Thursday 17 May 2012

Day 109

It's Thursday. I'm worn out after 3 days of classes. I need a break! I've been watching lots of drama and movies lately. And I sacrificed my nap time to do so. =(

I can't concentrate in class today. I think I don't have enough rest. But the fact is I slept every day! I don't know... @_@

Morning, I ate oats. First class is Anatomy Lecture by Dr Somayaji. I love his lectures. ^^
Then, proceed to Dissection hall. It's Thursday remember? I wish I have teleport power on Thursday. Actually every day. But in this case, especially on Thursday.
In case you don't remember, on Thursday, we need to go to lecture hall, then to dissection hall, then back to lecture hall. Then lunch, and back to lecture hall. If we have SDL, we need to go to respective room then...

After Dissection hall, I'm suppose to Xerox (photostat) SDL notes for 3 person including myself.
But the sad part is there's no electric supply to the shop that we usually photostat from. So me and Shikin went from Tata docomo shop to xerox shop beside Patils to library. And we spend a long time library waiting. After that, we literally ran to class. WE RAN TO CLASS! Are you serious? This is my first time RUNNING to class. LOL! And we're late for 3 minutes. -.-
What to do? SDL is super important okay?

After the running / jogging, I'm tired and I can't concentrate in class. Since then, my day was so screwed up.
Physio lecture, and another Anatomy lecture by Dr Somayaji. I'm bored of seeing his face. *bipolar* (I just mentioned that I like his lectures)

Lunch time! Chef Inn. =)

Soya milk is a must.  xP
Chicken meehun? Not that fancy... 
Went back to class at 1.30pm, read SDL notes, read Dean's Biochem notes (He's coming for the 1st class after lunch). Then slept. Despite the dean standing outside the class and all my batch mate is over reacting every time opens, I can't judge whether or not he is IN the class. So I decided to wake up and get my notes ready and wait for the Dean to be IN the class. 

OMG, Dean is killing me with all the TCA cycle's reaction. He didn't ask me, but I'm so sick of listening of all the substrates and enzymes and coEnzymes. #ihatechemistry *vomiting*

After Biochem, it's SDL time, time for us to teleport to our respective SDL discussion room. 
I presented! Hooray. I'm lame. So I went up for less than 2 minutes and went back to my sit. As usual. xD

After SDL, it was around 4pm. I swear that I will sleep straight away. I did. I slept from 4pm to 8pm. I know. I need it okay? I can't concentrate in class. Even my desk mate noticed that. I am sitting so still like a rock and I seldom touch my notes. *sigh*

And after going through ETC and HMP shunt, I'm here, Blogging. I need to go through Dean's notes AGAIN today because we have Biochem class for the 1st class the next morning. -.- Wa Piang! 

Alright, I'm gonna end my post here. 
Highlight of the day: I RAN to class today. First time of my life. RAN TO CLASS? Pfft.

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