Well, I cut Plantzy. Because... I feel like cutting it.
Walking in the woods neighborhood. 
Hibiscus can be found every where.
Although this is not Malaysia. 
Another one! 
Favorite vege shop. <3
They sell fruits too!!! 
Best part is there's no water supply in hostel today. Then how am I suppose to cook, bathe and wash my dishes?
Yea, I have 2 bottles full of drinking water and a full bucket of water.
So I managed to use them to cook my dinner which is Potato chicken.

I gave J and L some to try. They are freaking out because there's no water supply. L bathe using super cold water. J can't even stand the fact that there's no water supply and the air cond is not working (Air cond need water to cool the air). So yea. We're hanging out in L's room with my pathetic Potato chicken, and they are praying hard for the water supply to be back.

L open all the tap in her room, waiting for the water to flow out. I can't describe in detail, but they are SO DESPERATE for water. I literally ROFL.

Then I went back to my room, go through some of the notes. And watch lots of Greys Anatomy. =D
That's all. Good night!

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