Wednesday 2 May 2012

Day 94

Histology Spotters = Done!
It went well, so all the reading and frustrated feeling totally paid off.

Reading notes and comparing Histology slides.
Non stop asking myself. What's that?!
My dinner. =/
Not bad. Tomato...

After Histology Spotters, we have one hour to spend. Ladies and Gentleman. Thanks to my friends that never take they're breakfast. We're in Food court, having Mess Breakfast. 
The worst part is that, it's HASH BROWN DAY! And I'm too full to eat anymore food at that time. 
But at last, I did ate one hash brown from J. Thanks J. =')

Dearest Hash Brown, how are you? <3 
After that, went to buy Apples for my snacks. And then headed home. I forgot to bring the letter out. It's for my mom! Aww... 

Full of love. <3 
The great red post box that make magic works. 

Thanks for being here, always. 
And that's me. =D
After posting the letter, it's Dissection class. Here, I need to thank L tonnes that make me less blur during Dissection hall. I really should start thinking and memorizing. Thanks L! Love you so so much!!!

It's Wednesday! So it's our "favorite mess chicken day". Of course we went to eat Mess for lunch. 
Love it! <3 

Hmm... Yup, Insulin Sir's class was just killing. The best part was I am so busy sleeping, I didn't realize that Acid Base Sir came in and talked something about Acid Base. Of course I get he's point. But still, I was so tired the whole day. Why? No idea. =/ PMS-ing I guess... 

After class. Went to get new contacts. It's been 7 months including the vacation on February. So, it's time for me to check my power. And it reduces!!! Left eye - 1.50 to 1.00 Right eye - 1.75 to 1.50 Yay!!! So happy! LOL.

Guess what? New shop alert! Bookmark is here in MANIPAL! Things is just getting better and better. =D

I'm lovin' it. 
 Due to boring classes, I like to scribble to keep myself awake. So here you go. "I DON'T CARE"

I... DON'T... ... CARE
 Bought 5 black pens for exam purpose. LOL. I only use Black pens.

Cheapest pen I've ever bought in my life.
5 rupees each.
Man, I love India. 
My dinner today. =)
So... Skyped with Mummy today. We talked a lot. And I showed her her present. She loves it. I know her well. Well, she's my mom anyways. 
Been doing Anatomy exercise but it seems useless. So, back to my emo self. 
Gonna need more Endorphin until my usual snack, Dark chocolate was invaded by some weird creature that can't be seen using human's naked eye. So I just disposed it. Carving for Chocolate, I opened this. Present from K.

And, I'm left with 3 pieces more now. =D

That's all for tonight. It's 12.15am.
I don't think I'll be able to study for class test. I'm too tired and the time is just killing. 3 more pieces of chocolate. I'll munch them real quick and Waalaa! I'm off to bed. 

Thanks for reading. 


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