Friday 25 May 2012

Day 116

This morning is epic! I woke up at 7.52am and I don't know what to do. Class starts at 8am! And I really have no idea what I'm suppose to do to make it on time. My 100% attendance. How? T_T

Reach class at 8.03am perhaps. I have no idea. All that I know is I'm late, and I didn't get the attendance because my number has been called. I'm so dead because I didn't get 100% attendance which my mom will kill me for it. She don't want me to skip class, that's all. Which is, who with a sane mind will skip a lecture? Every lecture is super important. For me, the typical lazy pig that don't read. I fully depend on lecture notes.
P/s: I don't read books.

My day sucks, because I woke up late, I can't concentrate and most importantly I am jealous because some other human get higher mark than me. Basically, my day sucks because I am jealous. Therefore, stalking people's marks is a big N-O. Don't ever compare yourself with others. Be you, and live your life. ;)

As I said, I'm emo because somebody's mark is better than mine and I super regret I stalked her marks, I need to go out and have dinner. I need food to comfort me. The thing is where and with whom? I finally decided. I wanted to go Thailin. J and L can't go there because it's not halal. C, I asked her. She made plan to study. It better to let her stick to her plan. And well, what's me time without another me? So I asked K. And he's coming! #somethingnew

I just had to order Soya Milk whenever I go out. =P
Featuring K's pinky stuffs.
Hot egg sour soup? o.0
Waa... Sweet and sour chicken, Honey chicken and Sweet potato leaves.
I'm a carnivore. *rawr*
P/s: note the arrangement of the plate. we sure are fair. ;)
Sooow, that's my dinner,we went back around 8.30pm due to the over crowding of Batch 30 juniors. -.- 
Talk and talk and talk until 9.30pm. 
When I reach room, went online and start downloading ... guess what?

Beauty and the Beast! 

I heard my friend saying it's a nice movie. And I haven't watch it full before. So tempting. Finally, I manage to watch Beauty and the Beast in my life! I love it!!! I cried of course. It's so beautiful... (the story line)
The moment when the Beast transform back into the prince. It scares me. =X
I like the animation. The technique the use last time is so different from the animation these days. 
I like old things. Old movies, old songs, old household items etc. #vintage

Btw, the Beast's expression is so cute and real. OMG, I love their expressions in the movie. The detail! Do you see the way their eye brow raise when they kissed? The facial expression of Belle when she know she's falling for him? Beast each and every attempt to be nice to Belle? Aww... I love this movie! <3 <3 <3 

Trying to put on a nice smile
Being mad cause Belle is not gonna come. Yaiks! 
Still lack of confident huh?
Aww... ... 
Plus! I love the songs in this movie. All of them. Except for the Gaston ones... He is so full of himself. Show off. Me no likey. 

After this wonderful movie, still, I went to download oldies. White Chicks anyone? Another movie that I don't get to finish watching it. And who's fault is that? Mumsy! Who else have the power to stop me from watching? ._.

There goes my Thursday. =D Kinda emo but I did watch awesome movies. So yea. I like.

Thanks for reading! Do follow my blog! ;D

Tale as old as time, 
Song as old as rhyme, 
Beauty and the Beast. 

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